Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Sexual Healing - S14-E1

Question: After everyone takes the 'Nice lady with the handkerchief' test, why does Kyle put his hand up to say he did not see a handkerchief? Is he just following Kenny's actions?

Answer: Kyle put his hand up because he didn't see the handkerchief, he wasn't following Kenny's actions. He didn't see the handkerchief because he tested positive for sex addiction, just like Kenny and Butters and sex addicts would test positive if they didn't see the handkerchief.

Casual Person

Question: At the end Jigsaw says Adam isn't ungrateful to be alive anymore, but why does he lock Adam in the bathroom and say "game over" instead of helping him?

Answer: He does help him technically. He tells him the key to the lock is in the bathtub (we saw it disappear down the plughole when Adam woke up at the beginning). In Jigsaw's sick, twisted mind he feels he is giving Adam a chance to prove he wants to live by getting the key. To prove he is grateful, he needs to find out how to get the key back. Which is technically impossible for Adam to do, leaving only one fate for him to remain.


Getting the key back has nothing to do with how grateful he is or isn't, as the key wasn't meant to go down the drain.

Question: In the scene where Tex is terrorizing Reggie by lighting matches very close to her face, why didn't she just blow them out? This scene has always been a pet peeve of mine in an otherwise fabulous movie.

Answer: Blowing out the matches would only incite Tex to act even more aggressively and threateningly. Reggie knows he is not intending to hurt her and only wants to frighten her so she will cooperate in finding the money. Even though she is scared, it's wiser to remain as passive as possible.


Question: Before committing suicide, why did Susannah cut her hair? I've seen this behaviour in other films but have never known the psychology behind it.


Answer: Cutting locks of hair is often done in memory of the deceased. Knowing of her impending death, she cut two locks so as not to have them tainted by blood, but dropped one on the floor. I imagine it was the one for Alfred, but it is just my opinion.

I have goosebumps with this interpretation. I always thought that it was related someone with "scalping." She kills herself. She is her own victim. I don't know.

I agree, I always thought it was a symbolic scalping.

Answer: I think Susannah cut two locks of hair, one for her husband Alfred and the other for her true love Tristan. They were mementos in some respect, but also a clue for her suicide - being married to one brother while loving the other who no longer wanted to be with her. Susannah was torn apart, in pain over losing Tristan and probably felt she could not be true or faithful to Alfred if/when Tristan came around again. She would also have guilt over violating her marriage vows if she were to be with Tristan again while married to Alfred.


Chosen answer: To give a definitive answer would be misleading because there's no one specific reason why someone does this type of thing. People considering suicide often start exhibiting odd and/or uncharacteristic behavior such as suddenly cutting one's hair. In Susannah's case, it could be a form of self-mutilation, an attempt to change who she is by altering her appearance, or it is a way of controlling something in her life while other events spiral out-of-control, and so on.


Answer: I always thought it was she wanted people to know. She didn't want the wound to be covered.

Question: After Margo was convicted, why did Tony move one of their beds into the living room?


Chosen answer: It's mostly so the audience can see more of Tony's underlying character. This is Margo's bed, and Tony wanted it separate from the bedroom that they shared as husband and wife. Tony is "emotionally divorcing" himself from Margo as he is about to start a new life as a single man. Leaving the bed in the bedroom would serve as a reminder of his guilt in framing his innocent wife for a murder she did not commit. The bed is likely parked there until he can get rid of it.


Question: Other than serving the plot, why were so many elements of his former life left in the now-vacant home? All evidence of the former family would have been removed before showing it to prospective buyers.

Movie Nut

Answer: I'm watching it on the computer right now and it says "for sale" not sold, who says everything must be removed prior to selling? I'm not American so it may differ from country to country, but I've been to houses for sale during "inspection dates" and some houses STILL have items not removed probably because they are still living in them or still in the midst of alternate living options, some might need the money of the sale JUST so they can move remember his wife is a widow now and probably can't afford living there no more, where is she gonna get the money to move? Also not all houses I've seen had stuff removed (some did) during my house tours p.s Her husband was gunned down so she can't bare to remove anything yet, but her life is destroyed so she might as well put the house up for sale.


Chosen answer: There is no reason except that it is to serve the plot. Normally everything would have been removed by the time the house was put up for sale, but there needs to be some means for Murphy to connect to his past. This is achieved by showing physical objects from his former life to trigger his memory, creating sympathy for the character. This can be considered suspension of disbelief where the audience just accepts something is out of the ordinary for the sake of the story being told.


Question: Why did Fleur bring her younger sister to Hogwarts? While Dumbledore is explaining the Triwizard Tournament to the students, there is a shot in which Fleur is shown holding her. Unless she had previously known that she would be chosen as a Tri-Wizard Champion, she couldn't have known that her sister would be needed for one of the tasks.

Answer: Fleur did not know that her sister would participate in one of the tasks, nor did she "bring" her there. Gabrielle was simply one of the students who was chosen to go to Hogwarts. In the book, Dumbledore's purpose in reviving the Triwizard Tournament was to help foster good relations and build strong alliances between the various schools because it would help in the fight against Voldemort. Not every student who went to Hogwarts was there to try and compete in the tournament.


Answer: She didn't 'bring' her sister. Multiple levels/ages of students from both outside schools attended. Fleur's sister was another student at the school, and happened to also be in the group that went to Hogwarts.

Question: What is the game they are playing in the basement of the bar (the one when Sonny has C throw the dice for him)? And the rules, as it looks complicated. Lots of money thrown down so who wins, loses etc.? I've seen this movie about 3 times and I STILL can't figure it out!


Chosen answer: They are playing a version of Craps called Street Craps or Ghetto Craps. You can get information about the rules for this game here:


Answer: In a car crash.

