Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: When the Trunchbull chases Miss Honey and Matilda through the house, why didn't Miss Honey just reveal herself? It's her aunt at the end of the day so it wouldn't have been as bad as if she'd have found Matilda.

Answer: Even though it's her aunt, it's still breaking and entering. Trunchbull would still take some sort of action against Ms Honey to ensure that it didn't happen again.


Answer: Trunchbull is biologically related (Miss Honey's aunt), but does not fit the typical profile of a loving, caring aunt. She is a ruthless, cold, and hostile person to everyone, including relatives. To say that Trumbull and Miss Honey's relationship is strained is putting it mildly. Trumbull doesn't even meet the meaning of "estranged" because her behavior has always been hostile and malicious (never "loving aunt").


Answer: Also, Miss Trunchbull killed Magnus (Miss Honey's dad), so she's probably scared the same thing will happen to her in the same house.

Question: Just as the Trunchbull gets back to the house after pushing the car back, there's a red trail on the road. Is this supposed to be blood or some sort of fluid leaking from the car?

Answer: It might have been antifreeze that was leaking.

Anti-freeze is yellowish. The red liquid suggests transmission fluid.


Question: Why did Matilda insist on going into the Trunchbull's house after seeing her leave in the car? Knowing her father sold dodgy cars and seeing it playing up before she got put in the choky, wouldn't she be a bit more cautious in case it broke down just round the corner?

Answer: She's a kid. In her mind she can deal with the danger. Plus she wanted to get the picture of Magnus for Ms Honey.


Answer: She wanted to get Miss Honey back her treasures like her doll.

Question: What was Peggy Sue's mother doing when she came home early. Selling jewelry? Having an affair? Who's jewelry was she selling? is she a thief?

Answer: She was selling jewelry because the Edsel was a purchase they couldn't afford. She didn't want Peggy or her husband to know. The same reason they eat creamed chipped beef on toast and rutabagas - cheap food. The hat business was not doing well in 1960. Fewer men were buying and wearing hats by then.

Question: Where is the infamous painting of Terry (the one we see reflected in a mirror) when all the children come to sing at her bedside? Nicki sees it the moment he opens her bedroom door.

Answer: Is the picture on the wall opposite her bed?

Question: I watched the scene where fake Moody takes Harry away from the crowd after Cedric Diggory's death. I noticed that Weasley twins were looking at them when it happened. Is this possible that they informed Dumbledore about it offscreen and this caused him to realise that "Moody" was an imposter?

Answer: It's not specifically known if the twins informed Dumbledore, but it's implied that they probably did, or else they told McGonagall or Snape after Harry was suspiciously absent. No one else appeared to notice Moody leading Harry away.


Question: At the beginning of the film Frank was using the puzzle box, why did the cenobites arrange his face on the floor?

Answer: Letting the moviegoers know what happened to him, he was no longer human, but a piece of meat to be butchered.

Question: Why is there air in and around the reactor? Humans have extensively researched the reactor, so they obviously needed air to do it, but doesn't Cohaagen control all the air on Mars, and the reactor? So if he doesn't want anyone to turn the reactor on why not simply drain the air from the reactor so nobody could go there?


Answer: The entire chamber is full of the alien graphite that converts into a breathable atmosphere for the entire planet.

But it's not activated.


Answer: They are on a planet with very little atmosphere; therefore, there must be a supply of environmental suits readily available for exploration of the planet's surface and for going outside to repair problems with the outside of the dome. If there are a number of suits available, the absence of air around the reactor would not be a deterrent. People could simply "borrow" one of the many suits and walk on in regardless of the lack of air.


Question: In various online posts, I often see the Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) referred to as a T-800. However, I never heard that model used in either of the first two films, unless I missed something. I do remember in part two the terminator refers to himself as a Cyberdyne Systems model 101. So where did the T-800 name come from?

Kyle G.

Answer: In a Terminator 2 deleted scene the term is on the HUD of the terminator. The terminator itself is a series 800, an upgrade to the 600 series mentioned by Kyle Reese in Terminator 1, which only had rubber skin. The Arnold Schwarzenegger type of skin is the Model 101. In flashforwards in Terminator 1 you see a T-800 Model 102 infiltrate a rebel base, which looks different. Several types of terminator can wear the same skin Model. So there can also be a T-850 Model 101 (as seen in Terminator 3).


Question: If Tommy and Lindsey both had babysitters why couldn't they go trick or treating?


Answer: Tommy was in an astronaut costume so it kind of implies he went trick or treating earlier.

My friends and I dressed up a lot to get into the spirit of Halloween and not go trick or treating so doesn't really imply anything.


Answer: Who said they weren't allowed to go trick or treating? They both seemed more interested in the movies than anything else.


Question: I could swear when I saw it it had a different ending. The one I saw at the end Jeff Bridges dies in the car. And Clint Eastwood pushes him out of the car and leaves him on the side of the road, then drives away. But I can't find anything on that. Has anyone else seen that version?

Answer: You must be thinking of another movie, because as far as I know there is no different ending.

