Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Mr. Vernon knew that Brian, John, Claire and Andrew had detention for what they did, so when Alison shows up as well, why did he let her have detention? Why didn't he tell her to go back home?

Answer: It's pretty clear he doesn't much care to be there, and has little more than contempt for the students. Given that clerical errors are a daily part of life in most schools, he likely just assumed she was supposed to be there but the paperwork was wrong.

Question: After R2-D2 helps fix the escaping ship, Queen Amidala thanks the droid in front of Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and her handmaidens, but Amidala's decoy refers to her handmaiden as Padme. Why doesn't she refer to her as Sabe? Doesn't everyone know that Queen Amidala's first name is Padme?

Answer: Padme was impersonating a handmaid, using her real name. Sabe was playing her role of Queen Amidala. This was unknown to Qui-Gon.


But the point is that using the queen's real name seems like it's giving the game away a bit.

Queen Amidala supposedly has 2 handmaidens. Sabe and Padme. Nobody knows Padme is the real Queen's name, they just know her as Queen Amidala.


Qui Gon and Obi Wan do not know Queen Amidala, having only recently met her, or that her real name is Padme.


Question: The ancient Aramaic or Minoan looking script on the shields of the four lying/truth-telling guards: does anyone know what it says or what language it is in?


Answer: What I have been able to decode is "one question. One answer. Tricks and challenge. And one says "lies" while the the other says "truth."

What did you use to decode it with? I have been over several pages of Khuzdul language and was only able to decipher what is written up there "Vzhklaiheaksh." That's the best I could figure it out.


Answer: It's Runes, but I'm not sure which, there a few alphabets.

Answer: Its Tolkien dwarvish, the Khuzdul language. But i'm guessing its just gibberish. What it says on the bottom left part of the left shield is "Vzhklaiheaksh." Which means nothing.

Try with theban runes. They are often mistaken for tolkiens.

Answer: It looks like Tolkien's Runic language. As to what it says, there are translators online that may help.

A Jolting Switcheroo! - S17-E16

Question: Lyn mistakenly takes Bonnie's identical satchel containing Dedenne, but shouldn't Lyn's satchel be a different color so the mix-up doesn't happen?

Answer: The girls each had the same bags the only thing that made them different was that they had different buttons sewn onto them.

Answer: It just happened because the girls each had the same colored bag.

Question: When Marietta denied that there had been any other meetings, was that just to let her friends off? I don't see why she rats them out one minute and then tries to protect them the next.


Answer: Because her memory was charmed by Kingsley Shacklebolt before she could.

Greg Dwyer

Question: What do the T-Birds mean when they ask Rizzo "What are you doing out without a net/Annette?" Is it just another Annette Funicello reference? That always confused me.

Answer: He's referring to a safety net that acrobats would use because she's climbing down the trellis and it's dangerous.

Greg Dwyer

I always assumed they thought she needed 'a net' to catch a guy.

Answer: It is because she was climbing off the roof and down the trellis, and it was dangerous as she could have fallen and hurt herself. That is why they said she was doing that without a net.

Answer: I thought it referred to a hair net like one to cover curlers.

Answer: A net is what they used to call bras.

Answer: I thought it meant she needs a net to catch her and that she would fall.

Answer: Women wore hair nets to sleep to keep their curls in place - they are giving her crap for not wearing a hair net.

Answer: They're both muscle cars, but that's about the extent of the similarities. But the 70's were filled with a lot of muscle cars, so some car models may look a bit like another's. Billy's car is a late 70's Chevy Camaro (probably a ‘79). Mad Max's car is a 1973 Ford Falcon XB GT. Incidentally, the Ford Falcon was produced by Ford Australia and wasn't an American car, or even sold in America (as in not sold at dealerships).


According to the experts its a Camaro '78 with added vented side fenders.

Question: Are there any plans to release a director's cut?

Answer: At the moment, no. Given the fact the series was rebooted, Sony seems to be putting its focus on the new films. Although given that an alternative cut of 2007's "Spider-Man 3" was recently released, it's possible a director's cut might appear in the future. But at the moment, there are no plans for one.

Question: Why is Amanda the only Jigsaw victim who never has to harm herself to win the game, but kill another, making her game easier to win than the others?

