Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: During the sequence in the vault, De Niro uses a kind of torch. This torch emits sparks and is powerful enough to cut steel but is small enough to take with him. Is there such a torch? And if so what does it use for heat?

Answer: It's called a thermic lance.

Answer: More than likely its a plasma cutter. I am not sure what it uses for heat but I know its a common welding tool used in motorcycle and car shops. You can see one being used on Monster Garage on Discovery all the time.

No... That's a Thermite or Thermic lance. It melts steel nice and clean.

Question: Can anyone explain Lucian's arm blade? It seems totally out of character for him, and every time he changed to wolf form he'd have to track it down and reattach it. Moreover, since these vampires don't have any weakness to metal, there's no special advantage in using a metal blade instead of his wolf claws. So what's the point?


Chosen answer: In most of the shots, Lucien takes his coat off when he changes to wolf form, and the blade would be attatched to a mechanism in him coat. Also, the film gives us an example of the blade hurting a vampire: bloodloss. And that kind of weapon could do some serious damage, and as it probably wouldn't kill the vampires, it would almost definitely slow them down.

Answer: Removal of the head kills everything. Immortal or not. At least that's what I saw.

Question: What is Goose's surname, and where is it mentioned?

Answer: According to the credits, his surname is McKenzie.


Question: I was watching this film on TV the other night, and was expecting to see the train crash at the start, so I was surprised when I didn't. Has this been cut from the TV version?

Answer: No, the crash never actually happened on-screen.


Question: I've heard 2 main explanations from friends as to why Frodo, Gandalf and the elves go to the undying lands at the end of the film and I've read another post which explains it a bit but I'm still confused. One is that it is because Frodo dies and cannot stay where he is and that it's like going to heaven but the other is that he's just going on an adventure or something like that. I think the first explanation makes more sense but I'd appreciate if someone could explain it to me properly because I'm still confused.

Answer: The bearers of the three Great Rings - Galadriel, Elrond, and Gandalf (who was given his ring by Cirdan the Shipwright), all pass to the West to the Undying Lands, for their time is ending. The Elves do so because their time in Middle-earth is ending too, and it is the time for men. Frodo, just like Bilbo, and when the time comes, Sam too, were all Ring bearers, and they all go to the Undying Lands with the blessings of the Valar. Frodo who leaves with Bilbo because the burden and pain were so deep for him, goes to the Undying Lands where the Valar will not only heal Frodo's physical wounds but emotional ones as well.

Super Grover

Question: In the end credits, there are seven stuntmen listed, b ut I can only think of four. Can you please tell me what all of the stunts are?.

Answer: Reshooting certain scenes would most likely necessitate new stunt people, as the first one(s) would most likely be hard to get back.

Question: Why is it that in the scene where Bender is in the gym, he has a sneaker and boot on, but when he gets back to the library, he has replaced it with his boot? Was there a deleted scene where he loses his shoe or something? It just does not make sense that he would somehow find 1 sneaker, decide to wear it, then kick it off on his way back.

Answer: Bender found the shoe in the gym, and decided to wear it. When the principal kicked the basketball, Bender jumped out of the shoe. He left with his boot, and was wearing it when he arrived at the library.

Answer: I don't know about Oz, but in Britain on Living tv (the cable channel) the song used was "Are you gonna be my girl" by Jet.

Question: What is the name of the BFG (Big F*****g Gun) the Burt uses? If it is a real weapon were can i find out more information on it?

Answer: It's a 50 caliber Grizzly Big Bore rifle. They are real. Just put "Grizzly .50 Big Bore" into your search engine and you will find plenty of sites.

Grumpy Scot

Question: What is the mirror? What does it do? And why does it take over anybody who touches it?

Answer: What happens with the mirror does not appear to be typical of a 'disconnection', judging from the look exchanged between Trinity and Morpheus as the mirror 'heals'. What we see occuring may be the result of disconnection trauma triggering Neo's fledgling abilities, rather than some specific part of the disconnection process.


Question: What happened to the original poster with Roxy and Velma holding guns behind their backs? In all the more recent ones the guns are gone. Why?

Answer: I have both the DVD and the soundtrack. On the DVD cover they have the guns, however on the soundtrack cover, their arms look like they have been cut out of the picture along with the guns. Possibly somebody thought that it was a bad influence, since many young people enjoy the movie as well.


Question: At one point, Kimble steals an ambulance. We then cut to the U.S Marshals, who say "An ambulance has been spotted...". They then run off to intercept it. But surely there's more than one ambulance in that area, and surely more than one person has seen an ambulance in that time?

Answer: True, but if they cannot contact this one or it is seen driving eratically or out of it's designated area, that is sufficent to cause suspicion.

David Mercier

Also, this was a rural part of Illinois where there was likely often only 1 or even no ambulances driving somewhere around in the vicinity at one given time. That's something which of course would be very different in the Chicago city area.

Question: When Kimball's dying wife calls 999, why does she say "Richard is trying to kill me?"

Answer: She said "Richard, he's trying to kill me" refering to the one armed man. It sounded like "Richard is trying to kill me".


But why would she call 911 and then say, "Richard, he's trying to kill me?" She called the emergency, not her husband's cellphone.

Answer: Because she heard her husband enter the apartment, she's either acknowledging his presence or trying to call out to him before referring to the one-armed man by saying, "He's trying to kill me."

Jukka Nurmi

Question: At some points in the movie there are red dots near the middle of the screen; I know that they are supposed to help with the respect of copyrights, but how are they supposed to help?

Answer: If a copy is made then when it is reported they can match the red dots to the specific movie screen because each theatre gets a different version of the red dots.


Question: Why is there a sound track for "finding Nemo" if in the film there are no songs?

Answer: There are a few songs, but it can include the actual musical score as well as songs.

David Mercier

Answer: Connor was kidnapped and taken to another dimension. Time moves differently in different dimensions therefore 16 years in his dimension came and went in a matter of weeks in ours.

angelus tumultuor

Question: There is a scene in Sadako's video (ie. the death tape) which features some people crawling backwards. I have watched this film millions of times and cannot work out what it means. Does anyone know what it means or if relates to anything in the film? Does it even have a meaning?

Answer: The other answer is not correct, although you could take it that way if you wanted. The novel upon which "Ring 0" is based was not even out at the time, nor was the prequel even planned at the time this movie came out. So that's not really the answer, although you could retroactively try to connect the two. As for the actual question: the crawling figures are typically viewed as being representations of the victims of the volcanic eruption that Shizuko (Sadako's mother) predicted. Especially as they appear right after words like "eruption" appear onscreen. Or they can be viewed somewhat more nebulously as representations of Sadako's pain, or the pain her victim's feel.


Answer: It may relate to a scene in Ringu 0, which goes a bit more into Sadako's origins; in that film, Sadako is a normal girl trying to hold back the evil spirit within her. A large group of people chase Sadako past the well, but the evil spirit breaks out and Sadako kills them all; the crawling people could be them as they were dying.


Answer: Lion King 2 was a straight to video release in 1998. It's about the relationship between Kiara, daughter of Simba & Nala, and Kovu, the son of Zira, a follower of Scar, Simba's dead uncle. Zira wants Kovu to overthrow Simba and be the king of the Pridelands when he grows up.

Super Grover

Answer: I watched this with subtitles on, all you hear is him say 'now...' and continue to whisper, you don't hear what he says but you know it was bad enough to frighten Nina.


Question: What song plays while Montel is driving away after killing his "uncle"?

Answer: Figure.09 by Linkin Park.

T Poston

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