Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Does anyone know if the song Maggie sings underneath the stars is a real song? What's it called? Are the lyrics to the whole song written out anywhere? I'm talking about the one that goes "But I know I'm not alone, standing here on my own".

Answer: "When You're Alone," written by John Williams and Leslie Briccuse, was an original song and was nominated for a 1991 Oscar. It lost to Beauty and the Beast. It was also up against "Everything I Do, I do it for you" from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

K.C. Sierra

Answer: No. If someone as big a star as Justin Timberlake was doing a cameo in a movie, it would be VERY well-known.

T Poston

Question: Do Charlotte and Bob end up sleeping together? While the obvious answer is no, when they are going up the elevator the night before Bob is leaving, notice the jacket he is wearing. It's the same jacket that Charlotte gives to him the next morning which he says she "stole" from him. While it doesn't necessarily say they did, they obviously did something together after the elevator scene.

Answer: If they did, it was never said or seen during the duration of the movie. Usually if this happens, it means the event did not occur.

T Poston

Question: When is the song "Du Hast" by Ramstein played?

Answer: The song is not played in this movie. The only hard rock songs in this movie are Dragula by Rob Zombie and Rock Is Dead by Marilyn Manson.

T Poston

Question: When Danny plays Poker with the Teen-beats, he plays his hand as four queens and then says 'I think the Ace is pretty high), the ace is high, but how would that make a difference to the four queens? Also, when Topher Grace (used real name in film) plays his hand as all reds, does 'all reds' mean anything in poker, it's certainly not a flush, as he has hearts and diamonds in there, is that why Rusty looks depressed as Topher Grace collects the money?

Answer: To answer your first question: Two people can't have four queens on the same hand, so when Danny said that he was being sarcastic. In poker the fifth card is sometimes played as "The Kicker", it's a tiebreaker card. I believe it was four nines though and not queens. To answer your second question: All reds means nothing unless they are the same suit. They were just adding a little humor into the movie when they did that; that was a horrible hand, and likely didn't actually win. Rusty looks depressed because he hasn't been able to teach the teenbeats anything.


Question: After the T-800's infamous invasion of the police station, Reese and Sarah escape and the T-800 is unable to catch them. Reese and Sarah then hide in a tunnel overnight. The next time we see the T-800 is the following day, in his hideout scanning Sarah's address book. What has the T-800 been doing this whole time?

Deidra Goins

Chosen answer: He lost track of Sarah, so he went to look for her mother in order to find out the location of Sarah.

Kirill Ostapenko

Question: Luke says to Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, "If these new droids do work out, I want to submit my application to the Academy this year." What "Academy" is he referring to? Is it connected with the Empire or the Rebel alliance?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Its the Imperial Naval Academy. Many of the Star Wars heros (Han Solo, Biggs Darklighter etc) all went to the academy then defected to the rebellion. Luke wants to get away from Tatoine and has his heart set on adventure like his friend Biggs.


Question: I hear that Kyle Gass is supposed to be in this movie. Does someone know who he plays?

Answer: I can't find any credited source saying that Kyle Gass was in this movie.

T Poston

Answer: I didn't do a thorough or very extensive search, but of the numerous sites I did check, I found ONE reference indicating that he WAS in the movie: However, what part he played was not specified. There is a photo apparently showing what was probably a cameo, and it looks like he is one of two men standing in an interior doorway (such as in the cafeteria?). During my search, it became obvious that Kyle has had a minor role in MANY movies.


The TV guide site you're referencing is just wrong and I don't know why they added him. You'll notice he's the only one without a character name. And the picture they used isn't a still from the film. The "other man" in the picture is Jack Black. It should be noted that that the DVDs Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny; Dumber and Dumberer; and Run, Fat Boy, Run were sold as a 3-pack bundle in the US for a short time and maybe that's where someone thought Kyle Gass was in this film.


If you knew the site was "just wrong", why didn't you respond to the question a long time ago and state you know incorrectly lists him under "cast". Yada Yada yada? And offer a possible explanation as to why someone might have thought he was in the movie but you know he definitely wasn't? Or, didn't you know he wasn't in the movie? Have you at least contacted to inform the ed (s) that Gass wasn't in the movie but erroneously indicates he was?


I didn't answer the question because I've never heard of the rumor he was supposed to be in it. But I know the TV guide site is wrong because of preponderance of evidence, basic understanding of how to credit a source on the internet as being reliable or accurate with given information, there's no character name listed, and they used a still from The Pick of Destiny movie. Maybe someone did it as a joke like when JB said KG graduated from Juilliard at age 13.


I did think of the possibility that it was a joke... I never even heard of him before.


And what "proof" or objective information from a relevant, reliable source makes you so sure that you are right but is wrong?


