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Question: This might be a stupid question, but why do all three of the children speak in typical American voices? Wouldn't their speech have a British influence because of their father, and also Niles?

Answer: Children's brains and language skills are still developing at that age and they adapt to the environment they live in. My former boss was born in England and moved to the US at about eight years old. She completely lost her British accent by her teens, even though her parents still spoke as typical English citizens. A Japanese co-worker and his wife, also Japanese, spoke English as their second language. Their two children learned both English and Japanese simultaneously while growing up and spoke each language with the appropriate accent.


Answer: Kids tend to take on the accident of where they live. I once had a British student who lost his accent after a couple of years in the US.

Brian Katcher

Not just where they live, but also after their peers (who live there, but you know what I mean).


Answer: Not necessarily. Their late mother being American would've probably made the most impact on their speech, considering most kids spend most of their early years more with their mothers than fathers.


Gracie is young enough that she doesn't remember her mother. The episode "I Don't Remember Mama" was about this.

Question: Rose and her mother need the financial security from Rose's marriage to Cal. What were they probably expecting after the wedding? Was Cal aware of Rose's father's debt? Did they think he would pay it off, or did they hope he would never find out? I would expect Cal, being from a stable, wealthy family, to have his choice of suitable (to him) women who did *not* come with the burden of debt.

Answer: Cal, who was quite rich and prominent, would have fully investigated the family's debts or other concerns. To avoid any social embarrassment, scandals, or lingering complications, he would likely pay off the remaining debts. Despite Cal's despicable character, he loves Rose, and that is the price of marrying her. In this era, women had many restrictions and few legal rights, so even as Cal's wife, Rose would have no direct access to her husband's money. She would probably receive a small monthly allowance and her expenditures would be closely monitored. Rose and her mother may not have had any money, but they are socially prominent and respected, and that would be an asset to Cal.


Answer: Rose's mother wanted Rose to marry Cal, so they had joint finances. With joint finances Rose would be able to get money to pay off her family's debt.


Question: Who's the actor that played the jumper...? IMDB doesn't say... I thought I heard once that it's Mel Gibson's brother? He looks like the character "Johnny" in Mad Max.

Answer: The jumper's name was Len McCleary. He was played by Michael Shaner and is credited for the role in the film (and on IMDB).


Answer: Also, "Johnny The Boy" from the first Mad Max film was played by Tim Burns, according to Wikipedia; not only is he a completely different actor, but he is also obviously not Mel Gibson's brother.


Question: V has shipped and delivered mass quantities of his outfit to just about every citizen in London. How did he manage to ship and deliver those packages when everyone is out looking for him?

Answer: It is never explicitly stated he worked alone. He had help keeping Evey locked up for example.


Answer: They received the costumes in the mail, it was been easy for him it gets it shipped, especially the people who supported his cause. He never had any help imprisoning Evey. He played all the characters. That's why you never saw their faces.

Question: What exactly is "snow blowing" referred to by Isabelle in Stepmom?

Answer: This site isn't the proper place to explain what "snow blowing" is. I would suggest you look up the term on Urban Dictionary, but be aware of its graphic description.


Question: There's probably an obvious answer here; but why does Miraz wait until his wife gives birth to his child before killing Caspian? If Miraz wanted to take the throne, he could have killed Caspian any time after Caspian's father died (I think he died but can't remember the movie that well) so that he would be the next successor.

Answer: Prior to the birth of Miraz's son, Miraz had no heir. So his nephew, Caspian, was heir to the throne after Miraz. With the birth of his son, he didn't want there to be any questions as to who would be heir.


Question: Where were Natasha and Yelena taken to in the beginning?

Answer: After leaving Ohio, the "family" went to Cuba to meet up with General Dreykov. From there, the girls were taken to the Red Room located in Belarus.


Question: At the end, Henry goes back to the meadow. Alba is there, now 9 yrs old, and the Gomez kids are there also. Henry says that they've gotten so big. Alba sends them to go tell Claire that he's back, but Claire is young again, so how are Gomez's kids there? Alba and Henry time travel yes, but Claire is young again, so how are the other kids there as well? I'm confused or just not seeing it right.

Answer: Not sure what you mean by Claire being "young again." Henry dies when Alba is five years old. His younger time-traveling self reappears when she is nine, so that is only four years later. Claire would barely have aged in that short amount of time. The young Gomez children, however, would have grown quite a bit in four years.


Question: Can somebody please explain to me HOW on earth Bond disengages the bungee cord wrapped around him after jumping off the dam without it flying back up the dam? Or could he have just secured it to something to stop it doing this very thing? I know it is possible that all this happens off-camera.

