Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: How old were Hansel and Gretel as kids in the beginning of the movie? How much time passed to when they were adult? And how old were they then?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Hansel & Gretel's ages are never mentioned in the original fairytale. But Cedric Eich who plays young Hansel is currently 13 (August 10th, 2000). The age of Alea Sophia Boudodimos who plays young Gretel is unknown, but I'd guess that she's a similar age.


Question: So, the film takes place in a world where the USA no longer exists, presumably the big US corporations went the same way. So, why are the United Federation of Britain's police cars made by Dodge? A company that has little history of selling cars in the UK or Europe.

Answer: Well as you said, the US no longer exists. So who else are they going to sell to? Just because the land of the US is uninhabitable, doesn't mean the corporations as global entities disappeared - they just relocated and carried on as before.

Quantom X

Answer: Dodge was/is owned partially by Fiat.

Question: In the scene where Xavier goes to meet Jean Grey for the first time, it shows him walking. Yet it is never explained in the movie how he became crippled. I read that in the comics, he became crippled BEFORE meeting Jean Grey. So I'm confused how did he become crippled in the movies?

Answer: In the movie X-Men First Class, it shows Charles Xavier and Erik younger and allies. At the end of the movie it shows MacTaggert shooting at Magneto, he deflects the bullet and it hits Charles in the spine, which makes him paralyzed. The two allies realizes they have different interest between humans and mutants. Charles became paralyzed before opening the school and meeting Jean. How he is able to walk in X-Men 3 has not yet been explained, although he's lost and regained the ability at least a couple of times in the comics.

Pilot (1) - S1-E1

Question: After Arturo, Wade and Quinn jump into the wormhole, what caused the wormhole to suddenly go outside and send Rembrandt into it?

Answer: Quin wasn't sure how large to make the wormhole to accommodate everyone. He made it too big, which resulted in Rembrandt to drive into it.


But what caused the wormhole to go outside? Why didn't it remain in the basement?

Question: Can someone explain to me what happened to the 52 version of Victoria?

Chosen answer: No. We don't know. Tower 52 is left unharmed, but it is likely that the Tet sent drone(s) to kill area 52 version of Victoria when her Jack was in a kerfuffle, to reinstate new versions of Victoria and Jack.

Question: When Jack catches up to the bus for the first time he is running along the side of it and he smashes the window in the door, what would have happened if the driver stopped the bus and let him on to see what the problem was? Was the bomber just hoping that that wouldn't happen?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: Probably not. The bomber knew given the time he called Jack, it would be impossible for him to get to the bus in the morning peak.


Question: Supergirl stops the missile from hitting the sun and switches its direction. After this the missile shoots off and explodes. Can someone explain to me what was it that caused the missile to explode? (01:02:45)

Chosen answer: If you'll notice, in order to change the trajectory of the missile, she blasts into it with her laser vision to make it vent and change its dynamics. This damage most likely is what caused the detonation by a chain reaction. Another possibility is that the missile was on a timer set to the amount of time it would take to reach the center of the sun. A missile designed to destroy a star in such a manner would obviously have an optimum effect from the very center. But the missile has to survive traveling through the star to get to the center, thus it would be made to withstand the plasma and heat to prevent impact or heat detonation. Thus it was likely timed.

Quantom X

Question: Why does Captain America say that Fury has the same blood on his hands that Loki does? It seems unlikely that he is being literal to the point that the fact that Fury touched Coulson's dying body means that he has the same blood on his hands as Loki...What am I missing?

Erin Coulson

Chosen answer: It means Fury is just as guilty for Coulson's death as Loki is.



Answer: Coulson idolized Nick Fury. He believed and emulated him. He so much wanted to prove his worth, he put himself in dangerous situations. Like going up against Loki alone.

Question: The guy who plays Chekov in this movie uses a Russian accent that, to me, sounds fake. Is it fake? The original guy's sounded pretty real.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Neither accent is particularly accurate. Anton Yelchin was born in Russia and, while his family moved to America when he was only a baby, he has no difficulty doing an authentic Russian accent, but the accent he selected for the movie was principally based on the accent used by Walter Koenig as the original Chekov, which is effectively a 1960's Hollywood stereotype Russian accent that bears little resemblance to anything overly genuine. Yelchin tweaked it slightly, making it marginally closer to a genuine accent and exaggerating it rather more than Koenig, but, ultimately, neither accent is overly authentic.


Question: In the scene where Harry is playing Quidditch, he is followed by the dementors. Why isn't he flying back to the Quidditch game at the ground? There would've been enough people who could have helped him. What happened to the dementors after, did they hurt anybody else?


Chosen answer: Hermione visits Harry while he's recovering and explains that the incident never should have happened and Dumbledore was so furious over it that he banished the dementors way back behind the ground's perimeter. When Harry encounters the dementors they begin sucking out his soul, sort of. His face is shown almost like smoke being drawn to them and they, in turn, appear to be "sucking" the face smoke stuff into their "mouths." it looks horrific and I'm surprised anybody would ever wonder why he didn't retreat. He didn't retreat because he couldn't. It's that simple - he wasn't able to.

Question: At the end, when the police are burning the bodies at the cabin, "party man" deputy says he thinks there's another body, and it's in the basement. Everyone staying at the cabin is dead and accounted for. Whose body, and what basement, is he talking about?

Answer: One of the store people were thrown into the basement by Paul. it is only seen in the directors cut.

