Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Near the beginning of the movie, at Isolde's mother's funeral, what does she mean when she says that her mother's heart killed her?

Answer: Isolde's mother was forced into an arranged marriage and it tore her apart because she really hated her husband. Isolde's mother believed in true love and was depressed. Even though you can't die from unhappiness that's what it seems like - especially to little Isolde.

Answer: He means the TV dinner turned off during a lighting storm, as if it were an actual TV. Awful, awful joke.

Question: Why does General Purcell want Virgil to fail? It seems all he's trying to do is stop them from achieving their goal. He knows full well DESTINI stopped the core in the first place and is determined to fire it again with Virgil down there, knowing they will die. Why would he want Earth to die?


Chosen answer: The General does not want Virgil to fail. The main reason he wants to fire DESTINI is because they have just found out that the core is actually a lot thinner than they originally thought, which means, as Zimsky stated, the amount of explosives they brought in Virgil would not be enought for their original idea of one blast. Also stated by Zimsky, what happened with the core and DESTINI was just like a heart and an electric shock. If an electric shock can stop a heart and also restart a heart, then DESTINI has a chance of restarting what it stopped.

Chosen answer: Yes, she was.

Question: After Tess (Anna) is on the TV show, Ryan, Harry and Grandpa leave when they find that Tess has already left. When Anna (Tess) gets home to find Harry on the table, he and Grandpa are at home, so why is it that when Tess is riding home on the motorbike Ryan drives past, only to arrive home again?

Answer: The guy said that she had been removed from the building, the dialogue never said she'd gone home. In the very next scene you see her in the coffee shop where Jake by the time that Ryan sees her on the back of the bike he could have taken Grandpa and Harry home and then gone out for some other reason.

Question: Jack's title of 'The Pumpkin King' always left me a tad perplexed. Is it in fact a legitimate title of authority, signifying he's the ruler of Halloween Town or of a sub-community of those who dwell within, or is it more of a stage name, referring to his status as the planner and main star of the Halloween holiday?

Answer: Jack is certainly the leader of the realm, with even the mayor deferring to him on important matters. Whether the "Pumpkin King" is actually an official title or simply an affectionate nickname given to him by the rest of the community is unrevealed.


Question: When the Joker is giving his speech to the people on the ferries, there is a shot of him in the Pruitt building. The camera is behind him and in the reflection on the glass you can see him reading his speech from a piece of paper. Why is he doing this? Is it to make sure he remembers his own plan? Or is there something else going on?

Answer: He's got a big speech to make - seems reasonable that he might have made some notes so that he didn't forget anything. Most people do that under such circumstances. There certainly aren't any indications in the film that it was anything else - while it might be a mistake, it fits the scene well enough that there's no way to tell either way.


His voice also definitely sounds like he is reading, in this scene and also when he calls into the talk show to threaten Coleman Reese. It does not sound like "off the cuff" dialogue. Apparently the Joker writes speeches like this down and reads directly from his notes.


Question: Any thoughts on whether or not General Glozelle actually killed his three men, like Miraz 'told' him to? He did attempt to follow Miraz's order to assassinate Caspian, but then hesitated to give the order to fire into the courtyard, didn't shoot Peter, and didn't stab Caspian. Maybe he told the three men to hide?

Answer: Without additional information, we have no way to tell. However, given the number of Miraz's supporters that were around at the time, it seems likely that he would have no option but to obey a direct order and kill his men. This may well have been the impetus for his subsequent dissatisfaction with Miraz.


Question: Is it true that Disney made this movie as a way to protest guns and/or hunting?

Answer: No. As with most Disney films, it's based on a book, in this case a 1923 Austrian book entitled Bambi: A Life in the Woods. There's no evidence that the book was chosen for any more than the quality of the story.


Question: Where can I find reviews of the extended version?

Answer: Here are two random reviews: and google "gladiator extended version review" and you'll find tons of them.


Question: Can Jedi and Sith actually read thoughts? In this movie, Vader was able to realize that Luke was thinking about Leia during their fight on the Death Star. If he could read Luke's thoughts, even though Luke is also a powerful Force-user (not a weak-minded person), how come Jedi in the past couldn't detect the thoughts of other strong Force-users? For example, why didn't Mace, Yoda, or other powerful Jedi find out that Anakin was keeping a secret about his marriage to Padme, the way that Luke was keeping a secret about having a twin sister?

Answer: Jedi Knights and Sith can read thoughts using the Force, and they can communicate with each other that way if they wish, but they can also block others from reading their minds. The Jedi are well trained in mind control. Darth Vader was able to read Luke's thoughts because Luke was not yet a fully trained Jedi Knight; he was unable to block Vader's mental intrusion. Anakin was an exceptionally strong Jedi, and even as an apprentice, he possessed very advanced abilities.


