Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Wasn't it a big risk for Cady to send the candy cane card to herself and pretend it was from Regina? She could have easily been caught if Gretchen had mentioned it to Regina.

Answer: It's the type of thing that Cady would do to discredit Regina. Yes it was risky, but Cady had everything to gain from it.


Answer: Most likely, Gretchen would not dare to ask Regina about this. She wants to please Regina, and would be too afraid to say anything.

Question: Does anyone know how far Harry and Cho went when alone in the Room of Requirement? The book hints that they got further than mere kissing (half an hour passed and "Harry would take the secret of what happened in his grave").

Answer: They only snogged (made out). The snogging didn't take that long. Harry was in shock and had think for a long period of time about what happened before he was out of shock enough to go back to the common room. That's actually not what the book says, it says "Half of him wanted to tell them what had happened and the other half wanted to take the secret to his grave." The secret was that he snogged Cho which he ended up telling them because Hermione managed to guess it without him saying anything.

Question: In the trivia, it states that Heath Ledger based his performance on Sid Vicious and Alex from 'A Clockwork Orange'. Can someone tell me in what way his performance was influenced by these people? Did he use their mannerisms, and if so, which ones?

Answer: To get a proper answer we would have to ask Heath Ledger, who is unfortunately dead. Both Sid and Alex were Anarchists as is The Joker so I would say that their attitudes and views were integrated into Heath Ledger's performance, rather than any specific mannerisms or attributes. He did say in an interview that his performance was in part based on Tom Waits, and that seems spot on:


Question: Near the end of the film, from Buckbeak's execution, there are things that relate to Harry and Hermione going back in time, like the stones being thrown through Hagrid's window, and the wolf howl etc. But if they had already gone back in time to do these things, then wouldn't Buckbeak and Sirius have already been saved, meaning that they wouldn't have to go back and do all that in the first place?

Answer: Yes, they had already been saved. But the kids didn't know about either of them. And Dumbledore didn't yet know about Sirius. He did know that Buckbeak had mysteriously vanished, but the fact that these things had already happened didn't mean they didn't have to do them. To the contrary, it formed a bit of a prophecy, telling Dumbledore that they not only had to do it, but that they would succeed, at least in the areas he knew had already happened. When time travel is involved, you are not allowed to assume your job is done just because a task has already been completed. In fact, that it actually locks you into a path that eventually leads to performing that same task.


Question: Near the beginning of the movie when the kitchen appliances go on the rampage, Sam yells for Bumblebee. However, after Bumblebee takes the kitchen robots out, Sam orders him to get back in the garage. Why is Sam angry with Bumblebee? He was only doing what Sam wanted.

Answer: Well, for one thing, he blew up Sam's room and half their house. Sam knows Bumblebee meant well, but is still mad at him because of the destruction he caused. It's the equivalant of a child knocking over a vase while trying to hit a fly.


Question: In a few scenes in the film, the characters mention how people of the 20th century still use money. Key word: still. How is the process of currency different in the 23rd century compared to the present?

Answer: The United Federation of Planets uses the credit. Its a purely electronic form of money. Necessities and luxuries both are simple and cheap to produce with the Federation's advanced technology, and humanity has matured to the point that accumulating wealth is considered vulgar. Furthering the common good or the advancement of humanity is the real status symbol in the 23rd and 24th century. These conditions result in a society with very little need for money. Citizens are paid, but since the technology built into a place of business (or starship) or home supplies all basic needs for free, most people spend money only on exotic products that aren't commonly manufactured, like art or handmade foods.

Grumpy Scot

Question: If this is supposed to be the end of "the game," what happened to Methos? Is Duncan the last immortal? Did he win the prize?

Answer: It's the end of the game for Connor. The other immortals go on.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: It seems like the character of Winston (the fourth Ghostbuster) has very little screen time in this movie. He was in a few scenes in the beginning, then kind of disappears for a while, then shows up again after the court room incident. Was there a reason why his character wasn't in the movie more?


Chosen answer: Winston was an employee of the other Ghostbusters, not a "professional paranormal investigator" like the other three. When they're looking into Dana's problem, they're doing it not in a professional ghostbusting capacity, but as a favor to a friend. Once the judge lifted the restraining order and they were back in business, they were able to hire him back.

Captain Defenestrator

Chosen answer: Injuries sustained by having his TARDIS yanked out of the Time Vortex by The Rani.

Captain Defenestrator

Show generally

Question: In which episode does Janice say something like, "Your heart calls out to me like a foghorn. Janice! Janice!" I've been trying to find it for ages.


Chosen answer: That would be from season 1, episode 14 "The One with the Candy Hearts". At Central Perk, the precise line Janice says to Chandler is, "You seek me out. Something deep in your soul calls out to me like a foghorn. Jaaanice, Jaaanice. You want me. You need me. You can't live without me. And you know it. You just don't know you know it. See ya!"

