Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Someone said Tim and Lex were altered so that they played equal roles. So Lex got age and computer skills and kept sport interest, and Tim got belief in qualities he did not possess. Plus, in the second movie, the boy kid was ruled out, even though he saved them many times in the book. Where is the equality?

Answer: In the book, Tim had the dinosaur knowledge and the computer skills, whereas Lex had nothing. Since she was the rather useless scardey-cat in the movie, they gave her the computer skills so she could help out at the end. In the second movie, both kids were ruled out; they essentially just had cameos.


You missed what he was saying. There is a boy in the second book who is kinda like Rain-Man and saves everyone's hide on multiple occasions. Just like how Dodson was supposed to be the one trying to get the dinos off the island, not more Ingen people.

Question: Not directly related to the film, but to Eminem's song "Sing for the Moment". At one point he says "you're full of sh*t too Guererra, that was a fist that hit you". Who is Guererra?

Answer: In June 2000, Eminem got in trouble for having a gun at a nightclub. John Guererra was a bouncer at the club that Eminem thought kissed his (then) wife. Guererra alledged that Eminem pistol-whipped him, but Eminem continues to deny the charges.


Question: At the beginning of the film, Will Graham discovered that Hannibal Lecter was the murderer he had been searching for. How was he able to do this? All he did was open a book and the word 'Sweet Bread' appeared on a page. Could some explain this to me?

Answer: The victims had particular body parts removed. Will saw recipes in the book belonging to Lecter for those particular body parts and made a leap of intuition.


Answer: It is revealed through a conversation between Will and Hannibal that Will already suspected Hannibal but had failed to act on his intuition. This combined with the recipes Will sees, that correspond with the missing body parts, highlighted in Hannibal's cookbook and the penny drops.

Answer: "Sweetbreads" is an organ meat (like kidney or liver)...he wrote it in the book as he most likely cooked it.

Answer: When Lecter and Graham were talking at Lecter's desk, Will went into a story about how his son's grandpa was showing him how to carve a chicken. When he showed him a part on the back that he referred to as "oysters" it caught his attention because he hadn't heard that before. Now a few moments later he finds the cookbook which referred to other parts of animals that can be used to make what they called "sweetbread." From the previous conversation at the desk it was safe to say Will was already somewhat suspicious of Lecter because of his analysis.

Question: How are Elves born? Are they born fully grown or are they babies?

Answer: Elves are born as babies otherwise it would kill the mothers. The reason you see no younger elves has to do with the fact that they are "in decline" in Middle Earth. Arwen (Liv Tyler) is the last elf to have been born in Middle Earth and she is 2,777 years old at the start of the War of the Rings.


Question: Are the small spiders in the movie an actual type of spider? If so, what are they called?

Answer: The small spiders are Avondale spiders from New Zealand. They are totally harmless to humans.


Question: I thought I heard somewhere they cannot shoot while in warp (because nothing can go faster than the ship in warp speed which is faster than light). Why is the Scimitar able to shoot the Enterprise while in warp and take out its warp drive?

Answer: Classic Trek and Star Trek: Enterprise have both established that ships can fire at warp speed.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Usually, phasers/disrupters do not work at warp speeds, due to the beams travelling at light speed, therefore the firing ship would run into its own beam. Torpedoes can be fired at warp which is what the Scimitar appeared to be firing. That said, there have been several instances of phasers fired at warp (the Nebula-class ship/Prometheus chase in "Message in a Bottle" for example).

Question: Why were the enforcers called sandmen?

Answer: In popular American lore, the Sandman is responsible for putting sand over your eyes to make you go to sleep. In this context the "sleep" is a euphemism for death, and the enforcers are responsible for making sure that everyone dies on time.


Question: I still don't know whether Leeloo is human or an alien. Can anyone explain her story for me?

Answer: Leeloo was originally human in some form; the Supreme Being label indicates that she's just an extremely advanced human. Her essence has resided on Earth for many thousands of years, but the Mondoshawans (aliens) remove her for safekeeping. She is reconstructed from the few cells remaining in the statue from the alien wreckage.


Answer: She's a supreme being who isn't so much alien but more of an evolved hybrid of divine and human. She protects not just Earth but the whole universe. She is also a weapon who seems to be within the Mondeshewans control and care, as shown in the first Egypt scene, and they are alien. She is also linked to Earth, meaning she is meant to 'go off' on Earth in the temple specifically thus is created in our likeness.

Nikita Moon

Question: Who did the voice of Agent Bork.

