Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: How does Flash's costume fit inside the small confines of his ring like that and come out so easily? And how the heck does he get it back in his ring?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Flash pushes his suit inside the ring at high speed to close the lid, locking it in place. When he opens the ring the high tension shoots it out like a jack in the box.


Answer: The Flash's suit is a friction proof high compression micro fiber designed by star labs, the suit is easily folded down to the size of a dime and is pushed into a high tension spring. To release it the Flash just clicks the rings insignia.

Question: Looking at a gun in a case, and then a picture of the Wayne family, Barry asks "What happened to you, Bruce? You were the James Bond of Superheroes." He then follows up by saying, "What turned you into the Unabomber?" What is a Unabomber?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: The Unabomber was a man named Ted Kaczynski who planted and mailed bombs between 1978 and 1995 which killed 3 people and wounded 23. Basically Barry is calling this version of Batman a psychopath.

Question: General Lane shows Hal Jordan the alien, Abin Sur, that Green Lantern in a water preservation chamber. General Lane talks about how the ring launched off in space away. Yet Abin Sur is still in his green lantern uniform. The uniforms are generated by the rings, so when it flew away, wouldn't Abin Sur's uniform vanish? Especially over the course of 8 years as General Lane claims?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: It really depends on the writer. In many stories the suit vanishes as soon as the ring is drained of energy, in other cases, where a character dies, the suit remains on the character. This could be interpreted as a way to identify the body as a member of the Green Lantern Corps. But that is just one theory among the comic community.


Question: If Reverse Flash wants to destroy Flash so bad, why doesn't he go back in time and kill him as a kid? Reverse Flash has to know who Barry is as he was able to slip his outfit into Barry's ring and put it on him. So he knew Barry is the Flash. He even calls him by name towards the end of the film.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Reverse Flash can not kill Barry in his own timeline. If he does he will erase his own timeline out of existence, essentially killing himself. With Barry screwing up history after saving his mother, Reverse Flash is now free to kill Barry.

Chosen answer: Possibly. They share a similar look but her name is never mentioned in the film or comics. She is voiced by the same actress who voiced Harley in "The Batman," so maybe.


Question: After the scene where Cyborg talks to Batman to try and recruit him, it changes to Barry running down the street past a man with a sign. The sign is red and in big yellow letters it reads "THE END IS NIGH". Is this a reference to Watchmen?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Not necessarily. Many forms of media feature someone holding an "End is Nigh" sign. It has become a trope.


Question: In the Batcave, there is a cork board with a full deck of playing cards pinned up on it, with the Joker card in the very center. Is this supposed to represent minions of the Joker that Batman has taken down? Or what is this?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Quite possibly. The Joker is Thomas Wayne's only major villain in the comics.


Answer: In Flashpoint when Martha Wayne witnessed the death of Bruce it drove her crazy and she becomes the Joker, the joker card is at the center of the board kind of as a reminder to Thomas how messed up things can be.

Chosen answer: In the original universe Deathstroke's daughter goes by the name Ravager.

Question: Out of pure shock and a possible psychotic break, in the flashback of Bruce being murdered, his mother wipes his blood on her face and begins smiling in an insane fashion that greatly resembles the Joker. Is this supposed to signify that in this timeline, Mrs. Wayne becomes the Joker?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Yes. In the comic this is based on, Mrs. Wayne becomes the Joker due to Bruce's death. Except in the comics she scars her face months after his death, after Thomas says he wants her to smile again.

Question: After Barry is healed of his wounds, Batman gives him the Reverse Flash suit. Barry sighs and then begins rapidly vibrating and begins glowing. The glowing stops and he is suddenly wearing the suit that is now the colors of his suit, not Reverse Flash. How did he do that?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: In the comic, Barry goes on to explain that he could vibrate the suit at its microscopic level, changing the color of the molecules, but decides it would be faster to make a new one. Here they decided to show off the change.


Question: After Batman throws a grenade at the guy with the bug like helmet, his helmet breaks open and you see his face. He looks an awful lot like the guy who is the president in this movie. Is it supposed to be the president?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: No. Black Manta is not the same guy as the president.