Super Grover

Question: When Danielle is in Pierre Le Pieu's castle, and he takes her hair and says, "I had a horse like you once, very stubborn it just needed to be broken" what did he mean by this?

Answer: He compares Danielle to his horse, who was a "Magnificent creature...stubborn...willful." Horse breaking means to get the horse to comply and to submit to the humans who handle it, many times by awful violent means, in order to break their stubbornness or willful behavior. Le Pieu has put Danielle in shackles and tells her that she belongs to him, and that he wishes she would reconsider his offer, to which Danielle states that she belongs to no-one and she'd rather rot than be his (with the obvious implication of what that means). When Le Pieu uses the horse analogy to further infer his disgusting intentions, he then touches Danielle's hair, and she realises that he is not maintaining his distance, which prompts her to take his sword and threaten him.

Super Grover

Show generally

Question: If Owen and Toshiko were already working for Torchwood's Cardiff branch before Torchwood One collapsed, what were they doing in London at the time of "Aliens of London"? Surely there must have been another medic in the region.


Chosen answer: As long as Jack's been in charge of it, Torchwood Cardiff has had a different agenda than Torchwood One. Tosh and Owen were there to watch for signs of the 10th Doctor, however, it was the 9th that showed up when the ship crashed in London.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: On the Wookiepedia/Star Wars Wiki articles for Sidious, it has his age as 20 years younger than Dooku. Does Dooku really listen to someone young enough to be his son?

Answer: That's the master/apprentice mentality. It doesn't matter how old they are. The master has more experience (in this case, in the dark side) and can teach the apprentice. The apprentice needs to learn their place in the relationship in order to be a good vessel for the knowledge they seek.


Answer: Because Lisa thinks that her feelings are so intense and special that no one else could possibly feel the same. A lot of people act this way when they first fall in love (insisting that no one else has felt this much in love). Lisa also knows that Homer is far from the perfect husband.

Gary O'Reilly

Question: What was the reason for adding the attack scene at the Burrow during Christmas? My friend and I can't find a way to fit this scene in with the rest of the movie, as it does not happen in the book. It's obvious directors love to add scenes that aren't in the book, but something of this impact, it's just flying right over my head.


Chosen answer: In the book we are told of attacks by Death Eaters within the Wizarding community. In the film, when Arthur and Harry enter the shed, Arthur explains that they're all being followed and most days Molly doesn't leave the house. The filmmakers chose to expound on this by means of an attack by Bellatrix and Greyback, and the attempt to terrorize the family the viewers hold dear, the Weasleys.

Super Grover

The Hidden Enemy - S1-E16

Question: In Episode II, one of the Kaminoans said that the clones are designed to be obedient, so how could Slick betray the Jedi?

Answer: Nobody said to whom they were designed to be obedient.


Sorry if I misunderstood, but you seem to be saying that they've been designed to obey anybody. I doubt it. If anyone could tell them what to do, Dooku would have controlled the whole army by now.

Answer: With so many clones being produced, there could definitely be the occasional one who is not up to standards. He may have been "flawed" in that way.

Question: In the scene where Silk Spectre shoots Ozymandias and he catches the bullet, can someone please explain where the gun just suddenly came from? Earlier in the film when she is escaping her government handlers she is shown briefly holding an automatic pistol but the one she shoots Ozymandias with is a revolver, and besides, there isn't exactly much space in her costume for concealing anything.

Answer: This is from IMDb and they list it as Incorrectly regarded as a goof because: "It is hard to catch, but she takes this from a guard at Sing Sing during the breakout of Rorschach. Later it can be seen tucked away in her belt."

Shannon Jackson

Answer: Even though this timeline is diverging from the original one, Kyle Reese is still in John Connor's future whatever the timeline, and presumably if any sequels are to be made, Kyle Reese will then be sent back in time to save Sarah Connor.


Chosen answer: Do you mean how is it made? The explanation given is that he was working as a manual laborer in the garment industry when in 1962 "Special order for a dress in new Dr. Manhattan spin-off fabric. Viscous fluids between two layers of latex, heat and pressure sensitive." The girl who ordered it thought the dress was ugly and never picked it up. Rorschach used the material to make his mask.

Shannon Jackson

Question: Some of the costumed heroes in the film (Comedian, Ozymandias, both Silk Spectres) appear with very minimal masks or even no masks at all while in costume. How are they supposed to be able to keep their identities secret?

Answer: The short answer is that they weren't really trying to. Ozymandias later revealed, and monopolised on, his costumed identity, Comedian was officially endorsed by the U.S.A. Government at the time so his real identity would have been public record, the first Silk Spectre publicly revealed her identity after retiring, though there is no evidence that the current Silk Spectre has. There is no evidence (even in the graphic novel) that anyone tried to hide their identity to the extent that other comic-book heroes like Batman/Superman do. The only exception being Rorschach where even his follow costumes don't know his real identity until they bust him out of prison.


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