Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Chosen answer: I think the only clue they give is that he is half Scottish!

Anastasios Anastasatos

In The Rumour Chandler says everybody at my school heard it: "you're the cheerleader from Long Island?" So he couldn't have lived top far away.


Question: I was just wondering if in America (or any other countries) the film is called 'twenty-twelve' or 'two thousand and twelve'? Here in England it's 'twenty twelve', it had never occurred to me it might be different elsewhere but in the commentary the director calls it 'two thousand and twelve'.

Answer: I live in America (Florida) and we said twenty-twelve. All the media I heard said twenty-twelve. There is actually some debate going on in America (or at least Florida) about whether or not we should say twenty-ten or two thousand ten.


Question: If Alice can see the future, why did she not protect Bella from Jasper's attack before it happened at Bella's birthday party?


Chosen answer: The way I understand it, Alice's power only works once someone makes a conscious decision to act. Since Bella's paper cut was unanticipated, Jasper's attack was impulsive, not premeditated.

Cubs Fan

Answer: She wanted to be with the couple, she did not think of the repercussions.


She was incredibly depressed. She wasn't happy anywhere and she didn't fit in with her own family or anything they were trying to do. She was a goth girl. The realm of the dead and the macabre seemed more a place for her. When one sees the "Netherworld," it kind of seems like a more interesting place. But... upon closer inspection, it's not really all that different from our world.

Answer: She wanted to be with her mom who had passed sway.

It's never stated that her mom had died. There could be a possibility that Charles and her mom got divorced. The first two answers are more likely.

I've heard the interpretation that Delia really is Lydia's biological mother, but they are very different and don't get along, so Lydia pretends that Delia is a stepmother.

Show generally

Question: Why does no one ever sit on the window bench, behind the desk? It seems to be there for no apparent reason, the only person I've ever seen sitting on it was Rachel. Why does no one ever sit on it?


Chosen answer: Unless there is a specific plot reason for someone to sit here, such as when Rachel was moping after her first break-up with Ross (after he made "the list"), it does not serve the overall story well. A character would be sitting far away from where the central action takes place, making it more difficult for them to interact with what is going on. Rachel again sits on it when she, Phoebe, and Chandler were looking for where Monica hid the Christmas presents. Rachel discovers them inside the window seat. Also, a window bench is not that comfortable to sit on, and the other furniture is far more inviting.


Question: Where are all the other staff members for Jurassic Park? I can understand most of them left on the boat before disaster struck, however the events also continue throughout the morning/afternoon. It's completely light, the weather is fine so the returning boat shouldn't have had a problem returning to the island. Also much of the final scenes of the film happen in or near the visitors centre. So surely there will be staff returning to the island that could have helped or even been involved with some of the escaped dinosaurs having arrived on the island in the morning.Yet we see no other Jurassic Park staff until the helicopter arrives. Surely we should have been able to see the rest of the staff returning to the park in the morning to continue their day's work.


Chosen answer: The inference I got was that people were sent away on the boat and told to stay away until the problems in the Park were resolved.


Show generally

Question: So what exactly did happen to Carly's parents that she is left with her brother, Spencer? I think in one episode Carly mentions the Marines or something, but that still doesn't answer where her mom is.

Answer: Their father is in the military and is on a submarine and the mother is never mentioned.

Shannon Jackson

Answer: It's never explained. Historically, little is known about George and Jane BoleynÂ’s marriage, though it is believed it was not particularly happy. At that time upper-class marriages were usually arranged by families to provide their offspring with the most advantageous situation - socially, politically, financially, and so on. It mattered little if the two parties were in love, though it was assumed the couple would eventually learn to care about each other. A woman, who was considered her husbandÂ’s property, was expected to be a dutiful and faithful wife to her spouse, whose responsibility it was to provide for his family. George and Jane may simply have been incompatible, and as divorce was unacceptable then, they may simply have had to tolerate each other. Also, some historians have theorized that George Boleyn may have been either bi-sexual or homosexual, but there is no documented proof whatsoever that George was either. There is some evidence he may have been a womanizer, though having a mistress was hardly uncommon for someone in his station. Whatever their relationship, JaneÂ’s testimony against her husband at his trial helped condemn him to death.


Question: When Simba and his friends return to Pride Rock (when it is dreary and like a wasteland), I only saw female lions. I thought it could be that Scar got rid of all of the males to avoid competition. Does anyone know why, or if there actually were males in the scene?

Answer: There is only one male lion per pride. Other males form their own "bachelor" prides but the alpha lion lays claim to an entire pride of females.


