Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: After George/Jahangir arrives in his Pakistani house, he's giving gifts to everyone after the evening meal. He hands Tanweer something to which he responds "what was the need for this?" What on earth is that...?

Answer: It's a seat stick, basically a single-leg folding seat that doubles as a walking stick. When it's folded up, the handles are used for support like a regular walking stick, and when unfolded the thick strap becomes a rudimentary chair. They often have a prong on the bottom beneath the rubber foot, so they can be driven into the ground for extra stability. They are often used by the elderly who may need to sit down suddenly from tiredness, or by event spectators who get tired of standing (such as golf enthusiasts, a game of golf can last a while, and these seat sticks provide some relief.) Tanweer responds with 'there is no need for this', and he most likely means that it's not necessary for George to give away his belongings as gifts to the family.


Question: When the Chinook is shot down the pilot pulls a lever and it seems to activate an explosive and detach the forward section. Is this a real life procedure on Chinooks?

Answer: No it doesn't detach anything it was the explosion that blew the chinook into two parts.

Question: In the movie the Ethiopian official is killed with a bullet that had been previously fired through Swaggart's sniper rifle, wrapped in paper to protect the rifling marks, then re-fired through another gun. Where did they get the bullet? The only round fired through the gun is the one Swaggart fired at the soup can. No way they could have found that bullet in the mountainous terrain. A needle in a haystack would have been easier. Even if they did find the bullet it would have been too deformed to be accurate at any distance let alone the extreme distance in question. Why not just use Swaggart's gun to make the shot, or at least produce a pristine round without deformation? Of course then they would have found it lacked a firing pin. What if they had replaced the firing pin and made the shot? Could you imagine Swaggart's embarrassment when he pulled the trigger on Michael Pena to demonstrate the lack of a firing pin? And the expression on Pena's face. Priceless.

jt brady

Answer: After Swaggart left his home, NO bullets could have been fired from his rifle (altered firing pin). What might have been done is to have fired the killing shot with paper-patching so it couldn't be matched to ANY rifle and then just "claimed" it matched Swaggart's barrel.

Answer: Why would you assume that the only bullet fired from the gun is the one at the soup can?

Because he attests that this is the only bullet fired from this gun in the AG's office.

Answer: Another way that works is to have rammed (by rod) a bullet down the barrel of Swaggart's rifle and then used that bullet (with the paper-patching) to load a cartridge used in the assassination. THAT would have Swaggart's barrel markings on it.

Question: The dress Claire is wearing when Doug goes back to rescue her is not the same dress she is wearing at the autopsy. I don't understand this. Also when the terrorist calls Claire about her car, the truck he was using for the bomb had not yet been shot by Minudi. So he called her before he knew he would need her Bronco?

Answer: The second part of your question: the bad guy needed a truck. He called Claire but they can't deal. SO he bought another truck. That truck shot by the policeman. Because he don't have enough time he must call Claire again to buy her truck.

Answer: When Doug went back previously, he managed to save Claire and took her home. However he left her there instead of taking her with him to the ferry. The bomber would have suspected Claire had survived the explosion at the cabin and would have gone back to Claire's house in case she showed up there. Doug would have left her there thinking she would be safe. But after he left the bomber would show up, discover she had survived and killed her the exact way he was originally planning to. Only this time she would be killed in her dress. When Doug went back for the last time, he remembered seeing Claire at the morgue in her dress and knew then that she would only survive if he took her with him to the ferry, which he does. That one act is what saves everyone in the end because Claire ends up distracting the bomber long enough for Doug to kill him. That decision to take her with him finally closes the loop. Mission accomplished.

Nice answer. But then why is Claire's body ever discovered with a red dress and her fingers cut off? There is a weak argument that the first time Doug goes back he happens to make the trip a few seconds too late. Even then, with cut off fingers, you'd drop her off at the hospital, not at home, thus she wouldn't be killed and dumped in the river.

Question: What is written on the back of Norma's shirt when she brings the attendance slips to Ms Collins?

Answer: It's either cycnus X*1, or cygnus X*1. I have no idea what that references, but according to Google, cygnus X-1 relates to a black hole. An in-joke maybe, or simply a coincidence, since quirky-lettering shirts were fairly standard in the 70s.


HX-1 - S2-E8

Question: Hawk asks Mace where St. John is both before he gets knocked out and sent to the desert, and in the scene where Mace is demonstrating the helicopter they stole capabilities. But Mace won't tell him. Why not just capture Mace and water-board him to force him to tell him where St. John is? Or inject a truth serum into Mace?

Answer: No truth serum has proven to make a person tell the truth. Regarding capturing Mace, and forcing him to tell him where St. John is by water boarding him, People subject to torment such as water boarding are not likely to tell the truth, so Mace would probably lie.

Parturition - S2-E7

Question: Tom is showing Kes how to pilot a shuttle in the holodeck. Why did they use footage of Jem'Hadar fighters attacking?


Answer: Because it saves on production costs.

Answer: As stated, the practical answer is to save money on effects. The in-world answer is that they could recreate the fighters from sensor records.

Answer: To help her prepare for threats and other obstacles that she may encounter while piloting a shuttlecraft.

My question is why did the show reuse footage from ds9 s3 of Jem'Hadar fighters attacking?


