Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Considering at least the T-Rex, Raptor and Dilophosaurus fences have been destroyed / damaged, wouldn't turning the power back on just cause the circuit breakers in the maintenance shed to trip again?

Answer: The breakers tripped because of Mr. Arnold resetting everything, not because of the fences being destroyed. So they had to try to turn the breakers back on to get any power to anything on the island. Ellie was following Hammond's direction, so she didn't have time (and didn't really know which ones) to think about which fences were and weren't destroyed. At worst, if some of the fences were down, those specific ones just wouldn't have a current running through them.

Answer: According to Wikipedia, Kinski was offered the role, but he declined it to instead appear in the horror film "Venom" because that role paid more money. Considering Kinski's mental illness and violent tendencies, it would have made for an "interesting" film shoot.


Answer: Probably for an element of surprise and to catch others unaware. It's a tactical advantage.


Dog Day Halloween - S2-E7

Question: The robber instructs Steve to go behind the counter and fill the bag with money. Why tell a customer to do this, instead of a bank employee?

Answer: A bank employee would be well-trained in what to do during a robbery and could hit a silent alarm, hand the robber money with a dye pack or tracer, or otherwise do subtle things to thwart the robbery. A civilian wouldn't know any of that and would probably be too scared to resist.

Brian Katcher

Peggy Makes the Big Leagues - S5-E4

Question: Luanne implies that she would date David if she were two years younger. Peggy says that David actually is her age. How? Luanne is not in high school. She has already tried beauty school and now goes to a community college. I would guess that David failed two grades, but this episode is about teachers giving him special treatment and "cutting slack" (because he is a popular football player).

Answer: His current teachers are giving him special treatment, but he could have repeated grades in elementary school or middle school, making him the same age as Luanne now.

Question: When the animals come out of their hiding places in Ace's apartment, and he kneels on the floor, what species are the birds perched on his shoulders? The mostly green ones.

Answer: They appear to be Nanday Conures.

Question: Why did Obi-Wan go to Padme's apartment (as she told Anakin later) to discuss being worried about Anakin? He either doesn't know about their marriage, or he pretends to not know because Anakin would be expelled from the Jedi Order. In order to keep up appearances, it should be strange for him to visit her home.

Answer: He is hoping she knows where he is. He hopes to convince her to tell him so he can confront him.


The question is not about Obi-wan talking to Padme before the fight on Mustafar. It's about the off-screen visit, when Anakin asked Padme if Obi-wan had been to the apartment. She said yes, Obi-wan came by that morning because he was worried about Anakin. Why would he stop at her apartment if he "isn't supposed to know" that she is Anakin's wife?

Okay, my bad. Wasn't clear to me.


Answer: He tells them to draw out their lightsaber, to not delay, and just start the fight.


But he says, "We don't want to make a mess of things in front of the Chancellor," as if he is trying not to fight.

The "mess" I think he is referring to is the pointless debate they will go into if they don't simply start dueling. A few seconds later, he says, "I've been looking forward to this", so he always wanted to fight. You have to understand that Dooku knows Palpatine is his master, and he has been ordered by Palpatine to get Anakin over to the dark side. The only way for him to do that is to best Anakin in dueling, showing him the dark side is stronger. Little did he know.


That makes sense. If I remember correctly from a book, Dooku thought that he would kill Obi-Wan, then he and Palpatine would convince Anakin to join them. Although, not all of the books are canon anymore.

Answer: They're implying the quality of American-made products had really declined. At the time, the US market was facing stiff competition from Japan and other nations, and some people blamed it on American goods being shoddy.

Brian Katcher

Answer: It's Alan Shearman.

Answer: According to IMDb, it's John Viener.

Amy Emerick Tice

How is that possible? This episode aired in 2001 and Viener didn't join "Family Guy" until 2005.


Viener voiced Stallone in a season 4 episode. According to IMDb, Alan Shearman played him in this episode.

Question: Does Master Li's actor, Yu Rongguang, know English? I noticed that Master Li never speaks English during this movie.

Answer: Yes.

Question: Obi-wan is the one who asked for a new Padawan. When it turns out that Anakin will be Ahsoka's Master, why is nobody ever assigned to Obi-wan?

Answer: My guess is that he expected Anakin to need some guidance of his own, as a Knight who is training his first Padawan. Or maybe he was supposed to remain available, in case the pairing of Anakin and Ahsoka did not go well.

Question: How did Hugo Strange find out that Bruce is really Batman?

Answer: Listen to the fourth Riddler interview tape. He did a psychological profile of Batman, then picked among candidates as to who could be Batman. He's also smart enough to realize only a rich man could afford all of Batman's gear and vehicles.


Question: What is the name of the song that blasts in Dr. Wentworth's car and causes his ears to rupture? Or was it something created for the movie?

Brian Katcher

Answer: It was a song written by Mel Brooks for the film. It's called "If You Love Me Baby, Tell Me Loud."


Question: Is there any difference between the North American and British versions? Such as censorship.

Answer: I would say, not quite. As far as I know, the European and American versions would share mutual agreements and censorship with the content in the game. For instance, in the original RE4, if you kill an enemy by a headshot with the rifle in either the European or American version, it would show the headless enemy. In the Japanese version, you can still kill enemies by rifle shots and the enemy still has their head attached. It's just that in the Japanese version, decapitation in games is banned. If anyone can disprove me of regional changes of RE2, they're free to do so.

Question: Hopper's brother, who died fairly early in the film and really didn't do too much fighting of the aliens received the second highest Navy award for valor, the Distinguished Service Cross. Whereas Hopper, who saved the world, who had the initiative after his own ship was destroyed to commandeer a vintage battleship and lead it into battle, knocked out the aliens' ability to communicate, etc, received a lesser honor - the Silver Star. Why the disparity?


Answer: One one hand, his brother's sacrifice could be deemed a greater act of valor. On the other hand, the movie is hardly a documentary on naval matters.


Answer: She demonstrated to have wits and be resourceful. She gets to stay in that safe haven and help in the efforts to fight the disease back.


Question: Does anyone know if ships actually have "rev limiters" as shown in the film? Phillips had to keep ringing down to the engine room whenever he wanted to throttle the engines up a notch. I was always under the impression that marine engines that are used on boats are designed to be at max revs all day long?

Answer: Ship engines are run at a maximum optimal speed. The engine could go faster, but by doing so, fuel consumption could increase unnecessarily and/or you may have too much cavitation as the water flow is greater than what the propeller is designed for. But in an emergency, the engineers could make it go a bit faster than the maximum setting allowed by bridge control.


Question: When Solomon met with Michael Sheen, he and Maddy were staging a set-up to expose him, as well Van De Kamp. Since what he and Van de Kamp did were technically illegal, wouldn't Solomon be arrested for giving him the diamond?

Answer: More often than not, lesser criminals are granted immunity in order to bring down greater criminals or complete criminal organizations. From a criminal justice standpoint, it makes sense to let Vandy off scot free if it helps you put the big fish in jail.


Show generally

Question: The four main protagonists are constantly sliding into a different universe, with just the clothes on their backs, and they are usually very short of money or have money not used in that universe. So, how come they have such a varied and expensive wardrobe?


Answer: They could go to an ATM and withdraw money from the account of that universe's double or, depending on how long they're stuck in whatever dimension they're in, they could do some odd jobs for some extra cash.

That's a good point. Thanks.


You're welcome.

There actually is an episode that shows Rembrandt doing that exact thing.


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