Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: In the scene where random crewmen are being led to their assimilation, at about 00:40:55 there is a woman with flyaway curly hair being led by a drone, who bears a striking resemblance to Alice Krige, later to appear as the Borg Queen. Seeing as the Borg are cut off from the rest of the Collective, could it be that they chose an Enterprise crewman to be the "face" of the Borg? Or is this just a cameo on the part of Ms. Krige?

Answer: After reviewing the film it is definitely NOT Alice Krige. The woman bears some similarity but is much younger. Also, as we see in Picard's flashbacks, the Borg Queen was present at the events of Wolf 359.

Question: Sometime within the film as Penny is putting up "Lost Dog" ads, she has a phone number on the paper as well. The phone number isn't a 555-5555 number either, and it might be for fans like in The Incredibles. If you can catch it, can you post it?

Answer: When Penny is printing "LOST DOG" flyers, the last 4 digits of the phone number on the copier are: 8423. This makes the number (877) 504-8423. 877-504-8423 is a number reserved by ABC for movies and TV series. Calling it will provide a short tape recorded message about how fake it is.

Question: If for some reason a vampire bites an animal, but somehow he doesn't get to kill it, does the animal become a vampire-animal thing?

Answer: Stephenie Meyer said that the animal would be killed by the venom rather than transformed. This is also true of werewolves being bit by vampires.

Question: I wanted to clarify the question I submitted about why Tracy starts starving herself. I know that many girls starve for different reasons, but I thought she was being influenced by Evie and wanted to copy her. Why did she starve herself if Evie wasn't? Evie normally ate the food that Tracy's mom cooked.

Answer: I think what started it was her tongue piercing. She didn't want to eat cause it would hurt and her mom would notice.

I think it's a combination of the tongue piercing and Tracy's new rebellious attitude. She wants to be "difficult" by refusing to eat what her mom cooks. Evie, meanwhile, is trying to impress Tracy's family, because she wants to live there for as long as possible. So she eats whatever food Tracy's mom cooks.

Drugs will affect your appetite.

Answer: Tracy is more than likely just trying to look as skinny as Evie, even though Tracy is clearly thinner than she is. Also, it could be a result from drugs or angst.

Question: I don't fully understand how Ryugi dies. He simply runs away after the gun ejects itself and is impaled by about a half-dozen rods. What happened and where did the rods come from? Are they the gun-barrels?

Answer: I will have to answer my question after another viewing of the film. The gun is shattered by the "special" bullets that Miki gave to Ami, which were too powerful, causing the gun to fragment when it was yanked off her arm. The gun barrels fall of and impale Ryugi.

Question: If/when Midnight Sun (which re-tells Twilight from Edward's POV) is ever optioned to make a film adaptation, would the scenes with Edward and Bella be edited into the film from this film? It would make more sense than having to re-shoot them. Plus, the dialogue pacing would be the same continuity-wise.

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Being that Stephanie Myers has stopped writing Midnight Sun because of it being leaked onto the internet, it may not ever be released or completed for that matter. It would make more sense for them to edit their scene into the film if it were to be made, but it would just be making the same film all over again. It would really be up to the director how to approach that, but as I said before, we may not ever see the completion of Midnight Sun.

Question: When Troy goes to the gym at night he looks at the basketball jerseys (there are 6 I think), one is Troy's, one Chad's and another Jack Bolton's. Who do the others belong to?

Answer: I think that they are just props. The owner of those jerseys has no relevence to the plot.. They might just be randomly picked names.

Question: What is with the birds and the drawings on his cell wall?

Answer: He is trying to piece together his memories so he can understand his past.

Answer: Will Smith is from Philadelphia. The eagles symbolize this.

Question: When is the movie supposed to take place? I know the book was set in the 80s, and I thought the film was, as well. Most of the cars seemed to be 80s era vehicles, but the main character uses a cell phone to light his way in one scene and he mentions computer generated artwork. Any thoughts?

Answer: The film is contemporary, as was the original story. Neither was meant to be set in a specific time period other than "now." The reason for the many older vehicles is that the film takes place in a small town. Notice that none of the older vehicles is in new condition. The presence of cell phones and modern products and clothing in the store indicate it is set in the present.

Question: Maybe I'm just missing something here, but when Kathryn and Annette talk in the bathroom, why does Kathryn act as though she doesn't know Annette? She obviously knows who she is as she has seen her several times. We know why Annette pretends not to know Kathryn but this bit doesn't make sense.

Answer: Well, this is my own opinion, but I think that Annette and Katharine were just pretending not to know each other. Remember, Katharine doesn't know how much Annette knows and Annette knows what kind of deception Katharine is constantly pulling off. I also think that Annette uses the line "turning to God" to foreshadow (and maybe scare) Katharine. Naturally, it didn't work until the journal got out.

Chosen answer: In the end.

