Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: As in Del's case, would the guards have fabricated a scenario by which to get a death row inmate out long enough to do a practice run like they did?

Answer: The practice run wasn't with a death row inmate. He was incarcerated in another part of the prison.


Question: I hear after the credits, there is an extra scene where you find out what happened to Dom. Can anybody describe this scene for me?


Chosen answer: The scene starts in Mexico where you see a Chevelle driving through the desert. It is driven by Dom who says that he lives his life a quarter of a mile at a time.


Show generally

Question: In one of the newer episodes, Grampa attempts suicide but instead becomes a matador. In this episode, what is the name of the song that is playing as Grampa walks through the grocery store and goes like "I am Superman, and I know what's happening"?

Answer: R.E.M Superman is your song.


Question: Does anyone know how or if Obi-Wan was going to pay Han for taking him and Luke to Alderaan, if they had gotten there? If he had 17,000, why didn't he just pay the 10,000 that Han originally wanted?

Answer: In the next scene, after leaving the bar, Obi-Wan says, "You'll have to sell your speeder" to Luke. He replies, "Good, I'm never coming back here again." He also agrees to the price for passage, the extra is to insure that Han delivers them. No double crosses or selling them out to the Empire.

Answer: He didn't have it - he was presumably expecting that Bail Organa would provide the money on their arrival. That's why he upped the fee, to get Han to take him and Luke despite not receiving much money up front.


Answer: Obi Wan does not know or trust Han Solo. He had no money other than the 2,000 for Luke's speeder, but even if he had the full amount, he would not have paid Han the additional 15,000 until he had safely delivered him, Luke, and the droids to Alderan. He offers the higher amount knowing it is less likely that Han will just take the 2,000 and run out or turn them over to the Empire for a reward. Obi Wan had no doubts that the Alderan government would pay the remainder of the fee, considering he was there at Princess Leia's request and how important the information was inside R2D2.


Question: Whatever happened to Mulan's father's sword? The last we see of it is when Shang throws it at the ground in front of her on the mountains. Did she leave it up there?

Answer: When Mulan realizes the Huns are still alive, she can be seen re-sheathing the sword on her horse before mounting it.

Question: Could Ofelia's second task possibly have been to kill the Pale Man? Because after she retrieved the dagger the faeries flew towards the Pale Man before Ofelia picked the grape.

Answer: I saw nothing in the movie indicating that. Ofelia's task seemed to be to retrieve the blade, she failed because she didn't follow Pan's instructions about not touching the food.


Show generally

Question: In "His Story III" (I think it's a Season 5 episode but I'm not sure), JD barely appears at all. The Janitor kidnaps him at the beginning, then right at the end releases him from some kind of water tower. Since JD normally has a fairly major part and there's no real explanation for why he isn't in this episode, I figured there was some reason like Zach Braff was unavailable for filming or something? I know he's been in a couple of films recently, is this why? A definite answer on this would be appreciated. Thanks.

Answer: From what I can find out there does not appear to be anything definitive to say that Zach Braff was unavailable. But a number of things would suggest that he wasn't unavailable. First of all most actors on TV shows will film their episodes over a period of time and commit to that project until the show has wrapped up for the season. Secondly it was only one episode. Most actors that have been absent from a series (e.g. Jesse L. Martin from Law & Order, Kelsey Grammer from Frasier) generally will miss more than one episode if they have other commitments. Finally the show might generally revolve a lot around JD but many of the other characters are featured quite prominently. The fact they have done more than a few episodes where other characters have narrated the show and focused on them is partly proof there is interest in more than just JD's character.


Answer: Essentially Bart was the main figure behind Sideshow Bob being arrested and convicated. While Lisa helped Bart gather some of the clues, it only lead them to the theory that someone else was behind the robbery. It wasn't until Bart noticed the size of Bob's feet compared to Krusty's feet that he discovered it was Bob who framed Krusty.


Question: I heard talk of a sequel. Does this mean that Chev survived and the fall was the antidote?

