Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: How did the biker just happen to appear at the end? Where was he the whole time all that was going down?

Answer: I think we're supposed to assume he was either knocked out and/or hiding there, and finally decided to act, but it's very oddly portrayed.


Question: As a non-native English speaker, I ask: At the dinner, Jim says to his boss, "I was thinking, with the numbers so high, maybe it's time I get off the road and take an office position." What occupation did he have? And what does he mean "get off the road" here?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: I don't know what his specific occupation was, but the term to "get off the road" would refer to someone who constantly travels, either domestically or internationally, for their job, but they now want to work in their company office every day. The most common trope would be the "traveling salesperson" who was constantly "on the road," going town to town, selling their product.


Question: I have heard something about Cube having an alternate or extended ending. Are there any videos of this by chance?


Answer: Not to my knowledge. The director said on Twitter/X that there was an extra scene during the ending that had been shot but that it was immediately removed from the film after the first assembly cut. He also said it will never be seen and joked that he "burned it and stomped on it." (Chances are the footage is just lost.) So I'd assume whatever it is REALLY didn't work or was too silly.


Answer: From Lost Media Wiki: According to several eyewitnesses, in certain theatrical screenings of the film, the scene in question was shown. It allegedly depicts Kazan walking out onto a beach (or a cliff's edge, depending on who you ask) on a purple alien planet, overlooking an endless ocean, as mechanical grinding noises are heard. As he turns around, both his footprints and the cube's exit itself vanish. Some have also reported that the sky is then shown, full of exoplanets. A pinch of salt is needed; however, this statement does have 4 sources.


Question: What song is playing on the guard's headphones at the mall? You can hear very faint music on them, and I can't make out the song.

Answer: "Super Girl" by Samantha Marq.


Question: Once Doc learned about Tannen shooting him in the back over $80, he says, "Now I wish I'd paid him". Why didn't he try to pay him after learning this?

Answer: Doc's answer was sarcastic and said in jest. He had no intention of paying Tannen because he did not owe him anything. He knows that Tannen will probably kill him, even if he is paid.


Question: When Seamus is telling Marty that he'll take him to the train station the next day and give him a new hat, it shows Maggie doing the 'Sign of the Cross'. Was she unhappy with Seamus helping out a "stranger"?

Answer: She was blessing Marty because, by wearing one of those hats, it was basically a giant "kill me" sign for Mad Dog. When Mad Dog first enters the saloon, he mistakes Marty for Seamus based on Marty's "dog-ugly hat".

Answer: It's not about Marty. Maggie is angry because Seamus constantly buys hats, which she considers wasteful and frivolous when they have so little money. Religious people will make the sign of the cross when they feel they need "forgiveness" for thinking angry or unkind thoughts or asking God to help them control their temper.


Question: Why did Snow laugh at Katniss when she directed her arrow at Coin and not him? Was it because he knew he was seconds from death (from the crowd) and so he literally wanted the last laugh?

Answer: Agree with the other answer, but would add that Snow is laughing because he knows Coin has been publicly exposed as a fraud. He considers it as a small personal victory, even though he's about to die.


Answer: He laughs because he knows that even in his current situation, he still has some ability to control and manipulate Katniss, such as he always has. That's my belief in any aspect, but it's just subjective as no definitive answer can be given.


Answer: Reportedly, their personalities just didn't mesh, and it was also a very hectic shoot due to all the effects. So, the atmosphere was high-stress, which isn't typically conducive to people getting along. Though Hunt has stressed that they were always cordial after filming was complete and had even talked about potentially working on a sequel together a few times, so it seems that they didn't overtly dislike each other.


Answer: According to MTV, even though the ratings were high compared to other shows in the same time slot, the series did not fit in with its other programming.

Casual Person

Question: Who did the voice of the guy briefing Phelps on tape at the beginning of the movie? His voice sounds like that of the guy Sosa wanted blown up in Scarface.

Answer: It was the voice of Kittridge (the CIA chief who later suspects Ethan of being the mole), played by Henry Czerny.

Question: What happens to the lady after the film ends that has her head in the hole? As during the film, she shows she has no morals. In the rest of the movies, you never hear her name mentioned or what happened to her. But surely, with him trapping her and taking the money at the end, it would piss her off enough to want to get the money back and seek revenge on him.

Answer: If I'm not mistaken, the room she was in was locked. She may have been able to survive the trap by sticking her head through the opening, but if she has no way of leaving the room, eventually she would starve to death.