Greg Dwyer

Question: In the first chapter, Voldemort wouldn't let Peter find another wizard for the ritual because he didn't trust Peter to not run away. But why not send Barty Crouch Junior, whom he does trust, to find someone? Then he could have been revived sooner, as Peter said.

Answer: Because Crouch was a notorious dark wizard who was supposed to be locked up in Azkaban. Crouch had to be free to take over the life of Professor Moody. Even if they could find another person, Voldemort still wanted Harry for the ritual.

Greg Dwyer

Answer: Barty Crouch Jr was already looking for Harry and trying to get to Hogwarts.

Question: Can someone please tell me how Chris Nolan was chosen to direct this film? He had only done 3 movies before and they weren't that big, so why did WB trust him with rebooting a series that hadn't had an entry in 7 years?


Chosen answer: At the time Nolan was just coming off the double-whammy of Memento and Insomnia, both of which, while not huge blockbusters, attracted considerable critical acclaim and did reasonable box office, so his star was very much on the rise. He approached Warner Bros with his proposal for a reboot of the series - they were impressed by his grounded approach to the material and gave him the green light to proceed.


Question: Towards the end, when Dreyfus is about to blow up the building from the underground, why didn't Malcolm try and convince the guys to hold up the blow up, rather than picking up the gun and eventually letting it been blown? Also once the C4 is blown how did they survive it when they were right beneath the tower?


Chosen answer: He knows that, given what's happened, there's almost no chance of persuading Dreyfus that the apes can be reasoned with, so he tries to threaten them into backing down. Unfortunately, this fails. Malcolm survived the blast because he was able to dive out of the doorway before the C4 detonated. Those who were still in the room died instantly.


Question: Although it's shown in the beginning that due to the leakage and worldwide spread of the experimental drug at the "Gen-Sys" lab the human race was about to end. Yet a few did survive. How exactly then the creator of the drug, James Franco die? Caesar was somehow taken to the very same home James lived and operated there itself, was there any reason to bring Caesar back to his childhood home again?


Chosen answer: The circumstances of Will's death are not revealed in the movie, but presumably he either died from the virus or was killed in the violence that erupted after the breakdown of society. Caesar was taken back to his childhood home because he guided them there, presumably wishing to return to a location that he associated with good times while he recovered from his injuries.


Question: Why did Charity Burbage encourage magical folk to reproduce with Muggles? I know that not all of them hate Muggles, but what did she particularly like about wizards pairing up with them?

Answer: She may not have gone out of her way to encourage it at all, but in Voldemort's eyes, anything other than actively condemning the interbreeding of wizards and Muggles would be tantamount to "encouragement."

Answer: Simple genetics. Wizards staying within the wizarding world are trading the advantage of preserving the wizarding gene for the many disadvantages of breeding within a smaller and smaller genepool.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: Burbage was probably teaching students to go against blood purity as a Muggle is no different to a wizard. Death Eaters are blood purists, so they aren't happy with this.

Question: What kind of building was being raided at the start of the movie? (00:01:50)

Chosen answer: Most likely a bank.


Question: Megatron was brought back through the body of Galvatron because his head was recovered, although Optimus Prime previously stated that Transformers' memories are stored in their Spark in their chest. Wouldn't this mean Megatron would not have any of his memories from before?

Answer: Optimus was being dramatic when he said it contained their memories. Transformers don't carry their memories in their spark any more than humans carry theirs in their soul.


Question: How could Damien's mother be a jackal? That has always thrown me for a loop and I could never understand why they'd do that unless it was for entertainment purposes. I mean, I know it's Hollywood and all but that's just too far-fetched.


Chosen answer: The idea wasn't entirely Hollywood's. The antichrist is sometimes said to be "born of a jackal. " Jackals are mentioned in the Bible, and some interpretations consider them a symbol of something that is "not of God." In the movie, it means that the kid was scary as hell, literally.


Answer: It's Satan's twisted and macabre mockery of Jesus' virgin mother.


Question: When Robocop is resting, and dreaming of Boddicker, the monitoring needles, as well as Robocop violently jerking, create a lot of attention-getting noise. Other than possibly serving the plot, why do the techs on duty not notice any of this? Are they possibly that deaf or stupid?

Movie Nut

Chosen answer: Some people who work at offices or labs and have little to no work to keep them busy will pretty much lose themselves in thought or conversation. So they would hear very little of anything outside of thought or conversation.

Question: What is the significance of Glenn Close and the color white? I noticed that her apartment is white and with the exception of one scene when she's wearing the black leather coat, she is always wearing white. Any thoughts on this?


Chosen answer: With questions such as this, one can either speculate, or one can go directly to the source. So, using IMDb, I looked up the names of the crew on "Fatal Attraction." The costume designer is listed as Ellen Mirojnick. The set decoration was the responsibility of George DeTittas, Sr. I found Ellen Mirojnick on Facebook (¬if_t=feed_comment), and posed the question to her. This was the reply she gave: " (I)n our process there is always a purpose for a palette to tell a story dramatically. I chose white for her character because white is powerful and although not essentially a "color" it reflects all other colors, which would in turn reflect where we were in the story. I thought through her silhouettes and use of shades of whites, it would reflect her mood and not give away the demon she kept hidden. WHITE is powerful... As she was!" I have not yet been able to track down Mr. DeTittas for comment. But I have posed the additional question to Ms. Mirojnick regarding whether the color palette motif was a decision shared by different departments on the film. Ms. Mironjnick added the following comments: "she wears white to discuise (sic) her darkness, that somehow is revealed in certain places.. white is all things combined .. it radiatesits (sic) the confusion as if she was in an asylum, but her own."

Michael Albert

Question: What happens to Pain and Panic after Hades is punched into the River Styx by Hercules?

Answer: They went on with their lives without Hades' abuse.


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