Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Is there a reason why Roger, Anita, and their child are not back for this sequel? Also, how and why did Dipstick get adopted by Chloe?

Answer: Because Jeff Daniels and Joely Richardson who portrayed Roger and Anita were busy filming other projects at the time and maybe they chose not to return. Or perhaps the writers couldn't find a way to fit them into the Story. As to how Dipstick got adopted by Chloe, maybe it's just a mystery we'll never know.

Answer: We are never told why they are not there and we are not told about how Dipstick came to live with Chloe.

Question: Why was oddball stuck in the cake batter and why was she struggling to get free?

Answer: It appears that she somehow fell in and she was struggling to get out because Cruella was there and because the cake was about to be sliced to be baked.

Question: After Microsoft purchased Rare from Nintendo, a DS remake of Diddy Kong Racing came out. Developed by Rare and published by Nintendo. But if Rare no longer works with Nintendo, how did Rare make the game?

Answer: Short answer; Microsoft allowed them to. Since Microsoft wasn't involved in the handheld console market, Rare was still able to develop handheld games for Nintendo (essentially a small division of Rare was allowed to develop these games as long as their main focus was on developing Microsoft games). Rare developed games for the Gameboy Advance which were published by THQ before development for the DS. Microsoft even said in 2003 they weren't going to publish GBA/DS games and if any company wanted to they could. There were rumors at the time that the DS was going to be able to connect to the XBox because of Rare developing these games.


Question: At the airport, Marvin shoots a bullet through a rocket, and the explosion travels backwards towards the shooter. Is this possible?

Answer: Yes and no. The Mythbusters later tested this, and it turns out that while an armed RPG will explode when shot with a bullet, it definitely won't kill whoever fired it. What's more, RPG's are designed to penetrate tank armor, and when they explode, a stream of molten metal comes out to destroy the armor. That kept going no matter what they did and would likely kill Marvin.


NS - S3-E13

Question: What was the symbol Chibs wrote in Jimmy's blood on Stahls car at the end of the episode?

Chosen answer: It was the IRA's symbol (or their "tag"), an upside-down cross in a circle. It was done to frame them for the killings.


Chosen answer: John Teller (Jax's father). "Piney" Winston (Opie's father). Lenny Janowitz. Keith McGee (President of the Belfast charter). Wally Grazer. Thomas Whitney. Chico Villanueva. Otto Moran (not to be confused with Big Otto Delaney with the eye-patch). "Clay" Marrow (though not a founding member).


Thank you.

Question: The Russian captain commends the naval soldier for "averting a nuclear war" after Charles took over his mind and destroyed the ship with the nuclear weapons. This sounds like a dumb question, but if he was commended for averting nuclear war, why did he throw him in the brig?

Answer: Because he still did it on his own, against orders. Though the captain was happy he did it, he still needs to punish him for disobedience.


Question: How exactly, in the context of the film, did Dietrich manage to have Sutler appear on his show? Obviously John Hurt is playing the part and I get that it's not supposed to be the real Sutler, because Sutler was devoid of humor and would never agree to appear on the show, but did Dietrich just luck out by finding someone that looked and sounded exactly like Sutler?


Chosen answer: Sketch comedy shows do this all the time, and I'm sure even in the film's world, there are comedians who specialize in impressions. It wouldn't be impossible to find someone who looks and sounds like Sutler, or at least close enough that they can do so with a bit of make-up and rehearsal.

Question: Just to clarify Stu's plan. He wanted Lenore dead to take the life insurance policy which he was gonna pay Malenkov with? And would frame Brian to put him in jail?

Answer: Stuart told Bryan that he owed a large debt to his former business partner and ex-Spetsnaz operative, Oleg Malankov. To pay him off, Stuart had Lenore murdered for the insurance money. He framed Bryan and revealed his identity to Malankov because he was jealous that Lenore still loved Bryan.


Question: Moneypenny is ordered to shoot Bond, to get to the man Bond is fighting on the train, so why does Bond, later, in MI6, dig the fragments of the bullet out of his shoulder and ask them to be analysed, which does reveal that the bullet is very odd?


Chosen answer: The bullet fragments are not from Moneypenny's shot - earlier on Bond is shot in the shoulder by the assassin Patrice when he is in the cabin of the excavator.


Question: Shouldn't Magneto have died when Mystique shot him? Wouldn't his carotid artery or jugular vein have been hit?

Answer: Obviously, the bullet managed to miss the carotid artery and jugular vein. Such a neck wound, even from a gunshot, is not necessarily fatal.

Question: Frank is fighting a lot of bad men in oil, so everything is slippery. My question is: What are the things Frank puts on the front of his feet, to fight the slippery oil, they are like half-rollerskates?


