Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What was the reason behind Quint blowing up the engine? Hooper told him "Don't put that much pressure on it" and he revs it up some more. The shark isn't getting any closer at slower speeds so was there really any need to try and outrun him?

Answer: Quint had become so obsessed with killing the shark that he was completely irrational. He was stubborn, combative, single-minded, and determined that no-one knew more than him about catching sharks and was not going to listen to anything that Hooper or Brody said or did, to the point of sabotaging his own boat.


Question: Why did they release the baby Rex back to the parents? Wouldn't it have made more sense to keep the baby in the trailer with them? The parents won't attack the trailer in case it hurt their kid! They had a phone inside, they could have phoned Eddie who could have come and tranquilized them, then whilst they are asleep they could have left the baby behind and hightailed it out of there.

Answer: There was no reason. It's just to serve the movie's plot. Being as T-rexes are animals, it's a stretch to assume that they would not attack the trailer because their offspring was in it. The movie took extreme liberties about the animals' intelligence and was anthropomorphic, giving them unrealistic human parental feelings and actions.


Answer: Releasing the baby is the quickest way to hopefully get the parents away. But in doing so they gave the parents no reason not to attack them.


Question: Towards the end of the movie when Kyle Reese dies, what will happen to him, considering he's from the future and there is no way he could be identified?


Answer: He would likely be considered as a "John Doe," with some identifying number, then buried in a modern-day equivalent of a "Potter's Field," where unknown persons are buried. Sarah Conner could have supplied Kyle's name, though this could not be verified and he'd still be considered as an unknown.


Answer: Also, in the sequel when the T-1000 looks up John Connor's info on the police car's computer, John's father is listed as "unknown', so any info Sarah had given the police was apparently disregarded.


Answer: He'd be treated like any other John Doe corpse.

Attack Of The Mutant (2) - S2-E3

Question: How are the comics still being written? The Masked Mutant is dead and it's kind of obvious that the Galloping Gazelle is going to retire, so how is Skipper still receiving them? Also, how did he change into a superhero?

Answer: Whoever created the Masked Mutant comics would still be around to create other comics even with the Masked Mutant dead and the Galloping Gazelle retiring, so Skipper could still receive different comics with all new characters. When Skipper goes into the Masked Mutant's lair, he is hit with a beam of light that turns him into a comic book character so after saying that he's the Colossal Elastic Boy, he turns into the hero at the end of the episode.

Show generally

Question: How do the "door transporters" outside Starfleet work? People just seem to walk straight into them and vanish, a) faster than normal transporters, and b) without any indication they're controlling where they're going. There's no sign saying where each door connects to, are people just hoping for the best?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: My guess is that they go to 1 place and they can't chose where to go. Like a highway without exits, you just end up where the highway stops.


Answer: I assume they get sent directly from those 'Doors' to a Central Transporter hub, from there they can request to be beamed to their desired destination.

Question: Who is the beautiful woman sitting to the left of Gary Grant in the art auction scene?

Answer: She's just a an auction attendee who happens to be sitting next to Roger Thornhill. They do not know each other.


Answer: Shanks had creative differences with the show's producers and felt his character was underused. He also didn't like the general direction the show had taken.


Question: When the gang explore the ruins of the city, you can hear a low pitch humming noise. What was making that noise?

Answer: It's just an added sound effect that foreshadows an ominous event (the giant reptile) that is about to happen. It's not meant to be anything naturally occurring.


Question: When Amy goes back in time to live with H.G. Wells, why did she choose to change her name to Susan B. Anthony?

Answer: She was joking, but it seems to imply that she intends to influence his political views regarding socialism, global war, women's rights, etc. which the real H.G. Wells wrote about.


Also, H.G. Wells' second wife was named Amy Robbins, the same name as the Amy in the film, which would further indicate she did not change her name to Susan B. Anthony.


Question: Why is there a pink dress on the chair in the hotel scene when Ana comes out of the bathroom?

Answer: It's not a dress. It's either a throw blanket or a robe. As this is a higher-end hotel, it's typical for robes, slippers, etc. to be provided for guests to use.


Question: What is the song playing when Queen Clarisse and Joe dance?

Answer: If you're asking about the scene I believe you are, it's an unnamed waltz. It's just incidental music written by John Debney for the scene and has no name and wasn't published or anything.


Answer: I haven't seen the whole movie (only some pieces), but when I don't know the name of a song I'm looking for, I just type in and enter lyrics of the song on YT, so try that if you haven't.

Question: Is it really possible to turn on dirt simply by turning right to go left?

Answer: The idea of drifting is that you are swinging the back end around and losing traction on the rear wheels while counter-steering with the front wheels to maintain control. Once you enter into the left drift, you turn your wheels right to point them forward.


I know what the idea of drifting is. What I'm asking is whether or not it's possible to drift on dirt.

Yes, you can drift on dirt. The less friction a surface has, the easier it is to start to drift because you have less traction.


I imagine it would take practice to drift on dirt.

It takes practice to drift on any surface.


Answer: It's a rally move know as the "Scandanavian Flick" where you throw the car back end first into the corner and then counter the slide with opposite lock and flick the car around. I'm advanced driving instructor and it's one of the thing we teach pretty much straight away on a skidpan.