Answer: Although many fans speculated it was because the Hulk fears Thanos after Thanos easily defeated him at the beginning of the film, the Russo brothers have since come out and said that it's because the Hulk feels that Banner only wants the Hulk around for helping him in fights, so his refusal to transform is a protest of sorts.


I think it's both.

Well it's not both. The Russo Brothers, who directed the film, have openly stated that the Hulk is not afraid of Thanos.


Answer: Because he doesn't like being used as a tool and he also is summoned in two places he's already destroyed: New York and Africa. Those are two places he's shown regret for the damage he's caused, which caused him to leave in the first place.


Answer: Cause Hulk is afraid of Thanos.

This is directly contradicted by the directors of the film, who have stated it's because he doesn't like that Banner only wants to use him for his strength.

While I understand that this is what the directors said, what we have in the finished product would never lead one to this conclusion. We first see Hulk fight Thanos and get completely over-matched. From then on, we only get glimpses of Hulk inside Banner, refusing to come out, and seemingly scared to do so. If they wished to convey inner strife between Banner and Hulk or anything else, that did a very poor job doing so.


Answer: It is shown numerous time in The Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon that Georgir Jr is not the smartest kid going. They simply tell him Sheldon is getting a hair cut as it is believable. It's also shown that Sheldon has had the same style hair cut since he was 5. Since he is 9 in Young Sheldon, he's had the same style for over 4 years already. Easy to overlook that he hadn't actually had it cut after that long.


Question: I really don't understand why K called J? All he said was that he owed him some answers, Regret was the most destructive force in the universe and that he promised him the secrets of the universe and nothing more?


Answer: They had a falling out and K felt like he had to try and patch things up with J.

Question: I don't understand that when Cheng keeps picking on Dre, he's telling Dre to stay away from him and his friends. Can someone please explain that?


Answer: It is a common bullying tactic, telling someone to "stay away" from you knowing they cannot. Kids who go to the same school or live in the same neighborhood are bound to run into each other. It just gives the bully an excuse to antagonize the victim whenever they do run into each other because the victim isn't following orders to "stay away."


Answer: He dislikes how close he was getting with Meiying (Cheng's crush) and does whatever he can to scare him off so Dre doesn't talk to her anymore.

Chosen answer: Earlier in the film, it's mentioned that he had some money buried in a special spot in his yard, but that it had been dug up. When he saw the shovel at the end (which indicates that something was buried that he should did up), he realised that the new money stash had been buried in the same spot as his old stash. They basically gave him the clue, and he put two-and-two together on his own.


Question: Is it really possible to shoot a door open like the pirates do in the movie when they reach the bridge?

Answer: Probably not. The Mythbusters tested the myth of shooting open a locked door, and in most cases, it took immense and multiple fire power to blow open a lock.


Answer: No, Civil War barely has any deleted scenes, and not one between Cap and Hawkeye.


Question: After the blonde lady jumps into the hole to escape the cube when it turns 6:06:59, this is where I start to get confused. Right after she jumps into the opening, the camera zooms out to show the whole maze itself, which was moving in a wave-like motion...why was it doing that? Was that how the cubes moved? All it showed was the whole maze moving, opening and closing on itself in a shape-shifting, wave-like motion. How did the rooms move like that? That seems a little impossible to construct. And plus the background was just black, like the maze was built in space or something. And lastly, how did she end up lying in water at the end?

Answer: The place she is in is not our universe as we know it. As referenced in the movie, it may have been the 4th dimension, where everything exists at the same time. That wave-like movement of the maze might have been a representation of that. That's why when people opened the doors in the hypercube some things happened instantaneously. The hypercube didn't move, it was there already. Pretty difficult to explain without already being familiar with the concept of upper dimensions. That 'water' may have been the portal to that 4th dimension.

Answer: She may have said goodbye to Adam but it just wasn't shown.

Question: After Tom Ripley kills Freddy with the statue, how is it possible to have carried him out with Freddy being much heavier than Ripley and also without that nosy landlady seeing it?

Anthony Lemons

Answer: I'm thinking that with all the adrenaline pumping through Tom's veins after having committed the murder would be more than enough to take care of the strength issue. As for the nosy landlady - she was probably asleep. Or otherwise occupied.

Alan Keddie

Question: Did the guy and the girl at the end of the film end up living? I don't think they brought it up in the other films.

Answer: We are led to believe that they did in fact survive. The guy most definitely did. He is in the support group in Saw: The Final Chapter. (He has a bandage / cast on his destroyed arm).

Alan Keddie

Question: What kind of snake did Jesus step on at the very beginning of the movie?

Answer: There is no gospel that recounts Jesus stepping on a snake, so the snake scene is only a dramatic fabrication for the movie. Presumably, the snake in the film represents temptation, perhaps even the same snake that tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. As for its species, the snake appears to be a non-venomous constrictor that is not native to the Middle East, possibly a Garden Tree Boa from South America or a Southeast Asian python.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: It is not a boa as it has heat sensing pits. It is either a ball python or reticulated python, I think.

Answer: But the snake was albino and wasn't beefy like a constrictor.

Answer: It's a 1969 Pontiac Custom S.


Answer: According to Internet sources, it's a 1968 Pontiac Firebird.


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