Answer: That would depend very much on the nature of the sequel. It may be intended to feature the original character, in which case he must have survived. Alternatively, the sequel may be intending to use an entirely new character in a similar situation, in which case Chev's fate is open to debate.


Racist Dawg - S7-E20

Question: When Bobby goes into the room with the water heater and says "Hello, I'm Bobby" to Mack, he sort of sounds like he is trying to do a British accent. Beside the fact that Bobby likes to be funny, is there any specific reason why is he doing this?

Answer: I believe when he says this he is doing it in his normal voice but in a more pleasant and happier tone than his regular scratchy voice. Being that Bobby can be fairly friendly with friends and strangers goes to reason why he would be this nice.


Answer: Much of Bill's background was revealed in the episode "A beer can of desire". He was born to a wealthy Cajun family in Louisiana. Although most of the information about his parents is fairly unknown. Bill has from time to time mentioned that his father was abusive and I believe an alcoholic.


Question: The Caretaker tells Johnny that St. Michael threw some angels out of heaven and that they were called the Hidden. Why where they thrown out of heaven and how did they become the Hidden?

Answer: They were thrown out of heaven for siding with Lucifer when he tried to overthrow God. They were called the hidden because the could hide within the elements.


Question: Why does Chef's name tag on his army uniform say Chef and not McElroy (which is his surname)?

Answer: Because South Park is an unrealistic and ridiculous cartoon, as evidenced by the fact that all the black people are in the same battallion and the name of their mission is "Human Shield," followed by the all-white "Operation Get Behind the Darkies." Point is, don't look for realism in a movie like this.

K.C. Sierra

Question: Is it legal to have sex in an airline bathroom?

Answer: It depends on whose airspace you are in when it occurs, whether or not anyone else sees you (public indecency), the laws of the nation that the airline is based in, etc.

Grumpy Scot

Question: It is repeated that Bryan owes Dom a 10 second car. To me, a car has 4 wheels and an engine. What is a "10 second car"?


Chosen answer: It's a car with the power to do a quarter-mile drag race of the type depicted in the film in ten seconds.


Question: When Chucky is loading the guns with real ammo instead of paint, why would a military school store or even use live rounds?

Answer: Military schools usually have gun ranges, so they would have live ammunition for that.


Answer: They would have live rounds for use on the ranges. The real issue is that they'd also have it drummed into them to personally check the ammo of any weapon handed to them so the shooting should never have happened.

Question: I was wondering whether the evidence that Adrian Brody gathered was true, or if it's artistic license. It seems that if it were true, there should have been a further inquiry into George Reeve's death.

Answer: Here is a good link that will help separate fact from fiction.


Question: How come the kryptonite Superman is stabbed with pierces his skin but the needle that the doctors use a bit later on him doesn't?

Answer: Because Kryptonite has specific properties that nullify Clark's powers so the improvised blade goes straight through his protection. An ordinary needle has no such effect.


Question: The scene when Wessex thinks that Shakespeare is dead, but he then comes into the church and Wessex thinks he is a ghost come to haunt him, seems like the scene in Shakespeare's play Macbeth when Macbeth sees Banquo's ghost. Is this another example by the film-makers of showing how Shakespeare's life inspired his plays, or just a coincidence? Was Macbeth written before or after this film was set? Thanks.

Answer: Oh, it's undoubtedly intentional, another of the many nods to Shakespeare's work scattered throughout the film. The precise date of authorship of Macbeth is unclear, but even the earliest likely date is still some years after the setting of the film.


Question: Throughout the movie, there are a few times where we see Drake in a peculiar posture. One of his arms (I believe it's the left) is always held up at an angle. This is especially noticeable during the climax of the movie, where his armor is fitted to that posture, can anyone tell me why he might hold it up like that?

Answer: He'd have needed his armor made to allow his arm to raise up high enough to wrap around his victims, drawing them in for a bite. After so many eons of wearing that armor (which can't go all the way down since it's made to go higher) he just got used to holding his arm that way.


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