Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Near the start of the movie, we see a young Angel cutting off his wings when his father walks in on him and says "Oh God, not you too." I was just wondering, does his father has something against mutants?


Chosen answer: He was ashamed that his son was a mutant, especially given his status in the business community. Warren Worthington Jr. (Angel's father) was the one who, through his company, created the mutant cure 10 years later. In the comics, he also supported the mutant registration act.


Chosen answer: Spoiler alert: Psychiatrists help their patients in a variety of ways. Generally, they begin by developing rapport, establishing an empathetic relationship, and trying to understand the patient's perspective and how he views the world. Some therapeutic approaches are based on the notion that the relationship between therapist and patient is the prime source of healing. Many psychiatrists would also prescribe medication to ameliorate what they would almost assuredly view as psychotic symptoms. But in this case, I think Dr. Crowe has a sense, throughout, that his young patient's experiences are more than hallucinations. Cole's stories resonate with him at a deep level, as he is also struggling internally and subconsciously with his own (as we will later learn) ambiguous position between life and death. I don't think there's a point where Dr. Crowe changes his mind, per se. He develops. And in the process, he definitely assists Cole in overcoming his fears, as well. During the film, they heal one another.

Michael Albert

Answer: I would have to rewatch, but it seems at one point he is humoring him, but maybe deep down has a feeling that he is not totally crazy, but then he goes and listens to the tape and hears a dead person and realises that there is such a thing as seeing dead people. This is why he tries to help cole cope after that, not be cured.

Question: Near the end of the film, Stephen asks Jane how long he has to live, and she says two years. But I thought they already established he had two years near the start of the film. Can someone please explain this?


Chosen answer: Throughout his existence, prognoses of the life expectancy for Dr. Stephen Hawking have been repeatedly offered and then surpassed. He continues to amaze with not only his brilliance, but his resilience. In this case it sounds like a callback to the initial estimate, which was demonstrably inaccurate.

Michael Albert

Question: Roy and Chuck Frechette are shooting the breeze about their teenagers, and Frank is a little floored. Right after Frechette says "Summer's The WORST" then Frank does a quick impression, with some kind of European accent maybe "It's's Wild..." and Roy says "He sounds just like him!" What are they talking about? Who is Frank doing an impression of?

Answer: Frank has just done his Christopher Walken impression, the same one Sam Rockwell can be heard doing in Iron Man 2 outtakes and has spoken about in interviews. Most likely just the actors having fun with some improvisation that Ridley Scott chose to leave in.

Question: Why did Jackie tell Isabel that she lost Ben? Was it to prove to Isabel that she (Jackie) is not a perfect mother?


Chosen answer: Yes.

Greg Dwyer

Plus, I think she felt she owed it to Isabel after how she treated her and the things she said to her.

Show generally

Question: Given that north of the Wall is snow and ice with mostly pine trees as vegetation, how do the thousands of Wildlings feed themselves? There are no crops and no game. The same for the Dothraki. How do they feed their thousands of horses in desert country?

Answer: There is game north of the wall. Mostly rabbits and dear. Where do you think they get all that fur? Also fish near the coast. As for the Dothraki, we see tall grass and other trees, that could provide food for both the Dothraki and their horses.


Answer: The Free Folk hunt and fish, which is why they own a lot of fur and pelts. The Dothraki do not live in a desert, they live in a grass sea of lush flat plains. Their city of Vaes Dothrak also allows foreign traders to sell them food and fodder. He Dothraki also engage in slavery, another economic avenue.

Question: What books do Julius and David share?

Answer: Julius doesn't give David a book. He gives him an air sickness bag. David gives him a Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible, and a kippah (yarmulke).

Greg Dwyer

Question: Why did Snape put Crabbe and Goyle in detention simply for failing their defense against the dark arts OWL? I thought Snape favoured his own house (Slytherin) before all others.


Chosen answer: Because them failing their OWLs embarrasses him as their head of house.

Greg Dwyer

Question: When Andy tells the warden how Tommy knows who really murdered his wife, the warden sympathetically says that Tommy made up the story to impress Andy, and he's surprised that Andy believed it. He also says they'd never be able to find that Elmo guy, and even if they did, he'd never confess. Isn't the warden essentially admitting he thinks that Andy is not guilty? Otherwise he'd just say 'I don't believe you, I know you were the one who killed your wife.'.

Brian Katcher

Chosen answer: The warden doesn't care whether Andy is innocent or guilty, only that his money-making schemes continue (with Andy's help).

