Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: How did Rick got the tattoo on his arm in the first place and how did he know the reply for the riddle given by Ardeth?

Answer: In the movie, when Ardeth - after being given the correct answer to the riddle - claims that Rick has the "sacred mark" making him a "warrior for God", Rick says something like: "Nah, I got this slapped onto me while I was in an orphanage in Cairo." The explanation is simple: Rick was an orphaned child who was raised in Cairo, in an orphanage which belonged to the Medjai (who were very much infiltrated in the city, as evidenced further by the fact that Mr. Bey, the curator of Cairo's Museum of Antiquities, was a Medjai himself). Children in this orphanage were given the wrist tattoo which all Medjai are marked with when they come of age at sixteen, and were taught the riddle since the moment they were brought there. However, they were not told about the meaning of the riddle, nor were they made aware of the Medjai's existence as a society; the response was simply repeated to them until it was so ingrained in their memory, that upon hearing the riddle they would automatically offer the correct answer, thus allowing the Medjai asking the riddle to recognize them as part of their society. The reasons for the Medjai to own that orphanage to begin with are shrouded in mystery, but it can be speculated that they simply used it as a way to even further increase their numbers.


Question: Although I don't know for sure, I believe I read somewhere that the voice used for Joshua was John Wood (Falken) recording words backwards then reversing the tape so the words would come out forwards but in a machine-like sound. Is this correct?

Answer: Writer Walter Parkes explained they had John Wood read the dialog backwards to give it a flat tone (i.e. Game a play to like you would). Then after rearranging it they would synthesize and process it to give it an electronic quality.


Question: How exactly was Semos able to organize a rebellion against the humans, since he was just an ordinary ape who was trained for whatever assignment he would be needed for?

Answer: The dialogue recorded by one of the survivors of the Oberon tells that the apes, particularly Semos are much smarter than they had ever realized. He was not ordinary, he was the offspring of two chimps that had been genetically modified for increased intelligence. Semos had intelligence near or equal to humans.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Who was the mutant at the beginning and what did he (or she?) find? It was something like an iron X-men logo.

Pavel Soukup

Chosen answer: The character is never specifically named, but visually he is a reference to Nate Grey, a.k.a. X-Man.


Answer: As for what was found, my opinion is that it was a belt buckle from an X-Men uniform.


Question: Is it ever established why the Kaiju attack cities? Why they perceive a challenge, a threat, a resource worth taking there specifically? If they are a decent biochemical match to Earth life, and are hungry, why don't they attack schools of fish, or fishing/whaling vessels, if nothing else, they should attack the cannery row? If they are after a non-living resource, like minerals, why don't they root through the seabed or attack mines?


Chosen answer: Because they are scouts for an invasion of Earth from another dimension. They are testing our response to their arrival and military capabilities and the best way to attract military attention is to attack population centers.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: According to the Internet search I did, that last song for this episode is, "Morning After Dark," by Timbaland.


Question: Is it realistic that Mars vehicles like Mark's rover or in some scenes his handcart would use rubber tyres? No Mars rover before used them and I would think they could not stand the low Martian atmosphere and temperature differences.


Chosen answer: Whatever was used before on Mars is irrelevant as to date, only robotic vehicles have been used. As this is depicting how humans would live and function on Mars, the vehicles would be designed quite differently. Presumably, the "rubber" tires have been specially manufactured to withstand Martian conditions. Mostly likely they would be solid and not have an inner tube filled with air or some other gas that is affected by the atmosphere.


Answer: She's a collector.


Question: If the MAV could be blown over by a storm of sufficient force, wasn't it very risky dropping the Ares IV Mav five years in advance of the mission?

Answer: The crew (and mission control) are in constant contact with the previously dropped MAV and would have aborted the mission and continued back to Earth had the MAV become inoperable before their arrival. Weir states this explicitly early in the book.

Answer: Yes, it is very risky unless the new Ares MAV is in an area with much calmer weather patterns.

Question: The Collector was already a holder of the Aether (reality stone). Once the Orb destroyed the majority of his place, where do you think he hid the Aether?

Answer: It's unlikely that the place on Knowhere is the only location he has. He could easily have moved it to another.

Greg Dwyer

Question: Why did Thade kill the two apes that were with him after they showed him the trail left by Leo's pod?

