Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: I understand that the show won the Emmy for Best Made-For-TV Movie or Miniseries. And, yet, the show has had more seasons. Just how do the rules for that category work and what made Downton Abbey eligible to be considered a miniseries?

Answer: Yes, because at the time it was not sure if it would continue and since it was short it could be seen as a miniseries. it also depends on where the producers decide to submit it. However since it continues on it is no longer a miniseries but a full series and thus cannot be submitted in the miniseries category anymore.

luke f

Chosen answer: It is basically in reference to the fact that when they arrived, everything that was happening happened when they were leaving the last world. So it was basically time again means it is the same thing and world means similar world.


Question: Did that bounty hunter in the bar ever realise that he was in fact talking to Billy the Kid... Prior to being shot?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: He may have. When Billy started whistling, the bounty hunter's face changes. He continues to speak to Billy in a dismissive tone, but does eventually pull the trigger (although Billy had unloaded the pistol). Hard to believe he would just shoot some mouthy kid in a bar.

Question: What exactly was the role of Martina in the movie? Was she spying on Hulk in any way, as she lived in the same building as Banner as shown while he was being chased by Blonsky? Or was Banner in love with her while he was in Brazil?


Chosen answer: Neither. Martina was simply a woman who happened to live in the same building and work in the same factory as Bruce. She was however attracted to him.

Question: What part did I miss to know about the twins at the end of the movie? Also when exactly did Loki lose his weapon to Hydra? Does Loki's weapon have the Tesseract in it?


Chosen answer: The Twins are Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, aka Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, who appear in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Loki's staff was recovered by SHIELD after The Avengers, but of course, SHIELD had HYDRA agents in place to take it. Loki's staff is powered by the Mind Stone, one of the infinity gems.


Question: At the very end of the movie, when Sy's camera ends up having only photos of "the little things" as opposed to the pictures of the other characters pretending to have sex, I interpreted it as Sy not having actually TAKEN pictures of the couple, but really taking pictures of the room itself, on purpose - so that the pictures wouldn't get out, but instead he would just be giving them what he feels they deserved. However, on a couple other websites I have found the ending interpreted as Sy having hidden or disposed of the film that he took the lewd photographs with. Are either of these considered to be "correct"?

Answer: There is a line from the cop at the very beginning of the film in the interview room with Cy "We processed the roll of film we found in your bag Mr. Parish, they're not very pretty pictures. Also you left a camera in the hotel, we processed that roll as well. "As he talks about the second roll he indicates the folder containing the photos we see at the end. Therefore we can assume the "not very pretty photos" found on the roll of film in the bag are the lewd ones of the pretend sex acts. Whether he left the other ones behind as a cover or what he intended to do with the lewd ones we can but guess.

Question: Why did Harry and Nagini crash into a child's room at Bathilda Bagshot's house in Godric's Hollow?


Chosen answer: The child's bedroom is part of the neighbor's house that is attached to Bathilda's. It was just part of their fight, not something intentional.


Answer: There are many reasons that known actors appear in movies and are uncredited. Cameo appearances often go un-credited. Actors sometimes do a cameo if they are friends with the director or the other stars. It can add an unexpected surprise for the audience. There are also contract and payment issues if an actor receives billing in the credit. Jack Lemmon, who was the narrator for the story, may have preferred not being credited. He was certainly a big enough star that if he wanted to be listed in the credits, he would have received proper billing.


Chosen answer: No, they are not related. His father used to work with Agent Carter but that is as close as it gets.

Casual Person

Question: Why did Alexander Pierce say to Agent Romanov that she would be okay if her past is opened to the world? To what part of her past is he referring ?


Chosen answer: Black Widow was turned into an assassin and spy at a very young age. She has killed hundreds of people at the request of the Russian and American governments, in addition to many other horrible acts as yet unspecified..

Greg Dwyer

Question: What happens when you call the number on Lucy's card? It is not a 555 number, so who answers?

Answer: If you dial the number (626-584-5723), it will reach an answering machine recording of Lucy Wilde asking if you want to apply for the Anti-Villain League.

Casual Person

Question: Could someone please tell me where all the other walking apes/chimpanzees/orangutans came from? Caesar was the only surviving ape from the last film, so where did all the rest come from?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Caesar wasn't the only surviving ape, just the only surviving talking ape. Conquest of the Planet of the Apes is set roughly 20 years after Escape from the Planet of the Apes, and in that time man began to keep apes as pets (disease wiped out dogs and cats) and (most likely through breeding), the apes evolved into what we see in the film.


Question: 2 questions about the Alliance Star fighter squadrons: 1. Only 3 squadron leaders are identified (Red, Green and Grey) but there are a lot more than 3 squadrons. Who led the other squadrons? 2. Is an Alliance squadron made up of more than 1 type of star fighter? For example are all of Red squadron made up of X-Wings? During the space battle, Wedge tells Red 3 and 2 to pull in and an A-Wing and Y-Wing respond.

Declan Murphy

Answer: Lando was Gold Leader (He is call Gold Leader twice during the flight through the Death Star), in command of Gold Squadron and the overall fighter fleet, while Admiral Ackbar was in command of the whole mission.

Chosen answer: According to Wookieepedia, the fighter squadrons at the Battle of Endor were Red Squadron, Gold Squadron, Green Squadron, Blue Squadron, and Gray Squadron. The squadrons were comprised of various types of fighters. (

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Andy breaks out, grabs the money, and sends his evidence of wrongdoing to the newspapers. His evidence is so convincing that the cops arrest the head guard and the warden kills himself. So why does Andy hightail it to Mexico? The papers have the story of a lifetime. They're going to complete the investigation that the warden prevented. Andy's going to be a martyr and a hero and clear his name with family and friends. He'll get rich just suing the government for false imprisonment. So why does he opt for life on the lam? ("Don't worry, Red. They'll NEVER find us here in Mexico. You and me, we just blend in.")

