Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: At the dinner table in 1955, Marty's grandfather is there. It has always appeared to me that there is something off about his appearance. He seems to appear as if he was not actually there, and that he was spliced into the footage from another movie. The lighting on his face, his style of hair, the quality so to speak of him, just seems off from everyone else. He almost seems like he is from a black and white movie, spliced in and colorized a bit Is it supposed to be that he was to look this way, or did they actually take this actor's scene from another movie and splice it in?


Answer: I just pulled up this scene on YouTube, and I think it is just the lighting. The shadow from his wife's head is casting onto his right shoulder in a realistic way, which suggests the actor was there for filming. It would also be impractical logistically and economically to insert him after the fact, because they could simply hire another actor for the part if he was unavailable.


Answer: Phasma is apparently dead, and Last Jedi director Rian Johnson says there are no plans to revive the character in the next film. However, the ending was ambiguous enough that it leaves open the possibility of the character returning.


Question: This is about both the first and second film, and the Lion Guard. How did only one cub born occur about four times in a row (Simba, first cub of Simba whose name is unknown, Kiara and Kion). Why weren't there more than one born at once for this long amount of time?

Answer: Because this a fictional animated movie that bends reality in order to better serve the plot. Having too many lion cub characters being born would be confusing and clutter the story line.


Plus it could be assumed that not all of them survive.


Maybe, but being this is a Disney movie, morbid facts like that are usually kept to a minimum.


Agreed. Which is why only 1 cub is ever seen.


Question: What did Dr. Hirsch mean when he said to Alex how he witnessed "some form of mass neurosis in East Proctor"?


Answer: He was referring to the local residents that lived in the area who, unknown to the doctor, knew about and were terrorized by the werewolf that roamed the countryside during a full moon. The doctor thought they suffered from some type of mass mental illness.


Answer: Spots, being "dead" can now live with his mate and raise his puppies while Chief takes care of Atari.

Erik M.

Question: Why did Watanabe taste the wasabi if he thought something was wrong with it?

Answer: He may have underestimated the "wrongness" of the wasabi, not imagining that it was, in fact, poisoned.

Erik M.

Question: Referring to Leo and Sarah: What parent would let their young daughter not go to the Ark when given the chance?

Answer: It was Sarah who decided she would not go to the Ark. She chose to stay with her parents.


Leo then decided not to go to the ark, either, went back and got Sarah and the baby.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: Because they're frequently "Not in Kansas anymore."

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Who is married to the muffin man?

Answer: According to Lord Farquaad, she's the leader of the underground, who's helping the fairy tale creatures to safety.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Someone he wants to find, possibly a princess to marry himself or someone who can point him towards one. It's never specified. The whole muffin man thing is just a joke referring to the nursery rhyme of the Muffin man.


Answer: Rhodey's first comment while said to Tony Stark, was also intended to be for the audience. It was a tongue in cheek 4th wall break. Basically "yes audience, we replaced Rhodey, it's done, get over it, and let's move on with the movie."

Answer: Rhodey is not annoyed with Tony specifically, he is annoyed that he has to testify before the Senator and that Tony was asking him questions as soon as he arrived. He also wants to play down his friendship with Tony so that he doesn't seem biased in favour of Tony maintaining control of Iron Man.

Question: A lot of fuss was made over the omission of the lunar flag planting in this movie. However, when I saw the movie in the theater, I distinctly remember seeing the flag on the moon, just not the actual planting. However, that particular shot seems to be missing in the home video release. Does anyone know the reason for this?

Answer: The home release includes a clear shot of the lunar lander with the American flag next to it.

Question: Ana gets in the bus to get Michael. He shows a chainsaw to her. Ana tells him that might be the most romantic thing anyone's ever shown her, then Michael says, "I'm trying here." Sorry for a silly question, but what does he mean by that? Try what? (01:20:45)

Bunch Son

Answer: He's returning her sarcastic comment about being romantic with a sarcastic apology. "I'm trying here", as in he's trying to be romantic and he's sorry it's not coming out the way he intended. He doesn't actually mean it, the two are simply trying to break the tension with humor. Their rapport is somewhat flirtatious throughout the film, they have an attraction that might have developed more naturally were the world not ending in a zombie apocalypse.