Question: Reverse Flash stabs Flash in the leg with a broken rebar. So why doesn't the wound heal quickly? Earlier in the film, Barry gets third degree burns all over his body, but they heal in seconds when he gets his Flash powers back.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Reverse Flash is absorbing the speed force from Flash, dampening his powers. Including his high speed healing.


Question: Is this supposed to be a sequel or a reboot? It takes place as if it's a sequel, kinda like the Hulk movies, but there are so many changes and differences it's like a reboot... like the Hulk movies. So sequel or reboot?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: This is a sequel. The only major difference from the first one is the Devil's human appearance.

Chosen answer: No, unfortunately Krocsyldiphithic is not a real word.

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: Their score was pretty bad, but just good enough to win the bet. Getting the money was the important part - they didn't really expect to win the competition.

Chosen answer: Since Lisa is called blonde and Bart "tow-headed, " I think we are meant to assume that their hair is simply bright yellow, the same color as their skins. And it is an accepted fact in Springfield that yellow is a normal skin color.

Actually, in the episode, "No Loan Again, Naturally", Bart says that while staying inside the house for days, his hair was reverting to its natural red. He was worried that the kids would call him 'Rusty'.

Answer: In one episode, Bart and Lisa get their hair cut at a salon, so we can assume it is normal hair, just identical to their skin color.

Question: Is it ever revealed what happened to Truman's real mother and father? Once he left the show, would it have been possible for him to have been able to find them?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: No, we don't get any information about them in the movie. It's stated that Truman was legally adopted by the corporation that runs the show; that being the case, Truman would probably be able to learn his true mother's identity from the adoption papers and, with any luck, track her down. Truman was an unwanted pregnancy, hence being given up for adoption, which raises the possibility that his biological father may be unknown, or at least no longer in touch with his mother, but depending on the situation, locating his father cannot be ruled out as a possibility. Given Truman's enormous fame, it's quite probable that a number of people may well appear claiming to be his parents after his escape; DNA matches would allow them to weed out the liars, so it's not implausible that one of both of his biological parents might find him, rather than him finding them.


Answer: During the interview as they were showing the babies, it was stated that they were "unwanted babies" which means their parents didn't want them. This includes Truman.


Show generally

Question: In the movie the Stargate shook and in an episode tells us that they put dampeners on the gate. Off world stargates don't have dampeners so how come they don't shake? Is this because they're controlled by DHDs?

Answer: The off world stargates have a DHD, the Earth stargate had to adapt a computer to dial the gate. It is explained in the first season that this is the reason the gate shook as the dialing computer could not compensate for the stellar drift that the DHD could. Thus they had to add vibration dampers to compensate.

Question: Why does Quaid shoot Dr. Edgemar when he sees sweat dripping from his head? What is it about the sweat that lets Quaid know something is wrong?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: It was nervous sweat, which wouldn't happen if everything was only occurring in Quaid's mind.


He was trying to convince Quaid that he was in a dream and taking the pill would wake him up back in reality. Seeing him sweat gave him away and Quaid knew he was really awake.


Answer: The drip of sweat could have been a consequence of Quaid's imagination going into overdrive, and manifested as part of his delusion. For every argument against it being a dream, there is a counter argument for it, including that of the director whose intention was the latter and as stated in the extended director's commentary.

Question: Why did Nicholas react very rudely when his assistant wished him a happy birthday?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: Nicholas' father committed suicide on his 48th birthday, something that has haunted Nicholas ever since. Nicholas himself has now reached the same birthday, putting him in a very sour mood and in no place to receive birthday wishes cordially.


Answer: No, he admits to his ex-wife after 11:40pm that day that he didn't even realise he was the same age as when his father committed suicide until she just brought it up. I'm guessing he was annoyed because he was just a grumpy man and was resentful of celebrating his birthday due to the painful memories associated with his father.

I always thought he was lying or being sarcastic when he said that.

Answer: The story parallels "A Christmas Carol" with Nicholas being a modern day mirror to Ebenezer Scrooge. When wished "Merry Christmas" Ebenezer famously would say "Humbug." When wished "Happy Birthday", Nicholas is equally as unhappy with the sentiment "I don't like her" he says to his assistant.

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