Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Dooku Captured - S1-E11

Question: When Palpatine sees the hologram of the pirate leader with Dooku, he says that a hologram can be faked, but then he believes the pirate when he sees Dooku's lightsaber. If he thinks that the pirate could have faked the hologram of Dooku, wouldn't it also be reasonable to accuse him of faking the hologram of the lightsaber?

Answer: It is to note that Count Dooku's lightsabers have a very characteristic curve handle. If you wouldn't know what this particular item looked like, you would have a hard time faking it. The sight of Dooku's lightsaber, therefore, had to convince the Jedi about the veracity of the pirate's claims.

Five Years Gone - S1-E20

Question: Towards the end of the episode but before the climatic battle between Sylar and Peter, Sylar, disguised as Nathan through the power of illusion, walks calmly towards Peter and then reverts back to his own form/image. To my knowledge there are four people who are there to witness this: Peter, Matt Parkman and two unnamed SWAT officers with a battering ram. It is understandable if the two SWAT officers didn't see this transformation, but Matt? Surely he must have seen? He was a few feet from him, yet he didn't even bat an eyelid? Why is this? His superior transformed into a well-known killer.


Chosen answer: Simple, he changes the illusion for peter, but keeps the others thinking he is still Nathan, he can make different illusions at once.


Yeah, but surely when the cameras were on him, and the whole world was watching, what happened? He cast the same illusion to 7 billion people?

Yes. He could drop the illusion for Peter alone whilst everybody else would still see him in his disguise.


The Bully / Just One Bite - S2-E17

Question: In 'Just One Bite', I remember there used to be a scene after Squidwad's dream and before him blowing up. He used to walk into the Krusty Krab, only to have a bucket of gas fall on him and a robot arm coming out and lighting Squidward on fire. Nowadays, I can't find that scene anywhere. What happened to it?

Answer: Nick has never given an official reason, though fans speculate it was removed because 1) it may give kids the idea to set fire to gasoline with matches, and 2) it was considered reminiscent of the 11 September attacks on the World Trade Centre.

Chosen answer: Her power works by manipulating parts of the mind. Since Victor and Logan both regenerate her power can't affect them because they essentially "heal/regenerate" the part she is manipulating. Granted Prof. X threatens Logan with this in the original movies, but he is much more powerful, or could have been bluffing.

Answer: The joke is that only a girl would be excited about former teen heartthrob Kirk Cameron. There are many references through the entire show that Stewie might be gay.

Carl Missouri

Question: The scene with Briony and the French soldier made absolutely no sense to me. They seem to go back and forth from knowing each other well, to having just met. What exactly am I missing?

Answer: Briony was just told by her superior to hold the French soldier's hand because he was dying. The French soldier was delirious and most likely confused her with another English girl whom he knew in the past. Since he was dying, Briony decided to play along and pretended that she was that girl. While this exchange is happening, though, Briony experiences something else as well. She sees the soldier as being like Robbie which is why I think she has such a strong reaction to him. When she tells the soldier "I love you" it is like her speaking to Robbie.

Question: A while ago, it was leaked that Australian actor Christian Clark would be in the movie, and speculated that he would play Mister Sinister. However, after seeing the movie 2 times, I didn't notice neither Christian nor Mister Sinister. After trying a thorough internet search I couldn't reach a conclusion. Could anyone please give a thorough answer as to what happened (i.e. the scenes were cut, the actor or character was dropped)?

Answer: Character was dropped.

Unexpected - S1-E16

Question: Throughout the show, The Haitian has been shown to nullify the powers of evolved humans. Yet, why on the rooftop was he unable to nullify Claude and Peter's invisibility? Doesn't his power work as well as those that require active concentration?


Chosen answer: The Haitian doesn't automatically stop every power around him, he does it at will (eg when he doesn't focus and lets Nathan fly away). by using infra-red goggles they can sneak up on Peter and Claude, whereas forcing them to become visible would have alerted them too soon.

Chosen answer: Because unlike everyone else, they know EXACTLY where it is! They are their friends, of course they know how to get to the turtles' home easily.

Carl Missouri

Question: Was the possibility of putting Asajj Ventress into the movie ever considered?

Answer: No, but before the character of Count Dooku was developed, the Art Department for Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones developed a female Sith as the film's villain, as seen in concept art by Dermot Power in The Art of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. Since Dooku replaced her as Sidious' apprentice, she was put in to the animated series.


Question: What did the cafe server mean when he said to Marty "I can't give you a tab unless you buy something"? I know that Marty was referring to the Tab soda (which didn't exist then), but what was the other guy talking about?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: A tab is the same as a bill. The server guy thinks Marty wants a bill for whatever he's ordered, although because Marty hasn't eaten or drunk anything yet, he can't give him one. Even though a bill for a restaurant meal can be referred to as a "tab", this term is more commonly used in bars. When someone "runs a tab," it means they pay the total cost as they're about to leave, rather than pay for each drink separately.


Question: During the credits, in the voices category, there are two actors listed for the voice of Baby Alex. Why were two actors needed?

