Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When Hannah has her back to the camera, as she fills the bath, naked, we can see about 3-4 red long to medium scars/wounds. Is there any reason for these scars/wounds?


Answer: Those weren't scars. They were very superficial marks like she'd scratched her back.

Chosen answer: She was apparently brutalized while she was at the Auschwitz concentration camp.


Question: How did the scientists know what breed of dinosaur they were creating? They couldn't tell which dinosaur's blood they extracted from the mosquito, could they?

Answer: After creating the first dinosaur from a DNA sample, they would then be able to identify the species, then proceed to clone more.


Answer: In the book it states that they don't really know what dinosaur they're making each time. Just that if it works out it does, if not, back to the drawing board and filling gaps to make it work.

Question: During the graveyard scene Voldemort says "I can touch you now." But then he starts screaming, so is he actually in pain or is he mocking Harry?

Answer: Mocking him.

Mocking him and intending to harm him.

Question: SPOILER: Is Eli blind or just visually impaired? There are many signs that he's not in fact blind. For example, in the first house he finds, he wakes up just as the sun hits his face. He also knows his way around unfamiliar territory all too well for a blind man - well for a sighted man, in fact. He's able to follow the road without a cane. He's also able to tell the difference between day and night. If he were completely blind he could travel at night and need less water, etc.

Answer: No. Eli is not blind. There are moments where you could construe he was blind only after you decided he was. In the first house Eli holes up in, he looks at the mouse, he roots through his bag, while moving his head to see better into the bag. He looks out the window the next day, moving his eyes to and fro to take in the situation. He can see the Pawn Shop owner's finger on the trigger. He is able to find the Pawn Shop in the first place, even though he's never been there. Eli has several conversations with people while looking right at them. No one reacts as if he is blind. Eli closes his eyes every time he reads the Bible in order to more focus his sense of touch and cut off the visual stimuli. He can see that the pawn shop owner hasn't detached the battery leads. He and Solara exchange a "What the...?" look when invited to tea by the old cannibals. The man can see, at least to a certain extent.

He has normal vision throughout the film. He looks directly at people on several occasions, and his eyes are normal. The point of the story is that he WAS blind (hence his ability to read braille, heightened senses, ability to fight in the dark, etc.), but was given his sight back so that he could complete his task. By the end of the film, he's completed his task and is dying, and so he returns to being blind, and his eyes are cloudy.

He wakes up in the morning because he feels the sun on his skin and it's warm. Not because it's bright. He found the pawn shop because when he open the door we see and hear the bell ring. Your eyes moving are involuntary reflex. You notice he does not look at the mouse until he hears the mouse.

With all due respect, the whole point of the film is that he was blind. In every situation where he it appears he navigates through trouble as a sighted person would, there are clues (usually audible clues) that he uses. I can't list them all but there are several articles online that explain how he gets through each situation. Eli is most definitely blind.

He is blind. God gave him his sight until he completed his task.

Answer: He can see, but not by light. He walks by faith, and not by sight.

It's a correlation to the bible. Making the blind see. He walks by faith, blind faith.

Answer: He is blind or at least partially blind. He mentions he can smell the salt in the air and mentions that Solara's mother's perfume smells nice when he was a foot away from her; when you lose one sense, such as sight others become stronger. If he could see, he would write the bible that he has memorized, himself instead of making the old man write it for him. He literally quotes "we walk by faith, not by sight" which is definitely some obvious foreshadowing. Also he doesn't see the 'no trespassing' sign at the cannibal's house because he literally can't see. There are many other indicators in the movie that prove he has visual problems if not fully blind.

Answer: I believe he is physically blind, but he "sees" through faith. His faith helped him to find a "way" to achieve his mission. Eli found a "way" to compensate for his blindness by immensely heightening his other senses, predominately hearing. Other evidence of blind behavior I observed during the film include his occasional bump into a table or other obstacle here and there; and most significant to me, his light kick to locate the step at the entrance to the cannibals house.