Answer: I believe Rockne Tarkington (from season 7) was the only black person with a speaking line in the entire show, which is what I'd say qualifies someone to be an actor in the show. That being said, there were at least a handful of black and white episodes (season 1-5) where black extras were used and seen on screen. For example, "Barney Gets His Man" (season 1) and "Opie and the Carnival" (season 5). But none of them had any lines and weren't credited for their appearance.


Question: Wouldn't Watson have noticed that Blackthorn's neck wasn't broken after he was 'hanged'?

Brian Katcher

Answer: There are two types of hanging - the long drop which is intended to break the neck causing a quick death, and a short drop which doesn't break the neck and causes slower death by asphyxiation. There is no reason to check for a broken neck, just whether the person is dead.

Answer: He didn't check the neck, he only checked the pulse.


Question: When they enter Midnight's bar, the bouncer shows them a card. What is that about? What is the objective there?

Answer: They only allow people in the club that have psychic abilities. The entrant has to correctly identify the character on the card to be allowed in.


Question: What character is MJ wearing on her shirt at the very end of the film, visible just before she and Spidey swing away from 41st Street and Grand Central Station in NYC?

Erik M.

Thank you so much for that prompt and great response - it's appreciated!

Erik M.

Question: Why didn't Leo suspect Barrington and be ready for him when he obviously had the tape evidence of TWO moles, not one in the building where he was killed? He should have known to be suspicious and on the lookout for another guy.

Answer: The recording was of Costello and Sullivan talking...Billy wouldn't suspect Costello.he was "working" for him too.

This is a genuine mistake in the narrative. Costello layout tapes of "All his guys." Costigan would have known about Barrington as well but maybe not have expected him to want to close ranks the way he did and appear at the meeting.

Question: When Ricky King and his bully friends are bullying Mitch and Adam for being shorter, why can't Jenny do something about it rather than standing and watching?


Answer: Maybe she was afraid at the time.

Question: If the clones believe Dooku is their leader, why are they against the droids, who are his allies?

Answer: The pilots didn't refuse to shoot down Dooku - they explain they have run out of rockets and they can't. The clone troopers have no idea that Dooku originally ordered for them to be made, only the Jedi council at that time know, which is explained earlier in the film.

Answer: The clones do not believe Dooku to be their leader. Dooku is the leader of the Separatists.


But they believe he was one of the people who was helping with ordering them (which he was) and refused to shoot him down when Anakin asked.

No, they believe Sifo Dyas was the Jedi who ordered their creation. They do not refuse to shoot down Dooku, they tried and failed.


They believe it was both. They used "we're out of rockets" as an excuse to not kill him as they knew he was one of their leaders. Some of the corrections even state it, and one of the answers does as well.

The Jedi and the Chancellor are their leaders, not Dooku. Dooku is the enemy. Dooku's plan was to gather the largest droid army in the galaxy to counter the republic so that the clone army would be deployed. For Palpatine the seperatists were only a distraction for the Jedi and an excuse to deploy the clones. The clones obeyed the Jedi and Republic until order 66. Dooku was led to believe he would become one of the leaders eventually, if he knew about order 66, but Palpatine had other plans.


So are you saying the people who were saying that in the corrections and questions are wrong?

There's one correction I saw that says that, and yes, I believe that correction to be incorrect. There is nothing in the film to suggest that the clones were aware (either consciously or otherwise) that Dooku played any part in their creation and chose not to kill him. If that was the case and George Lucas wanted the audience to be aware, it would have been less subtle and more obvious. It's not even supposed to be obvious that Dooku and Darth Tyranus are the same person until the end of the movie but that reveal was ruined by pre-release marketing and merchandise.


But you can see the rockets in the gunship when the clone pilot refuses to fire them at Dooku.

Plus, they could've also used lasers or etc. instead.

Plus, why wouldn't Dooku and Sidious have had this feature installed anyway if they knew they would've been against him otherwise?

Sidious already was the leader of the clone troops, as Chancellor of the republic. All he had to do was wait for the war to spread the Jedi out over the galaxy so they will be more vulnerable and then execute order 66 to take them out. Dooku or Grievous were never a part of that plan. This is proven by Sidious ordering Vader to go to the Mustafar system and kill the rest of the separatist leaders. If Grievous was still alive he would have been eliminated too. Sidious' new apprentice Vader had already killed Dooku by then anyway.


That's not exactly the point though.

The point the clones did not refuse to fire on Dooku. Dooku is not protected against them. Not by Palpatine, not by himself as Tyrannus.


The programming of the clone troopers has been explored extensively in additional canon materials outside of the films. There has never been any mention of specific programming put in place to keep the clones from killing Dooku and Sidious. The ship still having rockets after the clone says they are out is more likely to be a simple continuity error rather than a subtle hint (and if this theory is to be believed, the ONLY hint at all in any Star Wars media) that the clones were programmed to not kill Dooku.


There's also the hint that he finished up the job with ordering them.

We can go on and on for pages but the fact of the matter is the clones were not what you expected them to be. Dooku never had any idea he would be in danger of being captured or killed by the clones as he was supposed to be coordinating the war on the background like Sidious.


Question: Does anyone have the deleted scenes of Johnny 5 being repaired by Nova? I believe the owner of the diamonds paid Nova to repair him as a thanks or something along those lines.

Answer: I have the DVD but there are no deleted scenes.

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