Answer: There's no definitive answer. It's left purposely ambiguous, presumably in case they want to bring the character back in the future. (There is a deleted scene on the Blu-Ray showing the door opening on its own once the countdown hits zero, so presumably she is able to escape.) As for her coming for him... we simply don't know. It's possible she'll show up again in a future film. But you also have to factor in that John has a LOT of evidence on her criminal misdeeds... so he likely could have her arrested and jailed if she comes for him.


Question: When Ray says, "aim for the flat top," is he referring to the platform or Gozer's haircut?

Answer: Their hair:

Brian Katcher

Answer: The game has tons of different possible outcomes. So, to emulate that, they filmed different possible endings for the film.


Answer: I think to tie in the movie with the gameplay of the board game more. Often when playing, someone will incorrectly guess what happened, who was the killer, with which weapon, and what room. Then the answer in the envelope is revealed to show what really happened. So they made different endings like someone guessed wrong. I think the real question is why were there 3 different versions of the film released to theaters, each with a different ending. It seems it was a marketing idea that backfired and didn't even fit the concept of tying it into the board game.


Answer: Professional smugglers. A few bars of gold, and they would ship the Eiffel Tower.

Question: How did the League of Shadows use economics to attack Gotham?

Answer: By having their own people working inside the trading company, they would do a pump and dump. Take a small company, put the word out that it's the next big thing, watch the prices rise, then sell. Like insider trading, the millionaires become billionaires, while the billionaires become broke.

Answer: They used their influence to trigger the economic depression that was gripping Gotham when Bruce was a child.


What type of influence did they have?

It's never specified in the film, so any answer would be pure speculation. They merely say they attacked Gotham economically in the past. I'd presume they'd use power and threats to do things like tank companies, make people lose their jobs, increase homelessness, make it more difficult for people to get help, etc. Basically, just ruin the citizens financially.


Question: When they both finally grab their guns and load up and Joe spins the revolver, how's he so sure it's going to load that one live round?

Answer: The look in Ramon's eyes.

Question: When Annie and her boys are coming home from the neighbour's place, next door, there's a blue light coming from the main bedroom. Leaving her boys, Annie goes into the house and there is all this noise that sounds like a radio not completely tuned in, of an evangelist preaching really loudly. Now, where is all this noise coming from: Annie's mind, Donnie's car radio parked outside? Or is it just for our benefit?


Answer: The TV in Annie's room.

The TV wasn't on before, and Annie is suspicious of the noise and light, which she wouldn't be if it was just the TV.

Answer: It fleshes out her character as being previously married, divorced, and having a child – typical for someone her age. It gave her a backstory.


Niles sees the photo of the adult son and guesses that Mel was young when her son was born. One of her employees scoffs at the comment. The joke is that Mel is probably older than Niles thinks and may have had cosmetic surgery, being in the business herself. Maris was also a few years older than Niles, so it's another way in which Mel is similar to Maris. Frasier later says that she is "Maris all over again".

Question: Greenwall says that the warrior must stand on the tower for five days. Wouldn't he die of dehydration?

Answer: Not if somebody climbed up and gave him some water to drink.

Answer: As someone else said, somebody could give him water. The test might be more about staying in one place and denying himself the daily activities and pleasures of life - not having access to his usual amount of water and food.

Question: How come Ray Reddy wasn't charged for killing Graham's wife? Since it was an accident, he most likely would've got sentenced for manslaughter. If so, wouldn't he have been sitting in a jail cell during the movie's storyline events?

Answer: According to a Google search and a few law websites, it actually appears that legitimately falling asleep at the wheel could potentially help someone avoid vehicular manslaughter charges. It would depend on if them falling asleep was the result of them behaving negligently. For example, if you took medicine that makes you drowsy or stayed up for 24 hours straight, you would likely get manslaughter charges, since you were behaving negligently. However, if it was legitimately just a freak accident (ex. You were more tired from a day at work than you realised and passed out at the wheel), you have a decent chance of avoiding manslaughter charges. (Or at least avoid a guilty verdict or harsh sentence if it went to court.)


Answer: Agree with the other answers, but would add that the accident was only six months earlier. The investigation, charges, a trial, etc. may be ongoing. Reddy could be awaiting sentencing or was sentenced to probation, community service, counseling, credit for time served, a suspended sentence, or restitution. Reddy could be out on bail or on his own recognizance while awaiting sentencing. It's unlikely he would be considered a flight risk.


Answer: It's never addressed in the film, so it's safe to say it's simply a plot contrivance. In the real world, he definitely would have been charged; the film chooses to ignore this for the sake of the story it wants to tell.

Who's to say he wasn't charged? Guilty people get off all the time, and if the judge thought it was just a case of an upstanding citizen making a freak mistake, he could have gotten probation and a suspended sentence.

Brian Katcher

You're right, I hadn't considered that, or the other answer, when I posted.

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