Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Is is ever explained why Rose kept the Heart of the Ocean all those years? It doesn't seem probable that she assumed she would have the opportunity to travel to the site of the sinking and throw it back into the water.

Kimberly Klaus

Chosen answer: It is explained in the alternate ending. It basically goes something like this: Brock Lovett and Lizzy find Rose on the stern of the ship with the diamond in her hand and asks her why she kept it all those years. Rose then says that she often thought about selling the diamond, but then it reminded her of Cal and that she could make it without his money.


Answer: I like to think she kept it because in a strange way, although it was a gift from Cal and a reminder of his possessiveness, it was also her last physical link with Jack, the drawing having gone down with the ship, and whilst nobody but her knew about Jack she needed that reminder that he really existed and really loved her and was gunning for her in life. She likely brought it along to the wreck site opportunistically, since she knew she would never get another chance to return it to there in person. Returning it to the symbolised several things: one, that was where the constricts of her former life and of that era all died, thus freeing her - in other words, it belonged to the same world as the Titanic, and not to the modern world; two, it symbolised that she had found closure with regards to Jack's death, and that she didn't need trinkets anymore to hold onto him in her heart; and three, it was a physical symbolisation of her letting go of a huge emotional millstone that had been on her shoulders for years, as you can see from her face and demeanour immediately after having dropped it in. She couldn't have let that load go if she hadn't finally had a chance and an ear to tell her story. Probably nobody ever realised she'd been on the Titanic after the disaster, as her post-sinking name was never associated with it.

Question: Fischer has been trained to resist dream invasions, which means he is aware that this technology exists and has had experience using it. Why, then, when he wakes up on the plane, does he not remember everything as having actually happened for all intents and purposes in the same way the team does? Why does he simply look as though he's just woken up from a very strange dream when he really ought to know full well that it was not "just a dream"?


Chosen answer: While Fischer is trained to deal with extractors, he is not an expert like Cobb. He has not been under the influence of the machine more then a few times, and he probably hasn't used one for some considerable time. Cobb even flat out says it: It takes years of practice.


Question: Why do the team require a 10 hour plane trip from Sydney to LA to spend with Fischer to perform inception? According to the theory of "dream time" 10 hours in reality is equal to 1 week the first level down, 6 months the second level down, 10 years the third level down. If this is true, why do they need 10 hours with Fischer? Surely just 1 hour will be enough to do what they need? Secondly, if they were sedated for that entire 10 hour plane trip then they would have been stuck in the 3rd level dream for at least 8-10 years until the sedation wore off enough for the "kick" to work. According to the film they only spent a few minutes on the 3rd level dream (the Ice Hospital / Fortress) which would have equalled only a few seconds in reality on the plane.

Answer: 1) They didn't know how long the job would actually take, so they would certainly try to build as large a window as possible. A 12 hour flight was convenient because it gave them that window and a valid reason for Fischer to be asleep. 2) They never had to wait for the sedation to wear off for the kick to work. The compound was custom tailored specifically to leave inner ear function unimpaired so that they COULD use a kick to get out of the dream layers.

Question: There is a huge question for me. Is the vision of Leo Crow vs. Anderton the vision of what effectively happens (Leo Crow pushes the gun into the hand of Anderton who doesn't want to kill him) or the vision of the homicide WANTED by Anderton (that in the reality changes his idea)? My opinion is that the first answer is correct, because in the vision we see Crow that says to Anderton "Wait!" because he wants to be killed by him. So, if my opinion is correct, Anderton does NOT change the vision?


Chosen answer: Correct, Anderton does not change the vision. The movie is named after what you've just described: the minority report. Agatha always sees the true future, the other two precogs usually see the same as her but sometimes they only see a possible future instead. When Agatha's predictions conflict with theirs, her vision is termed a "minority report" and is disregarded. Anderton was never actually going to kill Crow, it was only ever merely a possibility.


I don't think there is ever a "true future", as in Agatha's own words to John - "You can still choose! You have a choice!" Even the final red ball, Lamar chose to go against the precogs' prevision, which was something that the 3 precogs agreed on. Therefore, a "true future" can be broken and does not exist.

Adding to that, the precog vision of Anderton killing Crow I totally different from what actually happened. In the vision Anderton says to Crow "Goodbye Crow" and shoots him from a distance, which he didn't do at the actual event. So the precog knowledge Anderton has definitely changed the future. He already decided not to kill Crow, but Crow died anyway.


