Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Chosen answer: According to, it is Carly Simon.

Michael Albert

Question: What's up with the afterlife? After they die, they somehow walk back to their own home and when they walk out, they're on some desert planet with giant sandworms. Now, their case worker Juno says they have to stay in the house for 125 years. Why do they have to stay in the house for 125 years and for what? Is there a Heaven or Hell in this movie?

Answer: The version of the afterlife depicted in this film is a complex bureaucracy involving caseworkers, vouchers, and the like; the Maitlands' case requires that they spend 125 years in the house. When Adam attempted to leave, he found himself on Saturn for reasons that are never really explained within the film. As for the last part of your question, Adam remarked that he saw nothing about Heaven or Hell in the Handbook For the Recently Deceased, so it's possible that neither Heaven or Hell exists within this version of the afterlife.


Well I know this is from the musical, not the movie, but in the song "Say my Name", Beetlegeuse says "I'm a demon straight from Hell." So maybe there is just a lot more, where not everyone is guaranteed to go to Heaven or Hell, and they have to prove themselves.

Answer: Yes there is a Heaven and Hell in Beetlejuice. Juno says the 125 years is like a purgatory, they have to stay there until their time is up, and then they can "move on."

"Move on" doesn't necessarily mean that the Maitlands will go to either Heaven or Hell at the end of the 125 years they will be stuck in the house; it also doesn't mean that they are in some sort of purgatory. It most likely means that they will be able to leave the house after that time is up.


Question: In the last shot of the film, Huck runs off into the sunset. Where could he be running off to? Did he run to get on the steamer boat or did he just run anywhere he could be going to?

Luka Keats

Chosen answer: It is implied that he is off to his next adventure - whatever that might be.


Question: Why does Barnabas refuse to take Angelique's heart when she offers it?

Answer: Quite simply, it's because Barnabas hates Angelique and has hated her for almost 200 years. Back in the late 1700s, the witch Angelique and Barnabas had a brief romantic fling; as a result, Angelique fell madly in love with Barnabas. Unfortunately, Barnabas moved on and fell in love with another woman, Josette. In a fit of enraged jealousy, Angelique tortured Barnabas through witchcraft and eventually cursed him to become a vampire, which also precipitated Josette's suicide. So, Barnabas hates Angelique like poison and would never forgive her.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: I don't understand why Victoria calls herself "Josette" at the end of the movie. Is she really Josette in a reincarnated body? Or does she want to pretend to be Josette?

Answer: In the original television series, it was implied that 18th Century Josette Dupres had reincarnated as either Maggie Evans or as Victoria Winters in the 20th Century (Barnabas pursued Maggie at first but then decided Victoria was Josette's reincarnation). However, Victoria then traveled back in time to the 18th Century and actually met Josette, which was confusing (the same soul in two unrelated bodies in the same timeline seems unlikely). Tim Burton sidestepped that confusion by omitting the time-travel part of the original storyline. In both the original series and the movie, though, the point is that Victoria and Josette share a soul. Toward the end of the film, Victoria finally accepted that she was Josette and that Barnabas was her long-lost love.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: When Elizabeth is interviewing Victoria for the governess job, Victoria says that men would "become unmanageable" if there was gender equality. What does she mean by this?

Answer: Victoria means that women traditionally manipulate men quite easily by using sex and sexy appearances. If true "gender equality" existed, then men would see and respect women as more than mere sex objects, which would undermine women's control over men.

Charles Austin Miller

A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen - S2-E13

Question: When Frank returns to his home, he has to push through a pile of mail to open the door. He then walks into the kitchen, sits down at the table, and picks up a newspaper that reads "Frank Castle Dead." Where did the fresh paper come from? Obviously Frank didn't leave it, and it must have been put there within the last few days.

Chosen answer: Castle picks up the newspaper from the pile of mail and carries it to the table. There don't seem to be other newspapers in the pile, and there should be more given how long he was away, so perhaps only that issue was put through the mail slot. Karen may have done it, but she seems to still think he was dead at that stage.


Question: Is there any underlying significance to when they show zombie blood gets in Gerry's mouth, but he does not turn into a zombie?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: The significance of showing the blood drop on Gerry's tongue and him spitting it out was to back up the theory that the only way to become a zombie is to be bitten by one. After the blood touched his tongue he ran to the edge of the building and waited 12 seconds (the time it takes to become a zombie) before he stepped off the ledge. If he would have started to change he was going to attempt to jump off the roof before causing harm to his family.

Then how does the scientist at the WHO get infected from a blood sample?

You can't turn by ingesting, or getting the blood on you. It has to enter your bloodstream. The scientist cut his hand and got zombie blood into his bloodstream.

He stuck himself with an infected needle or a "sharps" tool coated with infected fluids, which cut him.

Blood tester is encased in glass. Dr. Testing did not pay attention. His hand was in the case while it was mixing. Glass broke, cut him, testing blood mixed with his.

Question: When Slim catches her husband's girlfriend paging him, why does she want to know the woman's name? Why does she think that knowing the name will help the situation?

Answer: She wants to confront Mitch with a name. If she had vague suspicions, but no names, it would be easier for him to make something up and quickly dismiss her questions.

Answer: She would likely want to know if the other woman was someone she knew.


Question: Who is it that Bruce sees in his dream/vision while waiting for the file to be decrypted? It seems like it might be the Flash, given his time/dimension-travelling powers, but it doesn't look like Ezra Miller and seems to be wearing some sort of armour.

