Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Chosen answer: We have no particularly accurate way of telling how long Maul was his apprentice, although it's stated that Maul was trained as a Sith from a very young age, so it was probably some considerable time. As far as we know, Tyranus became the apprentice after Maul's death, so he held the position for roughly thirteen years. Vader then took over, holding the position until the events of Return of the Jedi, a period of about twenty-two years.


Question: What are some of the plot points that are covered between Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions within the "Enter the Matrix" video game?


Chosen answer: The game covers the retrieval from a post office of the information about the sentinels digging (information we see dropped at a post box in the Animatrix), the escape from the ambush at the start (ie. what's happening inside while Neo fights the agents), Ghost and Niobe getting into the matrix and ending up in a car behind Morpheus, further exploration of the mansion the Keymaker's held in (including more details on the type of program Persephone kills, ie. vampire-like), the destruction of the power plant, and Niobe's arrival at the end in her ship. In terms of specific plot, from memory there's nothing particularly significant - the game fleshes out minor events not seen in the film, but there's no particularly new information.

Jon Sandys

The Rebirth (3) - S4-E3

Question: What exactly happens to the Decepticons? Because at the end we see Galvatron flying in a ship with a Quintesson, surly the producers could have killed Galvatron, but just leaving us with a cliffhanger that will never be answered? Can someone tell me if anything happened after that?

Answer: The cliffhanger was never followed up on: basically, that's it for these characters!

Daria Sigma

Season 4 generally

Question: Was there a series after the three episodes called 'The rebirth' called Transformers: Headmasters? Because I saw an old video of Transformers in a shop once called that, or is it just 'The rebirth' I saw?

Answer: The Headmasters series was in place of The Rebirth (ignoring its events) it was drawn by the same animation company but translated from Japanese scripts into English without any of the original voice actors returning to their roles, likely Japanese actors with good English and subsequently the translated scripts, and story lines, were terrible. Names didn't match up after translation (Blaster becomes "Billy", Blurr becomes known as "Wally", Jazz is "Marshall", Hot Rod is "Rodimus" (pronounced "Roadimus"), the Matrix becomes "the Power Pack", Spike is "Sparkle", Soundblaster is "New Soundwave", Metroplex is called "Philip", Cerebros is "Fortress", and Fortress Maximus is known as "Spaceship Bruce") So, the resulting series was barely watchable, I bought the whole box set myself several years ago and only ever sat through it once.

Answer: There was a longer Japanese series called 'Headmasters' that ignored Rebirth and took it from there. However, The Rebirth was released on video in some markets as 'Headmasters'. Depending on where and when you saw the video, it's likely Rebirth.

Daria Sigma

Question: When mama said she dreamt of fish last night, her daughter said that it meant either someone was coming or someone was pregnant. Then Faith showed up at the front door. So wasn't Faith really the fish in Mama's dream and not Bird?

Answer: Yes, but it could have easily been both.

T Poston

Question: What is the song playing when Bullseye kills Electra's father. If there were two separate songs, the one when he's riding the motorcycle.

Answer: This was one song, it was "The Man Without Fear"performed by Drowning Pool featuring Rob Zombie.

T Poston

Question: Who's singing "Secret Agent Man" in this film? It's during the 'master of disguises' montage.

Answer: It is sung by Blues Traveler, covering the song originally written by Johnny Rivers (whose version of "Secret Agent Man" was used as the theme song for the Patrick McGoohan TV series "Danger Man").

Cubs Fan

Question: After Zep is killed and before Lawrence leaves the room to get help, why doesn't he take Zep's gun to shoot Adam's chains? They probably didn't know how many bullets were left on the gun, so it's possible that there would have been at least one bullet left?

Answer: Shooting at anything solid like chains or a wall with a gun is never a very good idea. First, it is very unlikely to work, and secondly, the bullet is bound to ricochet seriously injuring one or both of them while leaving the chains untouched.


Answer: It seems that it is a very long, drawn out answer that can be found here:


Answer: It's a generally accepted idea that using superpowers (especially force fields/telekinesis) is very draining on the body and mind, and is often seen to cause nosebleeds. Plus, any physically difficult task will cause the same thing if you overexert yourself enough.

James King III

Question: When Buzz is "repairing his ship" and Woody is telling him to stay away from Andy, Buzz is holding a jack in his left hand. What is he supposed to be using the jack for?

Mister Ed

Chosen answer: To jack up the ship so he can fix the bottom.