I totally agree with your answer. Sometimes movies do film alternate endings that may be used in different markets (i.e. Europe or Asia). Also, alternate endings are sometimes filmed after a test audience reacts negatively to the original one and they may show up in the DVD or director's cut. I didn't find any indication that another version was ever filmed for this movie.


I concur - I can't find any evidence of this alternate ending existing beyond some people claiming it does. Like other examples (Wizard of Oz ending with a shot of the shoes under Dorothy's bed, etc.) I suspect this is just a false memory, although no doubt some will argue that, trouble is there's no way to prove a negative.

You are absolutely correct. Just watched this film again for the first time since the 70's. Thunderbolt leaves Lightfoot sitting (respectfully) by the roadside before driving off! Hope you come across this comment one day.

Answer: I remember the scene of pushing Jeff Bridges out of the car as well. I recently watched the movie on Cable, and Eastwood just kept on driving with Bridges (dead) slumped in his seat. I could have sworn he pushed him out in some alternate version.

Answer: I saw the film on VHS tape 30 years ago and the ending on the tape had Clint Eastwood throwing Jeff Bridge off the cliff.

Answer: Mandela effect.

Answer: The one thrown out of the car was red pushing his friend out of the trunk of the car after he was shot Clint saw his friend die, and he drove off with him still in the car.

Answer: I did a little research on this. According to Wikipedia, the Old Man was based on MCA Inc. CEO Lew Wasserman, who was considered to be a powerful and intimidating individual. I suspect the character was left unnamed to generally represent the cold, ruthless, detached nature of corporate America.


Answer: Holloway could have continued voicing Winnie the Pooh, but by that time he was in his 80s and felt he could no longer effectively use his voice for the character as he once did. He chose to retire from the role.


Question: Why was Chico so brutally murdered?

Answer: Mort, while in his psychotic persona as Shooter, and with no memory of his actions, killed Chico. It then appeared as if "Shooter", who did not actually exist, was threatening Mort and sending him an extreme warning.


Florida's Homecoming: The Wedding - S6-E3

Question: At Thelma's wedding, Michael is singing "You And I" from O'Bryan. But this episode is from 1978 and the song came out in 1983 (5 years later). Did Ralph Carter (Michael) originate that song before O'Bryan made it famous?

Answer: "You and I (We Can Conquer the World) " is a song written and performed by Stevie Wonder in 1972. O'Bryan just did a cover of the song.


Question: There's something I was wondering about Galvatron. Joshua Joyce said he modelled Galvantron after Optimus Prime. If that's true then why did he end up looking like Megatron?

Answer: They were using the remains of Megatron as a template, and didn't realise that his programming had taken over the project and influencing the look of the final project.


Chapter Nine: The Gate - S2-E9

Question: Why does Dustin make a weird noise when he talks about his teeth? One time is from season 1 and the second time from Season 2 chapter 9. He also refers his teeth as pearls.

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: The actor (Gaten Matarazzo) and the character (Dustin) have cleidocranial dysplasia, which delays or prevents growth of the front teeth. It appears Dustin got prosthodontics by season 2 (he seems to not have them again in season 3 and implies Suzie prefers kissing without them), and he's extremely proud of his new teeth, calling them irresistible 'pearls' and making a 'sexy' growling, purring sound (based on a Wookiee growl) when they're mentioned.


Arthur, Spooner - S5-E1

Question: The elderly man in Carrie's overnight team, George, says that the firm is trying to force him to retire. Why don't they fire him?

Answer: Because he didn't do anything wrong. If they fired him simply for being older, he'd have excellent grounds for a wrongful termination suit. Much easier to 'convince' him to retire.

Brian Katcher

I know he didn't do anything wrong, but I thought New York was an "at-will employment" state, meaning that a company can simply terminate someone's employment at will.

Answer: To fire someone you need a reason and simply being older is not a reason. They could be sued for wrongful dismissal. If he retires the company doesn't get sued.


Yes, but New York is an "at-will employment" state, so a company can terminate employment at any time, without needing to give a good explanation. Unfair but it happens.

Even in at-will States, employers and employees can still enter into binding contracts that would protect an employee from being terminated without cause. These contracts may have retirement policies as well, should an employee want to retire with any benefits offered. And, what others were saying, barring any contract, terminating someone without reason is one thing, but for an illegal reasons (age discrimination) is another matter which could result in a lawsuit.


Question: At 12:07 is it the shower or the toilet that makes a weird draining noise? Almost what does he look at that makes him vomit? (00:12:07)

Answer: The "draining noises" are Big Momma taking a dump. Big Momma didn't flush either so I'm assuming he took a look at her stools and what he saw made him feel sick.

Question: How did Paul die? Was his body dissolved by lahar? And did this lahar contain any acidic substances from volcanic activity?

Answer: Paul got stuck on the bridge that was being washed away by the rampaging river after the dam broke. His van didn't have enough power to make the jump across the bridge like the Humvees did, as a result he got washed away and presumably drowned due to the force of the water.

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