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: It is Flash. He is wearing armour because of whatever has transpired in the future. He often wears an armoured suit in dire circumstances in the comics.

Also, if you look at the bottom of the image frame you can just make out the Flash icon on his chest piece.

Question: Is this a continuity problem or something I am missing. I was wondering where Lev (the cosmonaut) would sit after leaving the RSS? After reading some questions I know that Lev would use one of the spare spacesuits, but where would he have been sitting during the 12G ride? For the ride home there was a seat for everyone. 3 members of Freedom died and 3 members from Independence survived, meaning there should be no spare seat for Lev.

Answer: Remember that the shuttles weren't built for this mission, they were built to land on Mars. They probably had extra seats because there were going to be many astronauts on that mission.

Greg Dwyer

Answer: There are a bunch of tough looking men in it which gave Karen the impression she would probably be killed.

Chosen answer: Nothing. But she knew Jimmy and Henry were on the outs and Henry was unpopular with the bosses due to his involvement in narcotics, so her paranoia meant she panicked when Jimmy sent her down an alleyway.


Question: When Commander Morrow responds to Kirk's protests he says "Jim, the Enterprise is twenty years old. We feel her day's over." In ST: TMP, Decker said "This is an almost totally new Enterprise." If the Enterprise was, for all intents and purposes, totally rebuilt from the original, with more space, better engines, etc., how could it be twenty years old?

Movie Nut

Chosen answer: The Enterprise may have been extensively refurbished, but that does not mean it is entirely new. The ship is still 20 years old. Also, that was Decker's comment, and it may have been an over-exaggeration. Newer ships were being designed and built in the meantime, so even if the Enterprise was still mechanically sound, the technology may have advanced so much that it was not possible or it wasn't economically feasible to continually retrofit older vessels.


Question: How is Blade able to catch his glaive (his bladed throwing-weapon, not his sword) without slicing his own hand and/or fingers in the process? As in this film and its sequels, the blades are still spinning rapidly just before he catches it.


Chosen answer: While all of the nocturnal vampires in the movies are far stronger and have incredible reflexes compared to humans, Blade is supposed to be an even stronger and faster vampire with special powers (he can travel in daylight, and his reflexes are super-fast even compared to other vampires). In short, Blade is so fast that he can safely snatch a whirling glaive out of the air as easily as catching a slow-pitch softball.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: When Evil is walking down the alley, why did Jerry chase after him? Evil didn't believe in the existence of vampires, so he wouldn't have been a threat to Jerry at all.

Answer: Peter's odd behavior at Jerry's house made Jerry suspicious. When he discovers the shard of the mirror on the ground he finds out why Peter was spooked: Jerry doesn't cast a reflection. Jerry then decided that Charley's friends must be dealt with. In Ed, Jerry sees something which would lead him to believe Ed would make a good servant. Jerry turns Ed into a vampire and sets him against Peter while he himself deals with Charley and Amy.


Question: In the last 9-10 minutes of the sinking a woman is shown in a white dress floating inside the ship. There is a light behind her, and the area appears to be completely submerged in water. Who was this woman and what area of the ship was she in? Also, did her character/this scene have any significance to the story?


Chosen answer: The corpse of the woman in a white flowing dress appears to be floating under the great dome (the light behind her) that was above the grand staircase of the first class foyer. This is the same area Rose and Jack meet at the clock after dinner and before the party below decks. It is also the same area where we see the spirits of Jack and Rose meet at the end of the film, near the clock. There's a chance it might be the 1st class lounge. The room where Rose was watching the little girl have tea and her mother talked about the invitations for the wedding. You can see the room once more when the passengers retreat back to it instead of getting into the boats because it was too loud and cold outside. I don't believe we are meant to know, specifically, who the woman was, nor did she seem to have any significance but to create an artistic shot of the calm of death juxtaposed with the panic of those still alive above deck just before the ship splits into two pieces.

Michael Albert

This room is the first class lounge. The woman is unknown.

Opie's Rival - S3-E10

Question: When Peggy is mad at Andy and storms away she gets into a car with the steering wheel on the right side. I'm just curious as to why?

Answer: Steering wheel looked like it was on the right hand side. Maybe the car was an import from England.

Answer: From what I see, the steering wheel is on the left hand side. She just happens to get in on the passenger side, to avoid going around the car into the street or the bushes were blocking her way.


Answer: I answered a similar question about this show, and I'll repost what was from the Internet as a possible reason: This could be production-related in setting up the shot. For example, getting in on the passenger side can be shot as a locked-down tripod shot. Getting in on the driver side means the character has to walk around the car, requiring at minimum a pan/tilt/zoom and probably a dolly shot to make it look good (they didn't have Steadicams back then, so any time the camera had to move, a dolly track had to built for it to roll on). That would add expense and time to what was really just an establishing shot. This was a low-budget, weekly TV show, and scenes would shot in the easiest, fastest, and most economical way possible, even if it seems somewhat illogical.


Except the way the shot was set up, the camera wouldn't have had to follow her walking around the car. Being equipment-related is the least likely reason.


Answer: Denny.

Question: Why was it banned in South Africa?

Answer: The film was never banned in South Africa. It was released uncut and was a box office hit.

Question: Scott throws discs which enlarge/shrink whatever they hit, except when he throws them at Darren in Cassie's bedroom. Darren is able to bat them away. One hits an ant, the other the train engine, both of which enlarge. Why didn't Darren enlarge when he touched the discs?


Chosen answer: I can assume it was because they didn't attach, just touched.

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