Answer: There's no indication or implication that the cord didn't bounce back up once Bond disengaged it from the loop on his ankle. As he reaches the bottom he fires a grappling hook into the concrete to stop himself from bouncing back up, then presumably would have disconnected the cord (which would have bounced up) and he would have dropped down to the concrete structure.


Question: What is the "terrible accident" that happened to Felecie's mentor? Did it have anything to do with the woman she works for?

Answer: When she was younger she was an extremely famous talented dancer, one day she was doing a show and it was just her on stage. The stage engulfed in flames, and she was seriously injured and could no longer dance.

Answer: She fell while dancing.

Question: How come Hilts could not answer the German at the end of the movie when he said he could speak German to Colonel von Luger?

Answer: He could have only known a small amount of German, enough to answer a question or two, but not enough to carry on a full conversation. Also, the German seemed to be wanting to have a full conversation with him. He was on the run and didn't have time to talk. He was most likely being a smart ass saying he knew German.

Answer: .And, just to add to the previous answer: even if he could speak conversational German, he would likely do so with a very strong American accent (as he does when he speaks the few words to the Commandant earlier), so the guard would have picked up on that right away, anyway.

Answer: I don't think the intent is for her to be a cyborg. Since she suffered a facial disfiguration and had no access to medical treatment or reconstructive surgery, the mask on her face probably serves to hide her scars. Plus, since she's the episode's villain, it helps to make her look more menacing.


Question: How did the company know about the Alien in the first place? Presumably no-one had been there before and the signal they picked up didn't indicate the presence of an Alien lifeform.

Answer: It was never fully explained. "The Company" had a standing directive that any signal detected which indicated alien life was to be investigated and specimens collected and returned. Failure to comply would result in the crew forfeiting their profit shares. The company apparently had previously detected the crashed alien astronaut's warning signal from LV-46 and wanted to search for alien lifeforms without specifically knowing what would be found.


Actually in the movie it is indicated that the company definitely knew about the xenomorphs, given Ash's directive. It is not explained how in this movie but it is in the movies "Prometheus" and "Alien: covenant." The standing directive about investigating signals was just an excuse to use an expendable crew to procure a specimen.


Question: Why does Mickey want to stay behind with Yoshi, at the end, when Raph has had the connection with him throughout the film?

Answer: Michelangelo wants to stay behind for the same reasons as Raphael: because in that time and place, they are well respected, even revered as heroes. They can live openly and not be banished to sewers or subway stations.


Mikey didn't want to stay behind because of Yoshi but because of Mitsu. Raphael even points out that she's the reason he doesn't want to return. When Mikey says they should stay, Raph responds, "Now, forget about Mitsu and give me the scepter."

Question: In Raiders of the Lost Ark, the scene when Indy tells Marion to close her eyes, does anyone remember in the original release that the spirits looked directly into their faces to see if they were looking? Since I saw that, I haven't seen it in any version of the film. Does anyone know where this part can be seen, or why it hasn't been included in the various versions? (02:07:59)

Answer: I've seen that scene myself, but the versions I've seen have been on basic cable networks, with commercials, and they've included that scene. Sometimes they edit scenes for running time.

Question: Is Hanson's deformed hand a reference to any particular movie, or did they just make it up for this film?


Answer: Most horror films have a deformed character. One eye, a limp, a hunchback or a useless arm.

Question: How do the alien creatures orientate? They're blind but sensitive to noises, so I guess it is supposed to be some kind of echolocation - but first, echolocation is not a way of "seeing" your environments constantly, especially not suitable for running like crazy in a forest full of trees and obstacles. Second, by using echolocation, they should be able to locate moving objects even it's noiseless. So how?


Answer: No one knows. The aliens are unknown entities and, as yet, humans have little knowledge about their biology or physiology. Any answer would be speculation.


Question: In one scene, McLane turns on an electric saw to distract the terrorists. When he's having no luck finding shoes that fit, why didn't he just use the saw to cut the toes off a pair of shoes?

Answer: There's no answer, though it would have been dangerous for McClane to go back and use a noisy saw. The dead guy's cohorts might be around and/or are looking for him and could hear the noise. McClane also had to move quickly to get the body into the elevator and down to the party floor, so he could gain info about the other terrorists. The shoes may also have been too tight and narrow as well as too short, making them unusable.


Question: On Aurora's birthday, Jim and Aurora sit at the bar. Arthur put something into Aurora's birthday drink. What was it? (01:00:50)

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: Arthur drops a sugar cube into each champagne glass. In addition to making champagne sweeter and bubblier, this is also an old Italian custom to toast a romantic couple.


Question: What happens to the real Derek bond, his old friend? He is not seen at the party at the end or even seen again after the hostage.


Answer: Presumably he went back to his home and practice. Gary seemed to like Derek much more anyway.


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