Chosen answer: It was originally built as a series of fortifications and ramparts for military use, and is now essentially a ring road with multiple lanes through Moscow. It's roughly circular by design.


Question: Parker finds his enemy's new place in Palm Beach and infiltrates it to place his guns. In their garage, he quickly screws a crate back together and hides as they return. They get out and go in, but their car is still on. All got out, but the car has the lights on, and even looks like the reverse lights are on. Why did they leave it on or is this a mistake?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Some vehicles are designed to have lights on while running, and after they are shut off, the lights (including reverse lights) stay on for a short period of time, usually something like 30 seconds to a minute.


Question: Even though it's meant as a comedic moment, I've never really understood why Kirk would be so nervous about Saavik piloting the ship out of space dock. She's not actually flying the ship, so it's not like she's going to crash it into the wall or something. Plus, Sulu is an experienced pilot, so even if she said something stupid like "Warp speed!", he's unlikely to follow the order. Just something odd that I have always wondered about.


Chosen answer: He's nervous because she's a trainee and had never done this maneuver before. Even if Sulu is there, she could still possibly make one small error that he would be unable to react to in time. As you point out, the scene is meant to be comedic, and it's being a little over-played strictly for that.


Again though, she is not actually piloting the ship, only giving orders.


Even though Sulu is an experienced pilot, taking the ship out of space dock under power is still prohibited for a reason. If something were to go wrong and a quick decision had to be made, Savick would be the one giving orders to correct the problem. That's what makes Kirk nervous, not the piloting skill involved but the decision making required in an emergency.


Answer: Normally a ship is piloted out of spacedock using thrusters (see ST:TMP). Saavik ordered impulse power.

Answer: Saavik destroyed a simulated Enterprise during her Kobayashi Maru test, with Admiral Kirk chiding her afterwards. When Spock invites Saavik to take the real Enterprise out of space dock, Kirk is obviously nervous because he thinks Saavik is unready for command, as she destroyed the Enterprise earlier.

Charles Austin Miller

To my original point though, she is not actually touching any controls, only giving orders. The Enterprise was destroyed in the simulation during a Klingon attack, which is very different than guiding a ship out of spacedock. Not to mention the fact that the simulation is designed to make the cadet fail.


The whole scene is about Spock taking a dig at Kirk's ego. Being the only cadet in Starfleet history to ever actually beat the Kobayashi Maru test (albeit by trickery), Kirk has an inflated standard for what constitutes "readiness for command," and it shows in his reaction. Knowing full well that it will raise Kirk's hackles, Spock deliberately invites Saavik to handle the simple space dock maneuver. McCoy also knows that Kirk will over-react, which is why he offers Kirk a tranquilizer.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: When Cady gives the kalteen bars to Regina, she says that there's an ingredient that is not legal in the US yet. Right after she says that, Regina suggests some ingredients. Does anyone actually know what the ingredients are, or are they just made up?

Answer: The name Kalteen bars was made up for the film, but the ingredients Regina suggests are real: phentermine and ephedrine I think.

Show generally

Question: In trivia and other places on the web people mention that JD accidentally called the Janitor by his real name, Neil Flynn. If this is true, which episode and when does he do this? It's not in the episode where he watches The Fugitive cos he doesn't mention his name then and he doesn't definitely say he was in the film. Thanks.

Answer: There is no such episode. JD never called the Janitor by his real name.


Answer: What you're likely thinking of is the confusion that occurred when people realised that Neil Flynn actually WAS in The Fugitive. People checked the credits of the movie, and deduced that that was his real name in the show. It wasn't, Lawrence confirmed the janitor's real name was truly Glen Matthews.

Question: What's the big deal about the place Chock Full O' Nuts in this movie? In both commentaries, they make a big deal about it, but never actually go into detail. (00:40:10)

Quantom X

Chosen answer: It's a chain of coffee shops in the New York area that were around decades before Starbucks. (Their initial business was roasted nuts before they switched to coffee and kept the name.) They would have been as common a sight to 80s New Yorkers as Starbucks is today to everyone.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Is it me, or is Carrie's mother smiling when she gets stabbed multiple times by Carrie?

Answer: My feeling is that being so fundamentally religious that she was almost happy to finally die, and meet God as she believed.

Answer: She was also crucified, which makes her feel connected to Jesus.

Brian Katcher

Answer: I think for somebody as repressed as Carrie's mother even something like physical pain is a kind of release (her moans sound sexual to me). Also, remember the mother talking about enjoying Carrie's father touching her? "Hands all over me", there could be a parallel there.

Jack Vaughan

I agree – it almost seemed like she was having an orgasm, or close to it, during her death throes.

Question: When Jenna has turned 30 and is going to the magazine party she has a dress on then asks her 13 year old neighbour if she can see her underwear to which the girl replies something like "I think that's the point." They then smile and laugh to themselves. Could anyone explain this joke?

Answer: Jenna asked the girl, "Can you tell I'm wearing underwear? Because I totally am". This is because when she was 13 just a day before, she was wearing big underwear. Now she's wearing a thong, which wouldn't be visible when wearing a dress.

Question: John puts a grenade on a fork lift and wheels it over to the bold, shirtless, muscular guy shooting at them. It explodes big and almost water like. What kind of bomb/grenade was that? (01:21:10)

Quantom X

Chosen answer: It was a normal hand grenade but they shot a few gas lines earlier in the shootout, which caused your mentioned "water-effect".


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