Question: Mel Gibson says "They killed them both." I know he's referring to his wife, but who's the second person?


Chosen answer: Rika Van Den Haas, the South African woman he was seeing whose body he finds tied up under water.

Jon Sandys

Question: How is Herbie able to come to life on his own? I haven't seen the other movies.

Answer: It is explained in the 1997 version of "the love bug". When a scientist was building Herbie, a picture of the scientist's deceased wife who he loved very much fell into the container of molten metal. This accidental action caused Herbie to have love for any owner he has.

Answer: In the original "Love Bug" movie, made in the 1960's, the Hippie Era, Tennessee explained all things have a soul. Whether it be animal, vegetable or mineral and someday all these things will achieve self awareness.

Question: Why did the killer place the key into the bathtub together with Adam? If it hadn't been sucked down the drain the game would have been over pretty quickly.

Answer: The key wasn't supposed to be visible at first, that's why Jigsaw asked "what do voyeurs see when they look in the mirror?"

Answer: That was the original point of the game. Adam was meant to have free roam of the bathroom, so that it tempted Dr. Gordon to want to kill Adam more, as he is much more powerful in this case.

Question: How does Jack hypnotise Merritt's twin brother when he is suppose to be doing a street show?

Answer: The entire sequence in London was all a montage. It is never really established if all of the scenes that took place there were coinciding with each other. The scene where Jack hypnotises Chase could have easily taken place after he had finished the street show.

Casual Person

Answer: Also, the reason why Jack was told to leave early was because when the fbi found out jack was performing, they sent their crew. So Jack finished first, got to the location by the time the third performance was still running, the third performance ended faster than the second performance, the second performance was ended by either Merritt or Jack's "he is hypnotized" call.

Question: I thought that the chip they stole was fake? Why did Walter think it is real? Hypnosis?

Answer: Walter thought the chip was real because he placed it under a scanner and the scanner confirmed that the chip was real. However, given the fact that later on it was revealed that the whole plane sequence was a set up, it is probable that the device used to scan the chip was actually a fake that was used to make Walter believe the chip was real, most likely throw him off guard.

Casual Person

Answer: It is revealed later on that Allen Scott-Frank, the man from the Macau Science Center, where they stole the fake chip from, was working with The Eye. He likely anticipated their arrival due to being in contact with The Eye and planted a fake chip into the system, allowing the Horsemen to steal it. This fake chip was likely designed to trick a scanner into thinking it was real.

Casual Person

They stole the real chip but lost it. That's how they were able to recognize the one they currently had was fake.

Question: At the end of the movie when Barbossa's crew is freed from the curse why do they surrender if in all likelihood they would be hung? Was there the possibility of them only being imprisoned?

Answer: They could possibly escape from imprisonment (as Pintel and Ragetti obviously did). But they didn't know what to do once they were no longer cursed. It's possible that they forgot how to fight without intentionally taking wounds.

Greg Dwyer

Question: What made room 1408 so special? That it's numbers added up to 13, and it was on the 13th floor? Wouldn't that also make room 1426 evil as well? Or was the room just inherently evil?

Answer: Like many of King's work, it's never explained why the room is evil, it's just something that resides in the room that is evil. The fact that it's on the 13th floor and 1408 adds up to 13 just makes it worse, superstitiously, so perhaps that's why the evilness chose that room. But the 13's don't really contribute to the events inside the room, so other rooms aren't affected.


Question: Why did Kevin Spacey shoot Samuel L Jackson? I know he wanted to fake his death, but he could've actually died. He could've just shot him with a blank. Also, did Samuel L Jackson know he was about to get shot?


Chosen answer: It's unlikely in the extreme that Kevin Spacey would have a blank round on him. He had to actually shoot him so he'd bleed and appear dead. Remember, both characters were improvising.

Question: In the nightclub, Mel Gibson shoots a guy who says "Hey, what are you..." Was he a bad guy, or was he just a random citizen?


Chosen answer: He was one of Hunsacker's men.

Chosen answer: The Ghosts want Jack to kill Danny because the shining is what gives the Hotel power. The only way Danny's shine would stay permanently at the Hotel would be for him to die there. The only reason Jack was chosen was because he was the weakest link to get to Danny.

Chosen answer: Well Magic does come to mind. The White Walkers bring with them the winter. Because of this, the seasons are very unpredictable. "Winter Is Coming" refers to this.


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