Answer: She's technically not. A number of others have been put in traps/games where they don't necessarily have to meet physical harm throughout the series, including this film. Amanda's game is based more around emotional turmoil and a time-limit, which are tactics Jigsaw often uses either instead of or in conjunction with physical torment.

Answer: She's actually not. Dr. Gordon could have won his game without mutilating himself by killing Adam. And as for why she doesn't have to harm herself, since she has a large device rigged around her head with the lock attached at the back, Jigsaw may have decided it would be more fair to her to not have to mutilate herself to get the key.


Answer: She isn't. In fact, the bathroom game in this film is a perfect example of contradicting this, as Dr. Gordon has to kill Adam to win his game.

Show generally

Question: What does Joey mean when he says "quarters, or rolls of quarters?" when he replied to the lady that says she can "pick up quarters with her toes"?

Answer: She says quarters, but then starts sliding her foot up his thigh and demonstrates that her toes are more dextrous than he first realised.

Jon Sandys

Answer: This can be answered two ways. Joey could be asking if she is nimble enough with her toes to be able to pick up an individual quarter as well as grab an entire roll of them. However, this is Joey, and he is likely implying a sexual double entendre to the meaning of "rolls of quarters" by implying they are phallic in shape.


Question: Why is Hannah always looking at Jack in a weird way? She does this at least twice in the movie: once when he's approaching Ana, and later after Ana left for José's photography exhibition. Is something going on between them or did?

Answer: Hannah is aware of Jack's reputation for being sexually aggressive, resulting in his previous assistants quitting their jobs. She correctly surmises that he is now targeting Ana as his next victim.


Answer: She was taken when the Syndicate was formed and the aliens decided to take a member from each family in each different Syndicate as collateral. Samantha was chosen to be the one that the aliens took because her mother just couldn't choose between her two children.

Question: Why is it that the grudge doesn't kill the old woman living in the house?

Answer: It does. They find her dead at one point.

Question: Can vampires and werewolves be killed or injured by anything other than vampires and werewolves?


Answer: Aro also makes the argument that for the first time in our history humans pose a threat to our kind with their weapons that can destroy us. Theoretically any weapons that can tear apart and/or burn the vampires would work. So, yes, things other than vampires and werewolves can kill the vampires and werewolves.

Answer: Sure. The problem is that these films portray vampires and werewolves as having super-human abilities, so it'd be significantly harder for a regular person to kill one. But nothing about the films seems to indicate it's overtly impossible.

Answer: At a large building, which is presumably a storage/office space Toomes owns or rents for the purposes of his salvaging/disposal job, since he'd need significant space for equipment and whatnot. It later became his villainous lair.

Question: Why could Malcolm not open the door with the red knob?

Answer: In Malcolm's spirit-mind, which was in denial, it was somehow stuck and simply wouldn't open. But in reality as shown in the final twist, it's because his wife had blocked the door with a heavy desk, which Malcolm was "blocking out" and refusing to allow himself to see.

But he did get into the cellar. The first time he tries to open the door it immediately cuts to him walking down the stairs. How did he get in if it was blocked?

He walked through the door. Or he projected himself to the other side. Since he is in denial of his own death, his mind corrected the experience, creating a memory of unlocking and opening the door.

Answer: You can see that Malcolm is reaching for his pocket every time he is not able to open the door. He simply thinks he or his wife locked it.

Answer: Having just finished rewatching the film again I can say this: the inspector does not die. From a werewolf. The last we see of him is that of him falling down a hole in the ground and landing in some water.

Alan Keddie

Question: Harry was reminded by Ron of another Gryffindor Quidditch player who sat under the tree they were revising under and rumpled his hair but who was that? Was it James?


Answer: Yes. James Potter, Harry's father.


Sweet and Vaded - S6-E7

Question: Does Lowen know that Tara isn't really pregnant and just staged the miscarriage? Or is she in on it too?

Answer: Lowen had no idea until after everything happened with the faked miscarriage.

Giving Back - S1-E5

Question: Why didn't Opie tell the club why he was in financial struggle due to his time in jail? He did what the club wanted him to do which was be a brotherhood and to not give up on the club, but he won't even tell Jax his financial troubles.

Answer: He knew the club was hurting financially because of the gun warehouse burning down.

I think with Opie it was more of a pride thing.

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