Movie Guy

Chosen answer: There's two reasons. Firstly, infants are only allowed to work for short periods of time, hence why when you see babies onscreen that are heavily featured, invariably twins are used to alternate to not fall foul of the rules. Secondly, it may be that one of the voices didn't give the filmakers as much diverse dialogue as they needed so they brought in another actor to get the rest they needed.


Answer: It could be kind of like the thing from the "Wimpy Kid" movies, but with voice acting. The voice actors could be infants or toddlers, which don't behave well. So the filmmakers have two of them (It doesn't have to be twins since they're doing voice acting) that way they can swap out one with the other.


Question: I don't understand why Alex waits until Mrs. Alexander has unchained the opened front door and fully opened it, before he and his droogs break in. I'm sure the four of them could easily have broken the chain off with a bit of force. Is it simply part of Alex's nature to be invited in, before he starts his attack?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: It's part of the "fun element" of the crime to get the victim to open the door themselves.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Nero destroys Vulcan, because he believes Spock caused the destruction of Romulas. In the movie, 'The Journey Home' when the Enterprise crew go back to find the whales, the movie starts off with the crew on Vulcan with the stolen Klingon spacecraft, also Spock is talking to his mother as he regains his memories. How can that happen if Nero destroys Vulcan and Spock's mother dies in that event? Also, in 'Star Trek Nemisis' the movie starts with scenes on Romulas, but it was destroyed, how can that be?

Philip Myers

Chosen answer: As elder Spock speaks to Kirk, it is mentioned that in the 'real' timeline George Kirk actually lived for many years, long enough to see his son, James, become Captain of Enterprise. It is in that timeline that 'Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home' and 'Star Trek: Nemesis' occur. There are numerous changes to the 'real' timeline, including the fact that James never knew his father. As to the "how", when elder Spock tells James of his failed effort (120 years in the future) to save Romulas from being obliterated by a supernova (after the events of Nemesis), he explains that it results in the black hole that transports Spock (in his ship) and Nero (in his ship, the Narada) into the past - which changes the timeline.

Super Grover

Question: If Spock easily destroys the Romulan drill in his "Jellyfish" ship, and Kirk and Sulu nearly take it out using hand phasers, why couldn't the Starfleet garrison on Earth, or some other planetary defense weaponry destroy it? Surely there was a single ship with minimal armament that could have taken it down.

Answer: Spock's ship is from 200 years in the future, and is likely quite a bit more powerful than its size would imply. Kirk and Sulu were able to land on the drill because of their significantly smaller size to a ship, i.e. they were invisible to scanning. And finally, as was so amptly displayed by the Nerada, it destroyed seven Federation Starships in a matter of minutes, I think its fair to theorise that a much smaller ship would fare little better in sneaking a shot at the drill.


That's a stretch. Kirk and Sulu were able to shoot hand held rifles at the drill and disable it. There wasn't a single ship on earth that could compare to the firepower of two hand held rifles?

Question: How did Kirk and Scotty manage to teleport onto the Enterprise, through its shields, when it had obviously traveled many light years? It is safe to say that Kirk was marooned on the planet at least an hour before teleporting off it (in reality it would have taken much longer to walk 14km in the snow, meet Scotty, figure out the equations, etc), so the Enterprise would have traveled an extreme distance at warp speeds in even one hour, as the ship can go much faster than the speed of light. Even if Scotty figured out how to teleport onto a ship moving at warp speeds, it doesn't explain how they managed to teleport such extreme distances.

Answer: Scotty mentions early in his first scene that he believes distance is not a factor in teleportation, contrary to popular belief. He uses an example of transporting a grapefruit from one planet to another (a pretty massive distance), and this is before Spock gives him the formula for mid-warp transport. After looking at it, Scotty says he never thought to consider that space is the thing that moves. If he's already certain he can transport between planets, and then he sees a formula that lets him bend space, distance shouldn't be a factor at all.

Question: Why wouldn't the Adamantium procedure that Wolverine undertook, work on Sabretooth? To my knowledge they both have the ability to regenerate. So why not?


Chosen answer: Sabretooth's healing abilities are not as good as Wolverine's. As we can see in the movie, Wolverine himself almost died from not healing fast enough from the trauma of having metal grafted to his bones. Sabretooth would have taken even longer to heal, meaning that the process would have killed him.


Question: Why would Agent Zero shoot the drink, then the old people who took care of Wolverine? He could just shoot both of them as they are closer enough to kill with 2 shots.


Chosen answer: His first shot went through the woman and broke the glass.


Chosen answer: He never really wanted to kill him, he wants him on his side again. Wolverine is a great agent with many talents. He just wants him back on board. It's only when Wolverine makes it very clear that he's not coming back on board (voluntarily at least) and that Wolverine is planning to kill Stryker that Stryker starts trying to kill Wolverine.

Gary O'Reilly

Question: What did Eugene say or do to support his claim in the movie Gattaca?


Chosen answer: Please be more specific. To what claim are you referring? The only one I can think of is at the end when he is claiming to be himself. And then he only needed to give his blood and he was done.


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