Question: If those people at the start wanted to blow up the roof of the building they raided, why did they wait to blow the roof until the police had left? (00:02:00 - 00:02:30)

Chosen answer: Originally, I thought this would have been to keep murder of police off their charges if things went wrong. But then I remembered several cops were shot and killed during the roof top shoot out before the thugs took off in the chopper. What they were most likely doing is waiting till the chopper was a safe distance from the explosives before detonating it, so they would not blow themselves up. Just so happens the cops got away during that time.

Quantom X

Question: Do we know what Patrick does to the 2 girls he takes back to his flat? We see his instruments in his drawer but then they leave in the next scene.


Chosen answer: He tortures them. You can see them bleeding as they leave. Christy also says she had to have surgery afterwards.


Question: The reporter asks John about the body at the airport. "I saw the stiff, word is that's your handiwork." John responds "I only do needle point". What was that supposed to mean?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: His way of dodging the question, of being sarcastic as he tries to get away from the reporter, trying to push the blame off himself and needlepoint being a craft/hobby that everyone is familiar with.

What was he being sarcastic about?

He was being sarcastic about needlepoint (a type of embroidery or hand stitching) being his only handiwork.


Answer: I believe it was in response to the reporter who said, "Rumor has it that was your handiwork" (the handiwork being killing of one of the stiffs).

Question: What did Gweneth Paltrow do to deserve being killed? I know Brad Pitt was supposed to kill Kevin Spacey, but I've never understood how it fitted into the 'Seven Deadly sins' that were the basis for the other murders.

Answer: Doe claims to represent the sin of "Envy" when he killed Mills wife; he was envious of Mills' normal life, and killed Tracy after failing to "play husband" with her. After that Mills kills Doe by shooting him repeatedly, becoming the embodiment of "Wrath".

Anastasios Anastasatos

Answer: The significance actually dates back to the Medieval Period. Taking the life of a man's wife and children was considered equivalent to taking his life. This makes Mills the wrath victim. By taking Doe's life, Mills turns him into the Envy victim.


Answer: Traci was an innocent victim. She wasn't one of the sins, nor being "punished" for being a "sinner." She was actually just a mechanism to trigger (no pun intended) WRATH in Mills, thus completing "the Seven." Also, you could consider that her death - the shattering of Mills' life - acts as the "punishment" of the sin of Wrath. But that would be punishment before the actual sin, so idk if that makes sense, really. Just a thought.

Answer: When John Doe kills Tracy Mills, he triggers "wrath" in David Mills. Earlier in the film, Doe must have identified the wrath in Mills (short-fused temper) when Mills explodes at Doe for being an annoying, low-life photo journalist. Doe uses Mill's wife as a trigger/catalyst to bring out the wrath in Mills that he knows is just under the surface; the taking of the life of Mill's wife and child is also the equivalent of taking of Mill's own life metaphorically speaking because Mills has lost the two things that he had that made life worth living. Finally, when Doe tells Mills that he paid his wife, Tracy, a visit because he admired and ENVIED Mills and their normal life. At this point, Doe is the one whose sin is ENVY and when Mills kills Doe, Doe has used Mills to complete the 7 Deadly Sins murders. Both Mills and Doe become victims 6 and 7. Wife and child are murdered and represent murders committed out of ENVY. In turn, Mills kills Doe out of WRATH. Very ironic and crafty ending.

Question: Who does the voice of Finger? This has been driving me nuts for years.


Chosen answer: General consensus is Bokeem Woodbine (not Vin Diesel as many believe), although there's no official credit.


Consensus of who? (THGhost)... you sound convinced but based off what?

Nikita Moon

I agree, Nikita. Of all the speculation out there, I only found one person suggest it was Woodbine. The consensus is it's Vin Diesel, even Screen Rant makes this claim. Although it's all speculation and nothing confirmed.


I was just reporting what was believed at the time, not just by me. Based on what, you ask? A simple Google search, obviously. No need for the shirtyness, Nikita :P That information may have been wrong though. So if it is in fact Vin Diesel, then cool. Love that guy.


Question: How old were Hansel and Gretel as kids in the beginning of the movie? How much time passed to when they were adult? And how old were they then?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Hansel & Gretel's ages are never mentioned in the original fairytale. But Cedric Eich who plays young Hansel is currently 13 (August 10th, 2000). The age of Alea Sophia Boudodimos who plays young Gretel is unknown, but I'd guess that she's a similar age.


Question: So, the film takes place in a world where the USA no longer exists, presumably the big US corporations went the same way. So, why are the United Federation of Britain's police cars made by Dodge? A company that has little history of selling cars in the UK or Europe.

Answer: Well as you said, the US no longer exists. So who else are they going to sell to? Just because the land of the US is uninhabitable, doesn't mean the corporations as global entities disappeared - they just relocated and carried on as before.