Answer: He is only blind at the end, where he is channeling the words to be written.

I agree he can see. He looks at his reflection in a bowl of water then disturbs the water as if not liking his reflection. Not to mention the constant eye contact.

Question: When Manolo is killed by Xibalba's snake, he is at the entrance of the Land of the Remembered. When the deceased captain is giving Manolo a ride toward his deceased family, they are already in the land of the remembered just before the captain's wife, who has just died, shows up in front of them. Manolo's father is killed by the bandit at the same place where Manolo dies. But he is transported to the bull fighting ring where Manolo is fighting the bull skeletons. Manolo's grandmother also shows up at the bull fighting ring as soon as she dies. Why doesn't Manolo's father or grandmother get transported to the entrance of the Land of the Dead upon their deaths like Manolo does?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: Most likely because his closest family was supposed to watch and they were the last to really close ones.

Question: It is stated that Joaquin's father is dead. However, Joaquin's mother never shows up throughout the film nor is there a mention on whether she is also deceased or still alive. What happened to Joaquin's mother? Why does she never appear?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: We believe she left him when his dad died. Supposedly she's in Mexico city.

Question: In the beginning of the movie when the guy is shot while sipping coffee in that outdoor little cafe, the assassin fires two rounds. #1 hits the young mother in the forehead, #2 kills the guy sitting at the little table, then the spy is shot. He only fires twice, so how did he kill 3 people?

Answer: I've watched the scene several times - the people at the cafe are the British spy Prideaux, his contact, the young mother, an old man behind them and two men to the right side. When Prideaux walks away, the waiter runs out and fires wildly, hitting the mother in the head. He then fires again and hits Prideaux in the back. No one else appears to have been hit, the other men at the cafe are just moving to get out of the way.


Question: What is the name of the vehicle Chief Brodie drives?

Answer: It's a 1973 Chevrolet K5 Blazer with a full convertible removable top.


Question: In the opening credits before Peter Quill enters the building that the orb is located in he is using a device with a blue beam that shows various people doing things, playing with dogs etc. What is this device showing him?

Brandon Smith

Chosen answer: Past events.


Chosen answer: The character Frasier Crane, Diane's esoteric psychiatrist/lover, first appeared on "Cheers" during the first episode of season 3 ("Rebound: Part 1"). Naive and lovable Woody Boyd joined the cast one season later as the replacement bartender for the deceased Coach ("Birth, Death, Love and Rice," season 4, episode 1). Rebecca Howe, the beautiful but tough manager after Sam sells the bar to a large corporation, began her tenure at "Cheers" during the first episode of season 6: "Home is the Sailor".

Michael Albert

Question: Voldemort asks Snape if the elder wand truly listens to him. Voldemort thinks that it listens to Snape because he killed its last owner, Dumbledore. Voldemort has his snake kill Snape. If Voldemort's theory was correct, that the wand listens to Snape and killing him would be the answer, wouldn't the wand belong to the snake? This is probably a stupid question but it would make sense to me. The snake is a living thing, Voldemort himself doesn't kill Snape so it would go to the snake, right?

Jennifer Smith

Chosen answer: Voldemort was not correct. He mistakenly believed that Snape was the wand's master, but it was actually Draco Malfoy who commanded it, though neither he nor anyone else knew that. When Draco disarmed Dumbledore when they were atop the Astronomy Tower, the wand, sensing Dumbledore was defeated, changed its allegiance to Draco. It was after that event occurred that Snape killed Dumbledore. Even though Draco never physically possessed it, the wand remained under his control until Harry disarmed him. It is not necessary to kill the Elder's wand's master in order to win control of it. Also, if an animal killed the Elder Wand's master, it is unlikely the wand would respond to it. It would have to be a human or a humanoid-being.


Your last sentence, of course, becomes far more complicated in light of the Fantastic Beasts series' revelation that Nagini WAS once a human being. Given that this is the case, if Snape really had been the master of the Elder Wand, could Nagini have become its next master upon killing him? Hopefully, J. K. Rowling will answer this question someday.

