Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: Just because they were lousy at parenting and treated him badly doesn't mean you want them dead or aren't upset they are murdered.


Answer: There is a scene at the end of the film showing the children leaving the factory. It shows the changes ARE permanent. Mike stays stretched and Violet stays blue. She is also impossibly flexible:

Answer: In the book, it's implied that they did.

Brian Katcher

Answer: In "Escape To Witch Mountain", Tony tells the lady in charge of the children's home that their foster parents adopted them when Tia was 3 and Tony was 5. "Escape" possibly takes place 6 years after they were adopted, making them 9 and 11 in "Escape", and 12 and 14 in "Return".

Answer: If you mean how did he afford to pay his bills, he makes money from his security firm.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Online.

Jon Sandys

Answer: It was typical for marriages to be announced in the print newspapers, just like births and deaths. They are public notices.


Question: Does anyone know the song that the string quartet was playing in the museum and who composed it?

Answer: String Quartet in A Major, Op. 55, No. 1, by Joseph Haydn.

Question: Does anyone know the correct or approximate number of Vampire offspring featured in the movie? This includes any on screen, off screen, or any offspring that were killed during the end of the film.

Joshua Stroupe

Answer: There's no way of knowing. Only that being with three women for four hundred years, it could be anywhere in the billions. Especially when their seen after Dracula used the Frankenstein Monster to give them life.

Question: Adding to similar questions, how is it that neither Annabelle or Dr. Trent are not surprised Trent was invited by Frederick? They would have to know Frederick is aware of their plan to kill him. Why do they go through the whole movie as if this isn't a problem? (01:11:40)


Answer: They didn't know for sure he knew, if he did know, Annabelle thought she knew all of Vincent's tricks to out smart him.

Answer: Because the Sheriff wanted to kill everyone, leaving no witness. Remember the old saying, "The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend."

Question: What happened to King Herod after his soldier falls to his death and both Thaddeus and Rufus reform?

Answer: He continued ruling with an iron fist. The prophecy of the blessed child was forgotten until Jesus came forth.

Question: Jim and Michelle had been dating since the end of Jim's first year of college. Isn't it strange that in all that time he hadn't met Michelle's parents until the day of the engagement party? Jim and Michelle went to the same high school, so her parents must have lived reasonably close by.

Answer: As I remember, there was a scene where someone says, "Michelle's parents are flying in for the wedding."

Answer: They brought the dogs and said they had been cooped up in the cars for hours when Jim's parents asked how their trip was. So it would make sense they drove.

Answer: The voiceover in this episode says this is a first draft of "Streetcar", meaning other, more improved and streamlined versions are coming up. Obviously, "Deb" and "Debbie" were rejected in the final draft of "Streetcar" in favor of "Stella" which was the joke.


Answer: He is yelling out names of people he has met...he does this at parties.

Question: Towards the end, after the Police Lieutenant says that they should wait and hear what Herr Sesemann has to say about the Grandfather, Heidi runs to the Grandfather and Fraulein Rottenmeier is last seen standing looking worried. What happened to her? Did she go to jail?

Answer: It's obvious that she loses her position as the governess after what she's done, but I doubt she does any hard time. In the book, Fraulein Rottenmeier has no real malice towards Heidi, and in the 1968 TV movie, she even becomes a love interest with Herr Sesemann at the end.


Question: The ship is hit by a solar flare. But in that case shouldn't Earth advise them about the solar flare incoming? It is supposed that the Sun is constantly watched for solar flares, in case a human mission is en route. Shouldn't mission control on Earth be watching for any unusual solar activity to advise the crew? And they could warn them with time because radio waves go faster than solar flares.

Answer: The ship is not hit by a solar flare, it is hit by a gamma ray burst. It is a completely different, much more violent phenomena.


Question: Why did Doug kill Harry when he saw the tear roll down Melina's face? It seemed like it proved something to Doug.

Answer: The tear proved to Doug that the pain Melina felt when she couldn't bring herself to kill him was genuine. It also showed him that Melina was in actual fear of her life, that she was struggling to get through to him and Harry's pleas were a success. When she sees him begin to raise his gun, she fears she will be killed and sheds a tear. Doug believes that this is too real of an emotional response to be faked or just be a figment of his imagination.


Question: Paul lived to be an old old man because John touched him. Did Melinda live to be an old women since John healed her of cancer? Nothing was ever said about her but Mr. Jingles lived to be an old mouse.

Answer: John Coffey only transferred "a piece of myself [himself]" to Paul, intentionally and Mr. Jingles, unintentionally. Paul didn't have that power after John cured his UTI and Mr. Jingles didn't have it after John cured him from the attack by Percy. The movie is very clear about that.

Brenda Horne Elzin

Answer: Actually, Paul does mention Melinda as one of the people he has lost along the way. No mention is made of how long she lived, but I would assume that John simply cured her tumor, and she lived the rest of her life as a normal woman.