Answer: To prevent anyone else from learning that Leo came from space. After Pericles' ship crashed, there was a prophecy of a second coming of Semos, the founder of Ape civilization. Thade wants to kill all humans, so if anyone found out, it would be considered a sign and the council might consider making peace with the humans.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Wallace's briefcase has a sticker upon it saying: Blackpool, Bognor and Beaconsfield. To what do they refer?


Chosen answer: Bognor Regis and Blackpool are seaside towns, so presumably, those are places Wallace and Gromit have been on holiday in the past. Beaconsfield is an inside joke: It's where the National Film and Television School is located and a number of scenes were filmed there.

Chosen answer: Chris originally came from a Dark Future that was changed when he saved Paige's life. It's in that dark future that Piper died.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Where did Star Lord get AA batteries for his Walkman?

Answer: Likely he didn't, but instead was able to use an alternate power source that he found or was introduced to during his time in outer space.


Question: Will's primary motive for rescuing Jack is so that he can trade the Black Pearl for his father. But why would Davy Jones want the Black Pearl at all, he already has a very good ship? Why does Will think this is the best way to rescue his father?


Chosen answer: Will says he needs the Black Pearl to free his father, he's not planning on trading him. The Pearl is the fastest ship in the Caribbean, so chances are he's planning to take the Flying Dutchman by force, and free his father that way.


Question: In the original Superman television series, Superman created a duplicate of himself so that he could be in two places at once. However, as one went to pull the bars out of the wall, he had to have the other help, as the strength of one was half that of the original. That said, how is it that both Clark and Evil Superman have the same strength of the whole being after being split?

Movie Nut

Chosen answer: The effects of Red Kryptonite on Superman are always random and unpredictable. In the comics, the effect lasts 24 hours, however, for a film, they last as long as the writer needs them to. This time, it copied all of his powers as well to make the Evil Superman.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: How did they do the trick where Mary takes the lamp and all of the other things out of her bag?

Answer: A false bottom in the bag and a hole in the table with a false background under it so we can't see the person handing the items up through the bag.

Captain Defenestrator

Dear Dad - S1-E12

Question: A number of times it is mentioned that the outfit is unarmed, yet several times, Frank has a rifle, or a pistol, and once Klinger had a grenade, and the guards and Klinger, while on sentry duty, has a rifle. Was this standard, or is this a mistake?

Answer: Even an Army field hospital would have SOME weapons for self-defense if the enemy attacked. What's meant is that it's not a combat outfit, and therefore wouldn't have enough weapons to actually attack anyone. (It's also mentioned a few times that the Officer of the Watch is supposed to carry a pistol at all times, but Hawkeye refuses to do it when he's in charge and Colonels Blake and Potter don't enforce the rule).

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: The Geneva Convention allows even doctors to carry a sidearm to be used in their self defense or the defense of their patients, however it is rare to do so.


Answer: As an old medical unit staffer, my experience is that med units have combat units assigned to defend them. Usually it was marines.

Answer: My old doctor (now deceased) served in Korea during the War. He was required to carry a sidearm anytime he was not in the hospital.

Business Guy - S8-E9

Question: In the episode, Peter threatens to fire Lois, and she responds with "you wouldn't" and Peter then replies with "Oh really, does the name Lacey Chabert mean anything to you?" which in turn makes Lois go wide eyed and reply with "OK, I'll behave" and Peter then goes on to add "Yes you will" Can anyone explain this joke if it is a joke to comprehend?

Answer: Lacey Chabert was the actress who originally voiced Meg in early episodes. She left of her own accord due to being in school and other acting work; Seth MacFarlane has stated there was no tension with her leaving, but it makes for a handy joke for the show.

Jon Sandys

Show generally

Question: In what episode was the tune that became the theme for Mayberry RFD originally used? I remember it was B/W and had something to do with a bank robbery and the old guard Acer.

Answer: The episode with the bank robbery and old guard named Asa is from season 3, episode 13 "The Bank Job," but the music can be heard much earlier than that. The theme music for Mayberry RFD is named "The Mayberry March" and a few bits here and there can be heard in several episodes of season 1, such as "Bringing Up Opie, " however, in season 2, episode 4 "Mayberry Goes Bankrupt" about half a minute of the music is heard while Frank's house is being renovated.

Super Grover

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