Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why do Gaston and his mob proceed to enter the castle, when it is clear from the looks on their faces that they are a little confused and suspicious as to why a bunch of objects just happen to be lining the entrance hall?

Answer: Because they're there for the beast. They aren't just going to turn back simply because some stuff was out of place.


Question: In the full Theatrical Trailer, does anyone know what song is playing from where Davy Jones says, "...and it's time to pay up." until the end of the trailer? Thanks.

Answer: It's a bit more complex than a single track, I'm afraid, as it consists of several bits of music merged together. First up is a piece called "Choral Swell 3", by a group called "Music Junkies". Other pieces represented are a pair from a group called "Immediate Music", who do a lot of trailers, entitled "Def Con" & "Epicon", then, from Pfeifer Broz Music, bits entitled "Evil Island", "Falling Comatose" and "Tortured Souls".


Question: Does anybody know if a 'Juliet Class Torpedo' can out run a Seadoo? Because it seems that it could if a self propelled torpedo can maintain an average of 30 knots.

Good Job!

Chosen answer: Designs of torpedoes dating back to before World War Two were generally capable of exceeding thirty knots, with many current designs easily doubling that and, in certain cases, reaching well into three-figure territory. The Juliet-class torpedo appears to be fictional, but, given the performance figures for real life designs, a speed of thirty knots seems actually quite slow.


Question: To anyone who's seen the Broadway musical: are the Beast and the Prince played by two different people? It seems that it would be difficult to execute the transformation scene that quickly on stage.

Answer: SPOILER ALERT. DO NOT READ THIS ANSWER IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW. It is the same actor. Not to spoil the magic, but they figure out a way to have the Beast onstage and in costume, send him into the air and have the transformation done in the blink of an eye. The way they do it, they couldn't change the actor if they wanted to. He never disappears from view. One thing to be aware of, though, is that during the fight with Gaston, you don't get a really good look at the Beast. That's because his makeup is already off. Can't really say more than that, as I do not know the tricks of the trade. The effect is astonishing.

K.C. Sierra

Question: Does anyone know what song was used in the adverts for this movie? All I know is that it's Missy Elliot, it samples that song "Jump On It", and she says something akin to "Wanna pull my head, break my back." Anyhow, I like the song but I can't figure out what it is.

Answer: It's called We Run This by Missy Elliot.

Bunk - S1-E13

Question: SPOILER WARNING IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN RECENT SEASONS (4 & 5). At the end of this episode, Horation goes to his brother's grave but in, I think, the 4th season, we find out that Raymond isn't dead, so whose body is buried in the grave? There was obviously a funeral because in an episode earlier this season, Horatio had a little booklet thingy from a funeral about his brother. Whose body is buried in Raymond Caine Senior's grave?

Answer: Many people whose body is not recovered still have gravesites with tombstones after memorial services. Or it could have been a closed casket with weights in it.


Question: What exactly is Kazim attempting to gain/accomplish by killing the doctors?

Answer: So they will not discover the poisonining that is going on.

Question: In trivia for this film, it says that when Carl goes to arrest Frank in the hotel, he flashes his badge the wrong way. Spotted this myself thinking it was a mistake, but trivia says it was Intentional. Why did they have him flash the badge this way?

Answer: Carl's work is mostly done in his office. When in the field he'd usually just question people. This time he actually has to arrest the guy and the reversed-badge thing is meant to show how nervous he is.

Question: Is there any reason why there are no male lions in Simba or Zira's pride?

Answer: In real prides the males are kicked out once they reach maturity so that's idea that they kept in the movie.


Question: What city(s) do the Saw trilogy take place in?

Answer: I don't think we're ever told.

Answer: Possibly Los Angeles because they filmed the first Saw there.

Answer: It's not revealed where the Saw series takes place. A possible answer could be one of the states that they filmed it in.

Answer: It is never stated.

Answer: As the other response says, the number of years is never stated. Physically, I think he is supposed to look about twenty years old. Bill wants him to start a proper business. None of the adults seem to think that he should be in school.

Question: In the policewoman's apartment, the recording she is watching of the puppet goes to live. How did that happen with a recording?

Answer: The camera was plugged into the VCR, so when the tape finished, and the Officer stopped it, it switched to the live feed.

Question: Who is the dead person that has Obi's envelope stapled to him?

Answer: It is not a dead body, but a doll.

Question: Why does Slevin make Goodcat break his nose?

Answer: When Slevin first tells Lindsey about his time in New York, he told her he was mugged and got his nose broken. We later find out this isn't true. To make his story seem valid, however, Goodcat breaks his nose.

Answer: I had one of those when I was a kid and it was called a Bumble Ball-not sure if that's the "official" name or just what we called it, though.

Question: In the very last scene (I have only seen the original version, not the Director's cut), a crowd is gathered outside the Darko house and Gretchen comes along on a bike and talks to this little blond kid. When she asks him "What happened?", if you listen closely you will realize that the kid's response is not exactly standard English. It sounds, in fact, like complete gibberish, or just possibly something meaningful in a non-English language. What exactly is that kid saying, and what is its significance?

Answer: It is, in fact, English. He says "Got smushed by a jet engine".

Question: In the scene where Bridget tries to purchase a pregnancy test, the lady behind the counter holds up a box, and then a box of condoms. I was just wondering what the first box actually was?

Answer: Tablets for digestion problems.


Question: Much of the cinematography of this movie looks computer generated, even close-ups of faces. How much of it is unreal, and is there anything else contributing to this surreal look?

Answer: The only time that Brandon Routh's face is computer-generated is whenever he flies straight toward the screen at the end. This was CGI because it was never filmed during production but they later decided to put this in to match the old Christopher Reeve films.

Question: I saw the theatrical release of The Court Jester in 1980. I remember a character being tortured to reveal information, but he refuses and dies. This scene was not in the VHS or DVD versions. No one else seems to remember it. Can anyone confirm it? I believe (but can't be certain) that the unfortunate character tortured was Fergus the Ostler.

Answer: Fergus was indeed the unfortunate one being tortured to death, although this is off-screen; the Captain mentions it to Ravenhurst and his compatriot right after Hawkins wins the tournament. However, as far as I can remember, that he had died was mentioned in all the versions I've seen up to date. And also, Fergus did reveal the critical information which caused the arrest of Hawkins and Maid Jean, and the revelation of the child's presence in the castle.

Question: What happened to Jack the dog? Last she was seen was when Jack showed up at Kate's boyfriend's work. The boyfriend said "I know you." and looked back at Alex walking away. I assume that's how Kate got the dog. But Jack isn't really seen in Kate's time much, after the chess game.

Answer: When Kate and her boyfriend broke up and Kate was living at the apartment (2510 N Racine), the dog is there with her. It is assumed that the dog remained with her from 2006 onward.

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