Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: The woman that writes "run" on Teddy's note pad, was Ben Kingsly trusting this "crazy woman" not to tell Teddy or even let it slip that the whole thing was set up for him? Same question goes for every other crazy person in the institute that Teddy speaks to.

dan coakley..

Answer: Teddy belonged in Ward C. He would have never met any of the patients.

Chosen answer: The other patients were not let in on the arrangements. They would have had no reason to suspect that anything at all had been set up for Teddy. As far as they're concerned, if they're cognizant enough to be concerned at all, Teddy's just another crazy guy acting as crazy as all the rest of them.


Answer: I think Mrs Kearns is in on it. We see her get a little flustered when she is asked about the doctor, who we find out later is sitting right there. Also, she gets uncomfortable when Teddy brings up Andrew Laeddis. She even tries to warn Teddy. I just discovered this recently when watching with the subtitles, but when Teddy comes back from the cave, Mrs Kearns can be heard saying "I can't remember what I'm supposed to remember", likely referring to the script she was supposed to stick to.


Question: Schindler first meets Geoth during a breakfast meeting, afterwards they discuss Schindler's request for his own workers. Helen is serving brandy and picking up glasses. Goeth calls Helen 'Lena'. Is this an error or more Goeth's way of mistreating her, ie.: 'I can call you what ever I want'?

Answer: Lena is a nickname for Helena, or Elena, or simply Helen. It's not necessarily derogatory, but does imply Goeth doesn't care if she prefers Helen or Lena.


That's Show Biz - S10-E1

Question: What is the title of the song Ellie Carlyle dedicates to Maj. Winchester, calling him "a swell guy - with a head to match"? Winchester's reaction implies the song is some kind of joke in its own right.


Chosen answer: The song is the accordion rendition of "Lady of Spain" by Robert Hargreaves and Stanley J. Damerell. It's Ellie's retort to Winchester's earlier quip in the mess tent, where he said "That's quite a retort from our lady of Spain"


Question: At the end of Dead man's chest you see Norrington delivering the heart to Lord Beckett. And you see that Davy Jones opens the little chest just to find out that there's nothing inside. But when Lord Beckett entered the Flying Dutchman (ship of Davy Jones) he had the little chest with him. So how is it possible that they have the little chest with the heart in it?

Answer: By the time of the events of "At World's End" The East India Trading Company has already coerced Jones to aid them. In that time they could have easily got the box from Jones.


Question: In the scene where Simon and his men overpower Felix Little of the Federal Reserve and continue to the elevator, what are the German lines being spoken by Simon Gruber? It sounds like "Danke well" when he pushes the drugged Mr. Little to the floor, and when he is in the elevator removing his tie his line sounds like "Ich biete". If someone knows the German words being spoken in these lines, your input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer: Danke well means "Well, thank you." Ich biete means "I offer."

Answer: The first one is Dutch: "dank you wel" - "Thank you very much". The second one "ich bin fertig" is German and means "I'm done".

No, Dutch is "Dank je wel" or "Dank you wel" and he didn't say that. He says "Danke Well" which is supposed to be "Danke woll" With means thank you in German, as said. In the elevator he says "Ich bitte" which means "I ask", which is kinda weird, just like "Ich biete." Maybe he meant "bitte", as in "you're welcome." to one of the others.

Oh I see, the letter is corrected to "you" automatically. Funny. "Dank uw wel" then.

Question: In the special features on the DVD, there was a deleted scene in which Madison met a sea hag. Had this scene been in the movie, what would have transpired between the two?

Answer: The sea hag gives Madison a set of instructions she has to carry out, and tells her that she can only survive out of the ocean for six days. She also tells her she has to wet her tail every day, which is why Madison is seen in the bathtub.


That's why she took a bath that night and got her legs wet turning them into fins.

Question: Why is it that Nearly-Headless Nick and some other ghosts can visit the Hogwarts students, but other deceased people - such as Harry's parents - can't?

Answer: Nearly-Headless Nick explains this to Harry in the book, Order of the Phoenix. After Sirius has died, Harry thinks he might come back as a ghost, but Sir Nicholas tells Harry that a person becomes a ghost because they were afraid to move on to the next world after dying and now are trapped on Earth. That is why Sir Nicholas and the other ghosts are at Hogwarts. He tells Harry that Sirius was not a man who feared death and that he has crossed over to the other side.


Question: This question is more for those who have read the book, but I've always wondered that when Edward was taking a personal time from school since he first saw Bella in the classroom, what did he do all that time? Because first he wanted really bad to get out of that class and transferred to something else, but when he came back, he was friendly and had sort of accepted the situation. I always thought he might have been talking to Carlisle about his exceptional powers (or lack of them) regarding to Bella. Could anyone specify?


Chosen answer: He goes to visit the Denali clan in Alaska. He also hunts before he returns to school.


Chosen answer: He's initially playing Missile Command, then he goes to play After Burner.