Question: Which shuttle takes off first and which one is the one that is usually farther ahead than the other?

Answer: Freedom takes off first, closely followed by the Independence. This is why when the Independence crashes on the asteroid it first overtakes Freedom on the way down.


Question: When Frodo first calls Gollum "Smeagol", what is it that Gollum says in between Frodo's lines? They sound like riddles, or are they possibly pieces of songs from the books? If so, what songs are they and where are they found within the books?

Answer: "Cold be heart and hand and bone/Cold be travellers far from home/They do not see what lies ahead/When sun has failed and moon is dead." I believe it is based on a spell cast on the four hobbits by the Barrow-Wight, in the book "The Fellowship of the Ring."

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Question: I am watching a re-run of Desperate Housewives (not sure of which season) And I see that Edie has a son (Trevor) I did not know that. Here's my question(s) . Where was he this whole time? Who is his father? How did he come to live with Edie? And I don't see him on the current shows so Where is he now? Thanks.

Answer: Her son is Travers - they've mentioned in previous seasons that she had a son but you never seen him until now. he was staying with Edie because his father had to go out of the country for four weeks with "doctors without borders". Edie knew she couldn't give him the life he deserved and she never really wanted kids so she gave full custody to his dad. he's not in the current seasons because his dad's four week tour ended.

Question: Are the Valar ever mentioned in any sort of way in the trilogy?

Answer: In The Two Towers, when Aragorn is floating in the water after the Warg attack, Arwen appears above him and says "May the grace of the Valar protect you." That's pretty much it.

Question: When Bond is confronting Trevelyan for the first time since the opening, the scene ends with Bond getting shot in the neck by a dart. But who shot it? Trevelyan had his hands in his pockets the whole time, and even if he had a dart gun, Bond was shot too quickly for him to have drawn, aimed and fired it. And Bond looked like he was shot in the side of the neck, so it doesn't seem possible he could have been shot by the figure from behind.

Answer: After Bond collapses, another person, I suppose one of Trevelyan's henchmen, emerges from the shadows after having fired the dart...apparently Trevelyan wasn't so sure of his ability to foresee Bond's every move that he didn't bring along some insurance. Maybe this third man is only visible in the widescreen version.

Question: Throughout the film, you see the water fountain in the middle of the town. How is that effect of the water done? Is it shot in real time?

Answer: No, it's stop-motion just like almost everything else. The water appears to change levels because they used different pieces that could pop in and out of the well part of the fountain to make it look like ripples and movement. The DVD commentary with the director explains much of how all the scenes were shot.

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Question: Of the main cast, do any of the actresses claim to be same-sex orientated in real life? Which ones? I've Googled this, and only found speculations rather than actual answers.

Answer: I read Diva magazine which is a British lesbian magazine - Leisha Hailey and Daniela Sea have both given interviews and have stated without question that they are lesbians. Despite much lesbian disappointment Katherine Moennig will not confirm her sexuality, stating it is personal and not an issue. Although it was once stated by an american publiction Jennifer Beals 'outed her', once published this was denyed by Jennifer stating they had twisted her words. Jennifer Beals has been married twice, Laurel Holloway according to her official website is married, but has stated in many interview since the L Word began that she is bisexual. Mia Krishner is most confusing of all, various interviews she has claimed different things - bisexuality, heterosexuality and bicuriousity...but notably takes lesbian/bisexual/transgender roles. Pam Grier, Rachel Shelly and Erin Daniels have categorically stated they are heterosexual. Janina Gavanker has never made any comment about her sexuality, although all speculations made on Google are that she is straight. Information on Rose Rollins is sparse and wholly speculation. I can add though that Shane's stalker in season one called Lacey is played by Tammy Lyn Micheals, who according to both parties' official websites has been 'married' to Melissa Etheridge since 2003, they also have children.

Question: Evie was able to translate the ancient Chinese on the Eye of Shangri-la, so that means she has some knowledge of the language. So why did she leave it to Rick to tell the resurrected General Min that they were on his side? (All she said in that scene was "I don't think he speaks English.")

Answer: Reading and speaking many Eastern languages can be entirely different tasks so it's perfectly plausible that she knew how to translate the writing but not how to speak it.

Question: Warning: Spoiler. At the end of the movie, it's found that three of the victims had managed to escape; only one was actually returned to the parents. It isn't known if the other two were recaptured by the killer or managed to get away (but went into hiding). Why didn't the police just go back and question the killer's accomplice? He'd likely be able to reveal whether any of the boys had been recaptured. (We're never told if the accomplice had died by that point, or whether he was unavailable, or whether nobody bothered asking him.)

Answer: When the accomplice is originally questioned he says that killer told him a few 'may have escaped', implying he never knew if they were caught.

Also, it's implied his accomplice a young boy himself was scared of ending up like the boys himself, sadly I think it was done for survival.

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