Answer: Andy is still under a life sentence for the murder of his wife. With Tommy dead, there's no one to corroborate the story that Elmo Blatch confessed, so it would be Andy's word against Elmo's. And since escaping from prison is a crime in itself, they'd be looking for him for that as well. Best to take the money and flee the country.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: As stated before, the only witness to Elmo's confession was killed. So even the newspapers would not likely turn up any evidence admissible in court. Not to mention that Elmo's confession doesn't expressly state who the parties were. He says a golf pro but that seems to be the main description that could be used to identify any party which in itself is almost worthless. Also keep in mind the times and Era this takes place. You didn't have the groups, or even public sway, that would fight for innocence. While corruption isn't new, even in these times, from officials and such... There is still a relative belief by the general public that officials are always right and criminals are always guilty and liars. Think of it like this, even today... It is still incredibly hard to get a judgment overturned or voided and that's with groups like the innocence project and general public aware of innocent people given guilty sentences... Back then, it would have been an almost foregone conclusion for most appeals to always be denied and would have taken a mountain of evidence, credible evidence, to sway a judgment in favor of the defense. Also as to suing the government... That's far from any realization. First, it's hard to sue the government and in many cases is immune to liability, i.e. Can't be sued... But consider the time and Era again... Courts don't like admitting errors NOW, so back in that Era... I'd seriously doubt any judge would've even heard a lawsuit against the government if it weren't outright refused by the governments exemption from liability claims. Also, keep in mind that it wasn't a court that convicted him but a jury of his peers. Finally, overshadowing all of what I mentioned above is Andy Dufrane himself. What reason... What reason at all should Andy have ANY faith that he'd be exonerated. Forget about the crime of escaping the prison and whether he'd serve time for that or got a sympathetic judge who would have written that off either as time he's already served for a crime he didn't commit or because had the judicial system not failed him initially with a wrongful conviction, he wouldn't have HAD an opportunity to break the law. Why should Andy have ANY faith that events he set in motion would ever result with his conviction overturned. He couldn't foretell the warden taking his own life and no one would've believed a convict or taken his word over anything else. So needless to say, there is every reason for him to "high-tail-it" as far as he can go. Remember that jury of his peers... He's already been an innocent man sent to prison for a crime he didn't commit... Why in all heck would he ever believe that anybody would think differently if he stayed. No... Given the times and situations involved... Andy made the correct decision.

Habeas Corpses - S4-E8

Question: How come the entire staff at Wolfram & Hart are killed and come back as zombies, yet as revealed in "Home" only Lilah keeps her personality? All the other lawyers are flesh craving killers, Lilah is the only exception. Why?

Answer: A security feature of Wolfram & Hart is to turn most people in the building working there into zombies to try to prevent the killer/attacker from escaping. However some employees like Lilah have contracts that don't expire at death. These people are brought back effectively as ghosts to continue to do Wolfram & Hart's bidding. In the comics after the show ends we see Wesley come back as a ghost due to his contract with Wolfram & Hart. These ghosts retain all memory and traits of the physical person and are bound to the company forever.

Home - S4-E22

Question: Does the end of this episode get fully explained in series 5? Too long to wait until the DVDs. The only point of confusion for me is what happens to Connor - the idea that W&H can alter memories/history, etc. is fair enough, but then why does Angel cut his throat, or at least appear to?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: Angel does not kill Connor. He disables him then takes him to Wolfram & Hart, at which point they contact a demon who uses magic to create false memories for anyone who has met Connor, Connor himself, and Connor's new family. No alternate reality is created, it was just memory alteration.

Season 4 generally

Question: Cordelia was controlled by Jasmine, Cordelia controlled the Beast who brought the rain of fire and blotted out the sun, they also brought Angelus back and released him. All of this probably caused many deaths and made terror overtake the city. But Jasmine was nice and kind and tried to make the world happier. So what was the point of Jasmine's plan to bring the Beast and Angelus? It makes no sense.

Answer: The beast was used to obtain artifacts and rituals needed to bring Jasmine Into the world. Jasmine didn't want or need Angelus - he was just a bonus killing machine to keep Angel's gang busy. Angel's gang summoned Angelus because he knew about the beast.

Question: Throughout the film, Hugh Stamp's accent keeps changing, where exactly is he supposed to be from?

Answer: South Africa, although the actor is Australian.

Question: When Dorothy is in Munchkinland and she starts off on the Yellow Brick Road, it spirals around with a Red Brick Road before splitting off toward the Emerald City. Where does the Red Brick Road lead to?

Answer: It is assumed that it goes towards the Sapphire City, but this is up for debate, as 1) it is never mentioned nor shown in a movie relating to Oz, and 2) the red road was not in the book series, and was purely added to the movie for aesthetics.

Question: How does Ben Hildebrand die? Only his skeleton is shown in while Billie removes the parasail. He would not have been killed and eaten by a dinosaur because his skeletal remains are still there, and he wouldn't have been strangulated as he was talking to Eric as per the video.

Answer: While the movie doesn't explain this, it most certainly wasn't a dinosaur (since a carnivorous dinosaur would eat him). However, in Jurassic Park Adventures: Survivor, he dies from internal injuries due to the rough "landing".


Answer: Raptors.

Answer: Compisigthus or compies would have done the trick.

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