Answer: Yes she lived for very long and ailment free. But you gotta know Elaine was already much older than Paul was, so even though she lived very long, Paul outlived her. He specifically mentioned her, saying something in the lines of "eventually I even outlived Elaine."


I think you are confusing Melinda and Elaine. Elaine is the woman Paul is recounting his story to, she is considerably younger than him and yet he outlives her. Melinda is the wife of the warden who John Coffey heals. It is not said how long she lives but since Paul specifically mentions his long life being a curse for his role in John's execution, we can assume she was not particularly long lived as he was.


Yes, of course. Melinda. I got the idea that the people who John Coffey heals have long life without ailments. Paul and the mouse are the living proof of that, so why not Melinda? I meant to say Melinda was I think already older than Paul when she was healed by Coffey (although the actress was 40 when this film was made) and thus her life was extended, but less so. She may have died even after Paul's wife, even though he mentions her first. It's still probably been a while though.


Melinda's fate after John heals her is never mentioned. Paul believes he has been cursed with long life as punishment for his role in John's execution. That to me indicates that Melinda didn't live a particularly long life. If she had Paul would have no reason to believe he was being punished.


Besides Mr. Jingles.


Paul mentions Melinda by name when recounting the people that he lost along the way. "Hal and Melinda" are the first names he mentions.


Answer: It would appear, based on what Paul says, that only he and Mr. Jingles were gifted (cursed?) with long life. Paul specifically mentions outliving his family and friends and is shown outliving Elaine as well. Paul speculates that his long life is punishment for his role in executing John, but he says nothing of why Mr. Jingles lives for so long.


Paul says that he believed that what happened to Mr. Jingles was an accident. Meaning he was never supposed to have a long life but, during Del's execution, a small bit of John's healing power accidentally went into Mr. Jingles.

Question: When Sam meets the subway ghost, he is told that the subway ghost got pushed onto the tracks. As Sam leaves, he stops in front of a subway billboard for some kind of huge company. After he looks at it, he turns to where the subway ghost was with a shocked look on his face. What was on the billboard that made Sam react that way?

Answer: The poster is an ad for Market Security Bank & Trust, the bank that Sam (and Carl, who had him killed) worked for. Seeing the poster gave Sam an idea how to use Oda Mae and his knowledge of the bank to expose Carl's criminal activities.


But how is the subway ghost connected to the billboard?

The subway ghost has nothing to do with the poster.

Question: Kimble's wife suffered from severe head trauma. Wouldn't his defense attorney demand her 911 transcript be stricken, as her serious brain damage could have caused her to say anything?

Brian Katcher

Answer: His attorney could have done that, but I doubt such a strategy would have been successful, for two reasons. First, proving that she was just "saying anything" would be difficult at best, given that she wasn't just spouting random nonsense...she was speaking directly about what had happened. The prosecutor would have pointed out that she had been coherent (i.e., in control of her thoughts/speech) enough to a) dial 911, b) stay on topic, c) relay information, and d) name her killer (or so they believe). And second, given this high burden of proof, going with "this murder victim was just babbling as a result of the brain damage she suffered when she was brutally clubbed to death" probably wouldn't have gone over well with a jury.

Answer: I'd say this was a definite plot hole. Basing Kimble's guilt on a dying, brain-damaged woman's incoherent mumbling was unrealistic. His guilty verdict in real life would never have happened this way.


Answer: Angie was not a character in the first Diary of A Wimpy Kid book and was made specifically for the first movie, as told in the audio commentary of DoAWK. Chances are fans disliked the character.

Question: Where were the Durmstrang and Beauxbaton students during lessons? I never saw them in any and surely they weren't excused from their final year of education?


Answer: It's not explained where they go during lessons but it is a safe bet that they don't sit in on lessons. Each school has their own way of teaching and subjects. So it's possible they may have had lessons with Karkaroff and Madame Maxine in their own area.


Answer: The Durmstrang and Beauxbaton students slept inside their respective vehicles while at Hogwarts. The Durmstrangs arrived by ship and the Beauxbatons on the flying carriage, which in the book was the size of a house. In the movie, they probably would have enlarged the interior with an extendable charm (like the Weasley's tent at the Quidditch World Cup. As most of the visiting students likely didn't speak English well, classes would be probably be taught separately, inside their living quarters or a designated space within the Hogwarts castle.


I thought there was one line in the books about the Beauxbatons students rooming with the Ravenclaws and the Durmstrang students with the Slytherins-or were those just their table assignments for meals?

I'd say it was only for meals and maybe the common rooms. The Hogwarts house dorms had a limited number of beds. There may have been some unassigned ones but not enough for all the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students.


Of course with Hogwarts being host to one of the greatest sorcerers of all time along with plenty of other strongly magical wizards and witches there is the possibility of them putting a charm on the rooms to accommodate them.


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