Question: Near the beginning of the movie, why did Anne think that having an affair with the king could help her get married to a rich man or a duke?

Answer: Becoming the king's mistress often granted you special "gifts." The king could "strongly suggest" or simply force someone to marry someone else and he would likely reward a pleasing mistress with a duke.


Question: At the end of the movie, it states that Mary married William Stafford, but wasn't she still married to William Carey (even though the king sent him away)?

Answer: Mary was married twice. Her first husband, William Carey, died in 1528. She secretly married William Stafford, a commoner, in 1534. Her family disapproved of the match, and the couple lived out their lives in the country, away from the royal court.


Question: What does Edward mean when he is in Bella's room and says that he's 'always wanted to try one thing' (or something like that)? It looks to me like he just kisses her, which he's done before.

Answer: Edward has never kissed Bella until that major bedroom scene in the movie. When he says he always wanted to try one thing, he means kissing her for the first time.

Tricia Webster

Question: I remember seeing a trailer for the movie, in which a human man is questioning an alien. The alien tells him that they just want to go home. I just watched the movie for the first time and that scene wasn't in there. Was it deleted for some reason?

Answer: This isn't actually remotely uncommon. Trailers are almost invariably released before the final edit for a movie is locked in place, so it's not at all unusual for shots in the trailer to be from scenes that ultimately don't make it into the finished product, or to be from alternate takes of scenes that do appear. As to why this particular scene was rejected, who knows, most likely was just for pacing, or they might simply have not liked some aspect of the acting or whatever.


Question: We all assume, as I did when watching the movie, that the opening scene really was intended to be the Malmedy massacre. Could it have been that they were just hinting towards that, and that the opening scene (with the array of mixed Wehrmacht and SS, 101st Airborne and other which is historically not matching Malmedy) was simply another incident? Did the director ever intend to create a grossly false Malmedy scene? There were quite a lot more atrocities in that area and time, with executions of prisoners by both sides.

Answer: The massacre was intended to be Malmedy. Artistic license was taken with the participants but what happened is a possible version of events that caused the massacre.


Question: I never understood this part of the movie, but can someone explain why the Bride is weeping and saying 'thank you' on the bathroom floor the next morning?

Answer: She's saying "Thank you" because she has completed her quest. Her tears are happy tears. She exacted her revenge on the people who hurt her and she now has her daughter; something she never expected as she assumed B.B. was dead.

Shannon Jackson

Question: Does the giant lizard Steed gives to Obi-Wan have a name, and if so what is it? (What type of creature is it?) Also where could I find a .wav or .mp3 of the sound it makes? Anyone, I will check back here in questions, or write me at Thanks.


Chosen answer: The beast is named Boga and is a varactyl, an easily trainable herbivorous species native to Utapau. Should be enough information to track down a WAV file if one exists.


Question: Something I couldn't figure out. The black fluid (in the glass cylinder) made Wikus start turning into an alien. If the aliens were mainly interested in going back to their planet, why had they been developing a substance that could turn humans into aliens? How would this help them go home?

Answer: That's more of a side effect of the fluid. See, only the Prawns could use their technology; it was "genetically activated", so to speak. So the fluid which powers their tech is like Prawn-gene concentrate. When Wikus was sprayed with the stuff it affected his genetic makeup.


Question: I was wondering. Does Sid destroy toys because his father beats/abuses Sid, so Sid lets out his anger on toys? This would explain all the locks on Sid's door, to hide from his father and to hide what he does to toys. When Scud is looking for Woody, he notices Sid's father sleeping, and Scud walks away, which could mean that Scud doesn't want to wake up Sid's father knowing he is a cruel and violent man.

Answer: This is a Disney/Pixar production, at no point are they intimating that kind of a relationship between son and father. If anything, the father simply doesn't care what his son gets up to so long as he isn't disturbed by it. Any other inferences you get from the movie are for you to contend with, but the family nature of the movie would suggest beating/abuse is not the answer.


Question: Why did Han, Luke and Chewbacca destroy all the lights and electronics attached to the wall in the detention area?


Chosen answer: To attempt to cover their escape. They were destroying cameras and defense mechanisms, designed to defend the detention area in the event of an escape.


Question: Pixar movies have always shown to have adult themes. Was Buzz drunk during the Mrs. Nesbit scene?

Answer: There wasn't anything for him to get drunk on. He was just wallowing in self pity and frankly, his world had just fallen apart, so it's understandable that he'd act a little loopy as a reaction.


Answer: He was apparently drunk on Darjeeling tea - Woody takes the teapot away, saying he's had enough.

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