Well either way it won't worked for Snape because he wasn't the master of the Elder wand at that point. He didn't even know that the Elder wand belong to Draco and then to Harry. He wasn't interested in the Elder wand as a matter of fact.


I think it's more important that regardless whether Nagini was a human once or not, at that point Nagini was a Horcrux and a vessel of Voldemort's soul without having a soul herself (if she ever did), unlike Harry. So Nagini killing Snape is the same as Voldemort himself killing him.


Question: In the beginning, Angier's wife dies in the tank. Even if Borden did tie a knot for her that she couldn't get out of, someone had changed the lock of the tank before the act. Who changed the lock? Was it Borden? And if it was Borden, why would he want to kill Angier's wife?

Adil Bajwa

Chosen answer: The lock on the tank is just a dummy lock. It's there to make the audience believe that the tank is actually locked during the trick. Julia couldn't escape because she couldn't slip the knot that Borden tied. He didn't intend to kill her. The revelation of the lock being changed was from a different scene altogether and was part of Angier's plot to frame Borden, it had nothing to do with Julia or the trick she performed.


Answer: Before the incident, Borden and Julia had an argument that she can escape from any kind of knot. So, Borden ties a different knot, Julia is unable to untie it. There is no issue with the tank.

Question: If Callaghan thought that Abigail is gone because of Krei, why is he killing Hiro and others?

Answer: Because they are interfering with his plans and trying to stop him.

Quantom X

Question: While in disguise as Professor Moody, why didn't Barty Jr. grab Harry earlier in the school year and take him to Voldemort?

Answer: It would have looked too suspicious. Voldemort's plan relied on secrecy, and in his position impersonating Moody, Crouch needed to make sure no one discovered him before Voldemort returned to his physical body. Disappearing from school with Harry would have blatantly tipped off Dumbledore.

Cubs Fan

Question: Ron, Harry, and Hermione use polyjuice potion a lot. I'm confused as to how this is. In The Chamber of Secrets it is revealed that it takes a month to make. It would seem unlikely that Hermione would carry around a cauldron and potion ingredients and waste a month making the potion after they had a plan. If Hermione had made them over the summer, she would have only had time to make a few before she would have to leave with Harry and Ron. How do they get all their polyjuice potion?

Jennifer Smith

Chosen answer: It's explained a little more in the book. Hermione swiped Mad-Eye Moody's stock of the potion when Mrs. Weasley wasn't looking. And it's possible that, when they ran low, she simply replicated it with a Doubling Charm.

Cubs Fan

Question: After the second challenge, Harry is upset about coming in last. Hermione says "Next to last, Fleur never made it past the gryndylows." She says 'the gryndylows" in a French accent like Fleur's. Why?

Answer: She was mocking Fleur, who was considered snobby and unpopular with Hogwarts students.


Answer: He actually says "Never wound what you can't kill." Basically he means "You can't beat me, so don't even try."


Question: In Mr Sir's office when he gives a drink to the guard, is it Coca-Cola because it looks like it. If not, can someone tell me what it is?


Chosen answer: It appears to be in fact a Coca-Cola bottle, it has been turned in an attempt to not show the logo.


Question: Is there really any need for Silva to be captured and then escape to kill M? He knows when she's in court, he could just travel to London without going through being captured and escape, and considering it makes him completely unexpected, gives him more of a chance of succeeding.

Answer: Silva's objective was not just to kill M - if it was, he could have blown up her office with her in it when he hacked into MI6 the first time. He wanted to humiliate and terrify her by showing he could get to her again and again, whatever measures were put in place to protect her.


Jewpacabra - S16-E4

Question: At the end of the episode, is Cartman really serious about converting to Judaism and understanding how Jews feel or is he just lying like he usually does?

Answer: I would assume he is lying, Cartman seems to continue his Jewish prejudice in the episode following.


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