Chosen answer: You notice that Frank removes those items from a bicycle frame. Those are stirrup-style rat trap bicycle pedals. They have serrated metallic edges which supposedly give Frank traction on the concrete floor, despite the oily mess.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: What is the name of the song that is played when Lovejoy discovers that Jack and Rose are together in the bedroom, and they both escape through the elevator?

Answer: Funnily enough, this movie's soundtrack has been released on two separate albums, and neither one contains that part. It's also heard when Jack and Fabrizio are running across the dock in Southampton.


Answer: On YouTube you can find it like "the Chase" but it's a version quiet diferent than the film. Also is very good.

Answer: Rakish Paddy.

Question: At the beginning, Stretch asks the two punks in the car to hang up so that the call can end and the phone line can be clear. Why? Why can't she just hang up and end the call? This makes no sense.

Brittle Fingers

Chosen answer: That's how telephones worked back then. It has to do with the lack of a disconnect signal being sent by the called party, which phone companies have now. Back then when someone called another person, they were paying for the call and thus it was felt that they're entitled not to be hung up on and the line would not be "free" for the person being called, even after they hung up. This also meant if someone was called and they picked up in one room, they could say "hold on I'm going to switch phones", hang up, go to another room and pick up the phone and the caller would still be there. It was also a great way to scam or annoy people by calling them and not hanging up. Some countries still maintain this method of operation, largely because some people have become used to it, although nowadays it's by choice, not by technical limitation, and the length of time the line is held open is significantly reduced.


Yeah that's actually true. in the 80s we used to call up talk radio shows from isolated, seldom-used phone booths and then leave the phone off the hook. No more calls for hours until they straightened it out with the phone company. we called it 'jock blocking'.

That's not true my brother would prank call KDKA in Pittsburgh constantly they had no trouble hanging up. If people called our house there was no trouble hanging up.

That's exactly how it worked if the line didn't have a disconnect signal.


Question: Why did Meredith change Tom's specifications on the production line? Was it merely to impress Conley-White? If she was incompetent, then wouldn't she knew she would screw up the production line? Was it unlawful as well? I know she was using the sexual lawsuit claim as a reason to kick him out of the company before he could trace the problems. But if that's so, I don't really understand her making Tom's life hell.

Answer: Meredith secretly changed the specifications to make it look like Tom had messed it up, giving cause for him to be fired. In addition to getting rid of Tom, she also wanted personal revenge against him for their failed relationship, making his life hell and wrecking his marriage.


Question: At the very beginning of the film, the burglars take care to switch off the home alarm system before ransacking the house. Why, then, as they are leaving, do they turn the system back on and shatter a window to trigger the home alarm? Makes no sense.

Charles Austin Miller

Chosen answer: As we see in the film, the houses they burgle have all purchased security systems from Alex's father. This makes it easy for them to gain access to the houses without triggering the alarm. However, if they committed a string of burglaries in which no alarms were triggered, people would eventually put together that customers of the same home security company were being burglarized and would point to them all being inside jobs. By tripping the alarm once they finish, they make it look like a standard break-in.


Answer: Because wearing his helmet makes him immune to Xavier's mind-probes. If he put the helmet back on, he could have tried to kill Nixon again. He doesn't take the helmet with him because he knew that Xavier would stop him in his tracks if he tried.


Question: Mystique had just walked away after Magneto flew off. She changed into a soldier that was still in uniform. Why change into that out of all things instead of a civilian?

Answer: Since the scene involving Mystique had literally taken place on the White House lawn, leaving as a civilian would most likely result in her being stopped for questioning/debriefing. By taking the guise of a uniformed soldier, she makes it less likely that she will have to answer to anyone as she is trying to get away.


Question: I don't remember if Logan said it or if it was said on the radio. But what happened to the mutants?

Answer: Dr. Rice tells Logan the mutants have been wiped out due to a drug in the food and water supply that suppresses mutations, thus no new mutants had been born in 25 years. In the film series, it's indicated mutant powers usually come out during puberty, so parents don't know their children are mutants until around 12 or 13. So it took over a decade to realise no new mutants had been born. However, the government had been breeding mutants for weapons, which is where the mutant children come from in the Logan film. Furthermore, it is implied the "Westchester Incident" was an uncontrolled seizure of Charles Xavier that resulted in the death of many of the mutant students.


Question: When did the moustache get shaved off in the movie and why?

Answer: He shaved it as he began spending more time with the Lakota. Native American tribes rarely accepted facial hair. As you can see, none of the other Lakota men have any. He also grew his hair longer as an abandonment of his military lifestyle.

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