Answer: According to, Greg Kinnear did.

T Poston

Question: After escaping in the pod, Threepio says, "That's funny; the damage doesn't look as bad out here." But they're too far away to see the ship they were in; all they can see is the Imperial Star Destroyer that "swallowed" their ship up. Was this a humorous character-mistake by Lucas to show how erroneous Threepio can often be? Or could Threepio actually see the small ship the rebels were in (hardly looks possible, given the shot shown when he says it)?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Well, he is an android, and I doubt the designers would be satisfied at giving him just normal human vision. He probably has some sort of optical enhancements, which would be pretty necessary for any sort of technical work, and he does say that he's done that in the past.


Question: Is there a list somewhere of exactly what Morgan Spurlock ate on each day? It seems that on several days, he ate more than a standard meal (you often see multiple sodas visible on desks, or he carries bags larger than a typical McDonalds' meal bag), which rather hurts the point he's trying to make.


Chosen answer: If you were going to eat at McDonald's three meals a day for 30 days, would you actually make 90 separate trips to the restaurant? I'm sure there were times that he got 2 or 3 (or more) meals at the same time and simply reheated them. As for the cups, I know lots of people with old soda cups on their desk and tons of them in their car. The crew may have had food too.


Question: Did the filmmakers gave a reason why there were numerous biblical references in the trilogy?


Chosen answer: The movies are about the coming of savior (Neo/Jesus), a war to end the world (Armeggedon), an evil force that enslaves mankind (machines/AntiChrist), etc., etc., etc. Since the Bible is greatest common point of cultural reference in Western culture, it would be extremely hard to make a movie with this plot without making a Biblical reference to some degree. Even if it had been made by Bollywood about Vishnu and Krishna, when shown in the West it could have had Biblical comparisons drawn.


Chosen answer: Yes, Brenda is both the daughter and the half-sister of Tina.


Question: In the scene where Peter Parker pulls up to the theater in that beat up car from those two bad guys. What kind of car is that and what year?

Joe Campbell

Chosen answer: Corvette Stingray, most likely late 60s to early 70s.

Ryan Tsai

Answer: It was a 1967 Lincoln Continental.

Question: What is said on the radio in the car at the end of the film?

Answer: "The bird attacks have subsided for the time being. Bodega Bay seems to be the centre, though there are reports of minor attacks on Sebastopol and a few on Santa Rosa. Bodega Bay has been cordoned off by roadblocks. Most of the townspeople have managed to get out, but there are still some isolated pockets of people. No decision has been arrived at yet as to what the next step will be, but there's been some discussion as to whether the military should go in. It appears that the bird attacks come in waves, with long intervals between. The reason for this does not seem clear as yet."


Answer: It's never revealed on camera, but judging from Palmer's conversation with the Middle Eastern Prime Minister soon after, it can be presumed the folder contains proof of Second Wave terrorist camps operating on the enemy country's soil with funding.

Question: Does anyone know what the song is called at the start of Garfield the movie?

Answer: The song is called "Holla", by the Baha Men (of "Who let the dogs out" fame).

Question: Q demonstrated the switches for the left and right front-wing machine guns - why is the "right" control on the left and vise versa?


Chosen answer: They're not. Q was just indicating to Bond that these were the wing machine guns, he wasn't stating which was which.

Question: While Ricky Tan is talking to Lee on the boat Hu Li comes in. She says something in Chinese and shoots him. What is the translation of what she said?

Answer: She calls him a "Traitor" in chinese.

Rollin Garcia Jr

Question: During the go-cart race, several shoppers are sent flying by the errant carts, one of them an old man who yells "Little rascals" at the kids. He's not listed in the credits but I could swear the old man is Robin Williams in makeup.

Answer: I tried looking this up on the IMDb and couldn't find anything about Robin Williams there. My only suggestion is to watch it again and see if there is a list of extras in the credits somewhere. Maybe that's all the part was, an extra.

Answer: That part was originally supposed to be played by Spanky McFarland, the original little rascal, but died before production began. So an extra was used.

I must ask, do you have a source to back this up? I can't find one and it also seems to contradict what other original cast members said. Some original cast members/children of original cast members stated they were not made to feel welcome on set and couldn't even get hold of the film to take part. They expressed disappointment at not feeling welcome. It would be interesting if they were welcoming to the original Spanky, but not some of the others.

Answer: That was Ryal Haakenson who mostly did background extra roles in the 1990s. This film, he was uncredited for this scene.

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