Question: During the scene when his family is leaving, why does Robert Neville insist on staying on the island? Wouldn't he have knowledge of a better site or safer lab area since he is of military background? Even when the girl asks him to come to the colony, he insists that ground zero is his site. Is he just staying there because he's familiar with his own lab? Couldn't he have brought equipment with him to the colony?

Answer: Two possibilities. One: Because he IS a military scientist, they may be planning to evacuate him to a different site than the refugees. Two: he may still be working with others in New York to find a cure, but getting his family out while he can is still a priority.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: He is determined to "fix" it. As he is the most qualified to find a cure, he feels it's his responsibility.

Question: In the scene right after school lets out towards the end of the movie and the carnival shots begin, there's a guy in white shorts and no shirt who hits the bell with the hammer. The shot is maybe 3 seconds long. Doesn't he look like or may actually be Maxwell Caulfield, who was the lead role in Grease 2? It's not a large enough part to be credited, so the IMDb doesn't list who it is.

Answer: The man you are referring to is Lorenzo Lamas - Tom - the one that Sandy was at the malt shop with when Danny tries to apologize to her for acting the way he did in front of the T-birds.

Yes, Lorenzo Lamas AKA Reno Raines on Renegade.

Question: Before the first attack on Bruce, General Ross tells the men that he is suspected in the death of two Canadian hunters. Is this by any chance a reference to the Hulk Vs. Wolverine story that came out as an animated film the same year as this film?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Possibly. More in line as a reference to the comic story rather the animated feature.


Question: At the end where Caroline makes a circle around herself that she can't leave, how come at the ending she just nicely steps over the circle without trouble?


Chosen answer: It's because, at that point, she is Mama Cecile in Caroline's body. Had it still been Caroline, she wouldn't have been able to step over the line. Or, so the spell says.

Answer: Robbie Rist told me personally they are not related at all.

Chosen answer: Since Robbie Rist has no brothers, the answer would have to be no.

Gavin Jackson

How about cousins with their fathers being brothers? I'd have to say... May be related? Yep.

Question: In the scene just after Ian and crew have released the baby Rex back to its parents, Sarah states that the argument on T-Rex parenting "is now academic" and Ian seems to react to this with worry. Why? What is it about Sarah's statement that scares him? Or is he even reacting to her at all?

Answer: Just after she makes the statement, Ian sees the T-Rex outside of the van window and realises that it is going to attack them regardless of the fact that they've returned the baby Rex.

Question: After Chase tells Batman that she's in love with someone else, Bruce Wayne decides to give up being Batman. What exactly would make him decide this? Especially with Gotham currently under a terror spree from Riddler and Two Face.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Because he wants to be with Chase and he realizes that she would rather be with Bruce Wayne than Batman.

Question: This has always bothered me, Isn't it very convenient that all the cops go down to the sewers and get trapped on the exact same day that Bane takes over Gotham? How could Bane know that was the day the cops were going to try and capture him in the sewers? I admit I may have missed something.


Chosen answer: No handy coincidence involved, it's all part of the plan. Bane's intentionally luring the police down into the sewers. He's made himself a major threat with his attack on the stock exchange, so he knows that it's only a matter of time before the police launch a major search of the tunnels under Gotham to try to find him. As soon as it becomes obvious that the time has come, and a mobilisation of that size would be impossible to pull off with any stealth (we see the mayor having to fend off questions from the press), Bane puts the rest of the plan into action so that he can be ready to launch his takeover once the police have walked into the trap he set for them.


Question: Why did Traven lie to Mary-Ann and tell her that Julius died at birth and that Vincent was never born?

Answer: Because the offspring of this experiment was meant to be studied, researched. Mary-Ann showed signs of maternal attachment toward the end of her pregnancy, which the scientists involved felt would hinder the experiment due to her not wanting her baby poked and prodded at all day, every day. So she was told her baby died at birth and she was sent on her way. There was no point even mentioning the second baby since she never knew she was carrying twins in the first place.


Question: When Roy confronts Tyrell, he says something that I'm having difficulty figuring out. The captions read that he is saying "I want more life... father!" But to me, and I've listened to that part over and over trying to figure it out, it sounds like he is saying "I want more life... fucker!" So is he saying Father, or Fucker?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: It's a more complicated question than you might think. Two versions of the scene were filmed, the main one, where Roy says "fucker" and an alternate, originally intended for use on television, where he says "father." Different versions of the movie use different takes. Of the three best known variants, the original theatrical release and the inaccurately-named Director's Cut both use the "fucker" line, whereas the Final Cut, the only one that Ridley Scott had full control over, uses the "father" line. What he's saying will depend on which version of the movie you were watching. Only you can answer that one.


Question: Throughout the movie at different times there were references to people's hands. Like when Eli takes off his gloves to show the engineer his hands and says I'm not one of them. Did anyone see an explanation for this in the movie?

Answer: Kuru, a disease caused by cannibalism, causes victims to shake.

Answer: He was showing them he wasn't a cannibal. He didn't have the shakes they get.

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