Quantom X

Answer: Dodge was/is owned partially by Fiat.

Question: In the scene where Xavier goes to meet Jean Grey for the first time, it shows him walking. Yet it is never explained in the movie how he became crippled. I read that in the comics, he became crippled BEFORE meeting Jean Grey. So I'm confused how did he become crippled in the movies?

Answer: In the movie X-Men First Class, it shows Charles Xavier and Erik younger and allies. At the end of the movie it shows MacTaggert shooting at Magneto, he deflects the bullet and it hits Charles in the spine, which makes him paralyzed. The two allies realizes they have different interest between humans and mutants. Charles became paralyzed before opening the school and meeting Jean. How he is able to walk in X-Men 3 has not yet been explained, although he's lost and regained the ability at least a couple of times in the comics.

Pilot (1) - S1-E1

Question: After Arturo, Wade and Quinn jump into the wormhole, what caused the wormhole to suddenly go outside and send Rembrandt into it?

Answer: Quin wasn't sure how large to make the wormhole to accommodate everyone. He made it too big, which resulted in Rembrandt to drive into it.


But what caused the wormhole to go outside? Why didn't it remain in the basement?

Question: Can someone explain to me what happened to the 52 version of Victoria?

Chosen answer: No. We don't know. Tower 52 is left unharmed, but it is likely that the Tet sent drone(s) to kill area 52 version of Victoria when her Jack was in a kerfuffle, to reinstate new versions of Victoria and Jack.

Question: When Jack catches up to the bus for the first time he is running along the side of it and he smashes the window in the door, what would have happened if the driver stopped the bus and let him on to see what the problem was? Was the bomber just hoping that that wouldn't happen?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: Probably not. The bomber knew given the time he called Jack, it would be impossible for him to get to the bus in the morning peak.


Question: Supergirl stops the missile from hitting the sun and switches its direction. After this the missile shoots off and explodes. Can someone explain to me what was it that caused the missile to explode? (01:02:45)

Chosen answer: If you'll notice, in order to change the trajectory of the missile, she blasts into it with her laser vision to make it vent and change its dynamics. This damage most likely is what caused the detonation by a chain reaction. Another possibility is that the missile was on a timer set to the amount of time it would take to reach the center of the sun. A missile designed to destroy a star in such a manner would obviously have an optimum effect from the very center. But the missile has to survive traveling through the star to get to the center, thus it would be made to withstand the plasma and heat to prevent impact or heat detonation. Thus it was likely timed.

Quantom X

Question: Why does Captain America say that Fury has the same blood on his hands that Loki does? It seems unlikely that he is being literal to the point that the fact that Fury touched Coulson's dying body means that he has the same blood on his hands as Loki...What am I missing?

Erin Coulson

Chosen answer: It means Fury is just as guilty for Coulson's death as Loki is.



Answer: Coulson idolized Nick Fury. He believed and emulated him. He so much wanted to prove his worth, he put himself in dangerous situations. Like going up against Loki alone.

Question: The guy who plays Chekov in this movie uses a Russian accent that, to me, sounds fake. Is it fake? The original guy's sounded pretty real.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Neither accent is particularly accurate. Anton Yelchin was born in Russia and, while his family moved to America when he was only a baby, he has no difficulty doing an authentic Russian accent, but the accent he selected for the movie was principally based on the accent used by Walter Koenig as the original Chekov, which is effectively a 1960's Hollywood stereotype Russian accent that bears little resemblance to anything overly genuine. Yelchin tweaked it slightly, making it marginally closer to a genuine accent and exaggerating it rather more than Koenig, but, ultimately, neither accent is overly authentic.


Question: In the scene where Harry is playing Quidditch, he is followed by the dementors. Why isn't he flying back to the Quidditch game at the ground? There would've been enough people who could have helped him. What happened to the dementors after, did they hurt anybody else?


Chosen answer: Hermione visits Harry while he's recovering and explains that the incident never should have happened and Dumbledore was so furious over it that he banished the dementors way back behind the ground's perimeter. When Harry encounters the dementors they begin sucking out his soul, sort of. His face is shown almost like smoke being drawn to them and they, in turn, appear to be "sucking" the face smoke stuff into their "mouths." it looks horrific and I'm surprised anybody would ever wonder why he didn't retreat. He didn't retreat because he couldn't. It's that simple - he wasn't able to.

Question: At the end, when the police are burning the bodies at the cabin, "party man" deputy says he thinks there's another body, and it's in the basement. Everyone staying at the cabin is dead and accounted for. Whose body, and what basement, is he talking about?

Answer: One of the store people were thrown into the basement by Paul. it is only seen in the directors cut.

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