Question: I know this is bound to be a major point of debate (and I don't mean to imply it's the only reason he did), but with the recent Oscar ceremony, would Heath Ledger still have won if he hadn't died?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: While there is no real way to know the true answer to your question, in my opinion yes he would. Other actors have been nominated posthumously in the past but not won.


Question: Jigsaw needed Daniel to get through the game safe and sound so that he could put him in a safe and later present him to his father. Amanda was also included in the plan. How could Jigsaw be sure that the boy or Amanda wouldn't die from the gas? Or did they already have an antidote?

Answer: Notice how Amanda doesn't cough up blood or have a bloody nose. She clearly had some kind of antidote other then the needles. As for the second question, look when Eric is in the room with the safe and notices the needle on the floor. Amanda gave that to Daniel.

Answer: So Jigsaw doesn't really want to kill Daniel?

No. He used Daniel as bait to get Eric to stay there with him. Daniel was also the key to everyone in the game being linked.


Answer: I figured either those two were given an antidote, or because he says an odourless gas, I figured they shot the other ones up with something that will work in 2 hours.

Question: In what parts in the movie do each of the songs appear ?

Answer: I'm assuming you mean the soundtrack rather than the score, though I have that too. This is in order of appearance rather than track listing. 1) Full Moon by The Black Ghosts - this plays after the scene with the deer, showing Bella's journey from Phoenix and arrival in Forks. 2) Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation - when Bella wants to confront Edward before school3)Tremble for My Beloved by Collective Soul - starts playing when Edward has just saved Bella from the van.4)I Caught Myself by Paramore - playing in the background while Bella watches Jess and Angela try on dresses5)Never Think by Rob Pattinson - as Edward and Bella have dinner in the restaurant6) Bella's Lullaby by Carter Burwell - when Edward plays the piano for Bella7) Spotlight by Mute Math - the Ray-Ban scene when they arrive at school.8)Supermassive Black Hole by Muse - as they play baseball.9) Let Me Sign by Rob Pattinson - this isn't included on the CD but it plays as Edward sucks the venom out of Bella's wrist.10) Go All the Way by Perry Farrell - the song that plays as they enter the prom.11) Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron & Wine - as Bella and Edward slowdance outside and she asks to be made a vampire.12) 15 Step by Radiohead - not on CD, but the first credit song, played from when Victoria is shown to be watching. 13) Leave Out All the Rest by Linkin Park - second credit song. 14) Decode by Paramore- third credit song.

Question: Why is Rosie carrying what looks like a big stick at the beginning of the movie and again on the little raft? Also, what do they say right before they announce Super Trooper?

Answer: I think it's the microphones for their performance.

Answer: Do not know about the big stick, but before "Super Trooper" they say, "Ladies and no gentlemen! Presenting for one night and one night only-" then Rosie interrupts by saying, "Because we haven't got the breath for another!" Donna then carries on with, "The world's first girl-power band...Donna and the Dynamos!"

Answer: I believe you're asking about the boat's tiller. It's the lever that controls the rudder to steer the boat.


Question: If Neo can fly over 500 miles in 15 minutes why couldn't he travel to the door in time to stop it from closing? Also if he can manipulate the Matrix, why can't he just reset the door to the parking garage?

Answer: Neo's abilities, like anyone else in the Matrix, are limited only by his mind and his ability to concentrate. If he is extremely stressed he may not think to use his powers quickly enough.

Question: I wanted to ask that, when James had bitten Bella, then the venom/poison was left in Bella's arm and Edward had to suck it out later, but why didn't Edward leave the venom in Bella's arm? They both (James and Edward) sucked Bella's blood and James left venom, but Edward did not. How is that possible?

Answer: Edward wants Bella to remain human and experience life from the human point of view. As for them sucking her blood... James actually bit Bella, thus causing venom to enter to blood stream. Edward did not bite Bella; he simply sucked on the open wound to remove the venom from Bella's system.

Answer: A vampire's venom can change a human into a vampire, but it can also kill. It appeared that James, who hunts his victims, probably intended for Bella to die. Edward is sucking out the venom to save her life.


Question: I may have just misunderstood, but when the Russian man talks to the bald man near the end of the movie, he seemed to act as though the brown-haired woman's body was going to be better than the bodies of the other women that had been used before. If so, why was her body more special?

Answer: All of the women's bodies were just temporary. He was telling him that they were going to get him a good permanent body, indicating they would continue to use temporary bodies until they found a good match (presumably male).

Question: Does anyone know what the song is that's being played when the Pevensies first arrive in Narnia again and are playing on the beach? I recognize that it is in the first movie too around the part when all four first come out of the wardrobe into Narnia.And what was the song played when Reepicheep and his comrades sneak into the castle where the cat is? And how come these aren't on the soundtrack?

Answer: The first part of your question is on the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe soundtrack and I believe that it is called From Western Woods to Beaversdam.

Question: In the scene where Batman makes the semi flip over, and the Joker stumbles out of the wreckage, what kind of gun is he using?

Answer: That is a Smith & Wesson M76 Submachine gun.

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