Answer: The whole series was considered for the Outstanding Drama Series award. For the Outstanding Directing in a Drama series award it was the 10-11pm episode that was nominated.

Chosen answer: "So Damn Beautiful" by Polaroid.

Question: During the Venice boat chase at the beginning of the film, a large number of vessels are flying a flag which looks more like the flag of Mexico than that of Italy. Or are they perhaps flying the 'Kingdom of Italy' flag which looks similar from a distance to the Mexican National Flag? Can anyone help?

Answer: They are flying the Italian Civil Ensign, which is used by civilians on water. The emblem in the center of the Italian flag when used on water are the Arms Of Savoy, the former royal Family of Italy.

Question: Someone made this trivia contribution: "At the end of the movie where the Oracle is talking to the Architect, there is a plaque on the bench she is sitting on which says 'In memory of Thomas A. Anderson.'" Where did this come from? At no point in the movie is there a clear shot of the plaque to make out its words, and in no behind the scene specials does anyone mention that last scene.

Kirill Ostapenko

Chosen answer: Its in the special features on the DVD for Matrix RELOADED (not Revolutions, even though that's where the bench features). One of the people interviewed is sitting on it and the plaque can be read.

Question: Right after Blackburn falls, Everest calls over Galentine so he can contact Capt Steele. Galentine tries several times but can't raise him. Then Everest uses his communicator to try and raise him. Why would he call over a soldier who is defending their location to do something he can do himself?

Answer: First off its Eversmann, and he called over Galentine because he had the large radio on his back. It would cause less static, and he then used his radio to call Steele creating two calls to the same person which would make Steele know the situation was urgent.

Question: In the tape, we see some fingers in a box and something white running down a black screen (a comb through the hair maybe?), but what is the relevance of this to Samara?

Answer: Seven fingers in the box represents the seven days she was alive in the well. The hair combing represents Samara's view of the world, since her hair always covered her face.

Question: The two credited Film Editors according to IMDB are Tariq Anwar and Christopher Greenbury. However only Tariq Anwar was Oscar nominated for this film, why is this?

Answer: According to, both were nominated.

Question: During the song "When you Believe" a little girl says a bunch of stuff in Hebrew. What is she saying, and what is the translation for it?

Answer: "Ashira ladonai ki gaoh gaah, Ashira ladonai ki gaoh gaah, Michamocha baelim adonai, Mikamocha nedarba kodesh, Nachitah v'chas d'cha am zu gaalta, Nachitah v'chas d'cha am zu gaalta, Ashira, ashira, ashira..." "I will sing to the lord, for He has triumphed gloriously, I will sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously, Who is like you, O Lord, among the Celestial? Who is like you, majestic in Holiness? In your love You lead the people You redeemed, I will sing, I will sing, I will sing..."

Question: I was wondering if there was supposed to be any connection between the six original conspirators and the victims one hundred years later? Obviously Father Malone was a direct descendant of one of the conspirators, but what about the other five? I thought maybe it was about roles, like a priest, three fishermen, a weather man and an old lady, maybe? Or was it just any six people who had to die? That doesn't seem to make sense because the zombies were going to kill Stevie and her son and the people at the church. Maybe they would have stopped after six were dead, I don't know. I also doubt that the six who died were all relatives of the six conspirators, what are the odds of the three fishermen all being relatives of the conspirators and being on the same boat? Anybody got any ideas?

Charles Fraser

Chosen answer: From what I've gathered from listening to the DVD commentary there is no connection between the six that must die and the original conspirators (Father Malone aside). I've always found it quite silly that fog, which is seen roaring down the streets of town, seems hell bent on getting the main charaters and not bothering anybody else in the town.

If one reads the novelization of the film, it's revealed that the six were descendants of the original six conspirators. Although it wouldn't apply to the movie, it's an interesting plot point.


Season 1 generally

Question: I'm an Aussie who just bought the box-set of CSI Series 1 DVD's and I was wondering why all the episodes have a different opening song? It definitely isn't 'Who Are You?' but the song's credit is still at the end of every episode. Was there some copyright issues or something?

Answer: Pete Townshend did a "remix" of the song. If you listen to it all the way through (it's about 6-7 mins long) You will find that it is the same piece of music.

Question: What is the name of the Japanese song that plays prominently during the whole film, especially during almost all of the ending? It has both instrumental and vocal parts, and can be heard for the first time when Sandy and Hiromitsu make love.

Answer: I think its called "Chinsagu no Hana".

Question: When Reese finds Sasha's body, you can hear Sasha's voice saying something over and over again, as if on a loop. Does anyone know a) what she's saying and b) what's causing it?


Chosen answer: She is saying "I'm not stuck, he is!" which was what the caller was saying when she was disconnected.

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