I actually took it that Michael was saying he's just trying to do his best in general.

Question: Why did Peter put part of his black symbiote suit on when going over to Harry's?

Answer: The longer Peter wore the symbiote, the more influence it had on him. It was effectively making Peter do things that he would never do and because Peter saw how much stronger it made him, he began to wear it more than his original suit.

Answer: He typically wears his suit underneath his regular clothes to begin with if he's not going out for sole purpose of being Spider-Man and patrolling the city.


Answer: Having rewatched it recently I thought about this. At least partly it's because *at the time* some people felt it spent too long putting Avengers pieces in place, introducing Nick Fury more, Scarlet Widow, Tony's dad's history, etc. In hindsight however that aspect fits perfectly with the other films that came after it, so feels much less jarring now. I'd also say that Whiplash was somewhat underwhelming, and Sam Rockwell was criminally underused. Personally I'd rate Thor: The Dark World lower than this, but would also argue that the "worst" Marvel film is very much a relative term, as while some may be better than others, they've yet to really release a true stinker.

Jon Sandys

Answer: I absolutely love the MCU, and I consider this to be one of the weaker entries. Not because of world building and setting up future films, I never had a problem with that. I just personally find the story to be a little lackluster, and the villain to be rather bland (to be fair, I always thought Iron Man had a pretty weak rogues gallery anyway).


Question: The only way for the Djinn to rule the world is if the person who freed him had all three of his or her wishes granted. What were to happen if the person who freed the Djinn didn't make any wishes at all?

Answer: There's no known answer to this, but one thought is it would be very difficult for anyone, at some point and without thinking, not to wish for something, particularly something frivolous. Something like, "I wish it would stop raining." Theoretically, the Djinn could then use a "loophole" by granting the person's wish three times without them realizing it. If the person somehow never wished for anything, then presumably the Djinn would remain captive.


Answer: Cause his mom and or dad made him do it.

Quantom X

Question: Lucian ended up with the pendant. How did Selene's father get it and give it to Selene while William's prison was being built? How did Lucian get it back so that he had it in Underworld 1 when he bit Michael? (04:00:00)

Answer: Sonja's pendant was part of the key to William's prison, which Selene's father was involved in building, and was why she had seen it as a child during the construction. Viktor later killed everyone who built the prison and took the pendant. In the next movie, Rise of the Lycans, Lucian steals the pendant from Viktor, and has it until he is killed by Kraven, and Selene retrieves it.


Answer: Geno deliberately broke Mark's nose during the party after Mark made a snide remark. After the party, when Mark suggested a way to have John committed and still get their money, Geno had enough of Mark's ignorance and punched him in the nose again to add further insult to injury.

Answer: No, he is fictional. The joke is that, despite being handsome and charming, Larry Hemsworth is so overshadowed by his brothers that nobody else has heard of him and he feels like a failure.

Question: When the Jedi Padawan saves Bail Organa from Commander Appo, why did one of the clones say "Don't worry about him, let him go"?


Answer: The clones are basically brainwashed at this point, with their sole purpose being Order 66. Since Bail is not a Jedi and is not a direct threat to their mission at hand, they decided to let him go. If there had been a commander with them (more trained in tactics than these expendable soldiers), perhaps a better decision would have been made.


Answer: Because they are currently at work and can't abandon their mission to go after him.

My point is when they let the Senator lives, the clones will think that the senator will tell his allies such as the Jedi.


Well the vast majority of the senators are controlled by Palpatine anyways. The Clones don't really know who is or isn't under his influence. And it still would not be a wise move on even Palpatine's part to have his troops start killing Jedi and Senators as well. This would create too much going agtainst him in the public eye when he already has to sell that the Jedi, renown protectors of peace, and seen as super heroe, that are now the enemy and were attempting to over throw the government.

Quantom X

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