Question: During the course of the film we see the "Tripods" spill out an orange colored liquid. What is that fluid supposed to be?

Answer: The reddish liquid is a defoliant that eradicates indigenous vegetation and reseeds the planet with alien plant life.


Question: When Greg, Pam and their parents are in the garden drinking, one of them gets onto the fact that Greg is an only child. Jack says to Greg 'You said you had a sister. You milked your sister's cat'. Then Greg looks at him strangely and looks away. I never get that. Why did he lie about having a sister?

Answer: In Meet the Parents, the film to which this is the sequel, Greg says something about how you can milk anything, even cats "I once milked my sister's cat". Obviously, Greg was clutching at straws and concocted this story about his fictious sister's cat to try get out of it. Of course, Jack being a former CIA man picked up on this.


Answer: Greg is also a nurse so the head nurse tends to be called a sister.

Answer: Daughters of the American Revolution is an organization for women. Part of the membership requirements is that you have to prove that one of your ancestors was a "Patriot of the American Revolution", i.e. in America back in the 1770's and working on the American side. Stereotypically (not true but assumed), the membership are upper-class snobs like Emily.


Question: Considering that only Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Bail Organa knew the truth about Luke and Leia's existence, do we know if Bail told his wife about the truth of Leia's background? Also, in episode IV, when Owen says, "That's what I'm afraid of," in response to Beru's comment that Luke has too much of his father in him, it seems to imply that he knows that Anakin is Vader, and that Vader is Luke's father. So how much of Luke's background did Obi-Wan reveal to Owen and Beru?

Answer: I think it's fairly unlikely that Obi-Wan told Owen and Beru everything - had he told them the truth, they might well have refused to take Luke. Owen is obviously aware that Anakin was a Jedi Knight, from their encounter in Episode 2, and he's also aware that the Jedi have been hunted down and exterminated. With this in mind, a more likely interpretation of his statement is that he worries that Luke will learn about his true heritage somehow and start learning about the Force. This could easily have the effect of bringing him to the attention of the Empire, which would probably end with his death. Owen's simply concerned that he'll get himself killed on some adventure or other, which is probably what he thinks happened to Anakin.


Question: In the opening credits, Vanessa Ferlito is listed as a cast member. In the end credits, she is listed as Louise. I looked up Vanessa on IMDB, and didn't recognize her from anywhere in the movie. So, just who is Louise?

Answer: She is one of Mary-Jane's co-stars in the Play she stars in.


Question: This is more of a book question really. According to the Tale of Years Pippin and Merry left their offices in the Shire to their sons when they left for Gondor and Rohan for good. Pippin's son Faramir is in his family tree, but looking at the Brandybuck family tree Merry does not even have a wife. Is there some other text by Tolkien which gives more details on this, was the child perhaps left out of the family tree because it was a "bastard" child? Is his son, or the mother, mentioned by name anywhere?

Answer: The discrepancy lies with Tolkien's late addition of information on Meriadoc's wife. She was Estella Bolger, sister to "Fatty" Bolger. Tolkien did not add her into the family tree until after the first edition, so it has taken years for the name to get into all versions.


Question: When Witt is in the clearing surrounded by Japanese riflemen, does anybody know what the Japanese soldier was saying to Witt before he shot him?

Answer: He said "I don't want to kill you. Don't move."

Cubs Fan

Answer: And he said, "You killed my friends, but I don't want to kill you. Surrender."

Question: I was wondering about the final scene between Ghul and Batman. Batman says he doesn't have to save him and lets him fall in the train and the microwave generator explode. Despite this film being closer to the comics than the previous films, isn't this still against the "code" Batman adheres to in the comics? This was one of the reasons Bruce Wayne has to stop Jean-Paul Valley's new Batman in the Knightfall/Knightsend series. (Valley had let someone die).

Answer: In the Knightfall series, Valley chose to go after a bad guy instead of go to the assistance of an innocent. In Batman's view of things, that is a lot different (and a lot worse) than simply chosing not to rescue a bad guy from a train about to crash.


Answer: Ghul also put himself in this position. Had Batman CAUSED him to end up on the train, Batman probably would have saved him. Also, this man wouldn't have stopped. He basically admitted to plunging an entire city into poverty and crime. While Bruce would never kill anyone willingly...meh.


Question: When Jordan and Lincoln are on the streets of future LA, and Jordan sees herself on the TV screen, is that Scarlett Johanson's Calvin Klein commercial?

Answer: Yes - both the print ad in the background and the television commercial were done and published before the movie.


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