Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Where does Bonnie get all her clothes from? From what we see she goes off with Clyde wearing the yellow dress and doesn't have any bags or anything with her. Are we supposed to think she steals them?

Answer: Bonnie and Clyde were bank robbers, remember - it's quite reasonable that Bonnie would buy herself some clothes with the proceeds.

Kimberly Klaus

Question: Where did Merry learn to fight? In the extended addition he was killing orcs very well. Yet in the books it says the hobbits never had any war (Not in Merry's time) so they wouldn't need combat practice.

Answer: Hobbits are naturally very fast and agile, which plays very much in their favour in battle despite their lack of combat experience. Their small stature causes foes to underestimate them, or even miss them completely, which gives them an edge. The hobbits also travelled for many days with several highly experienced fighters - we see Boromir teaching them; it's likely that Aragorn and the others passed on some training as well.


Question: Near the end of the film when they are coming into the Shire, the old hobbit shakes his head at the 4 of them, he's also seen in the first movie. Does he have a name in the books or anything?

Answer: The grumpy old hobbit was named Odo Proudfoot in the books, but was renamed Everard Proudfoot in the movies.


Tangent - S4-E12

Question: While Jack and Tel'c are stranded in space, Maj Carter talks to them via the long range radio, when she finishes she gives the time and then Zulu. What does that mean?

Answer: Zulu time is another name for Greenwich Mean Time, often used as a worldwide time standard.


Question: In the short scenes following Donnie's death, many of the characters are shown reacting to his death, I think. Why is Patrick Swayze crying? Does it have something to do with his regret of participating in child pornography?

Answer: It is either from the regret of participating in child pornography or guilt from having thoughts about it in the first place. (Since Donnie's Death 'reversed' many events, Swayze's character may have never actually made the room, etc.)


Question: Throughout the movie, Bourne is being hunted down because he killed the president of Russia, and Bourne says he's innocent, but at the end, he tells the president's daughter he killed them. Was the assassination ordered by Treadstone when it was operating? I really need an explanation of this, as it's really confusing me.

Answer: The president of Russia isn't involved in any way. Conklin and Abbot, Bourne's controllers, were involved in a criminal conspiracy which Neski, a Russian government official, was keeping a file on. Bourne was sent to kill Neski as his first, but off-the-record, assignment. When the "Neski file" was being sold to the CIA later, Abbot sabotoged the sale and framed Bourne for the killing with the help of a crooked Russian businessman.


Question: In the beginning, Cameron is on the phone with Rooney, pretending to be Mr. Peterson, in the Bueller's kitchen. Ferris then calls the office for homework assignments, and he is on the round, red phone from his room. This movie was made in 1986- were phones with dual lines on them available in 1986?

Answer: Yes, they were available back then. Plus it could have been two separate lines not necessarily one "dual" line. They were used a lot in homes with financially well off people as Ferris' parents obviously are.

William Bergquist

Question: Why did the aliens need the human blood, and why did they spread it around? Also, when Ray and Rachel are in Boston, he breaks a white thing off a statue. What was it? And why was it dying?

Answer: They didn't spread blood around. That was a red fluid seeding the planet with the red vine. The red vine was the first stage in making the Earth suitable for Martians. At the statue, Ferrier broke off a piece of the red vine - dead and brittle. It was the first clue that Martian life wouldn't survive on Earth.


Question: I haven't seen the start of this film, so could someone please tell me why Michael doesn't appear in this movie at all? Him and Mia seemed to be dating, but then she goes off and marries someone else. Can anyone help? Thanks.

Answer: At the very beginning she says "As for Michael? Well we're just friends now as he went touring with his band." So they lost touch as he became too busy.

Answer: Elessar means 'Elfstone' and is a name given to Aragorn by Galadriel as part of a prophecy - she also gives him a green stone set in a brooch (unseen in the films) as a mark of this name. When Aragorn assumed the throne, he chose to use Elessar as his kingly name.


Question: What are those devices we see disappear from the wraith's arm and after the second and third race supposed to be?

Mister Ed

Chosen answer: I believe they are markers to show how many people are left to take revenge on for his death.


The problem with that answer is that the Wraith had to kill five people (Oggie, Minty, Skank, Gutterboy and Packard) and he only had four of those metal braces. If he had one for each gang member he wanted revenge on, he would have had five. I think he was only given four chances to crash his car and reassemble, and once they were gone, that was it. That's why he killed Skank and Gutterboy at the same time.

Question: What happens to the Adam Sandler and Tea Leoni characters? Were there any cut scenes that explained it, or something? Does the marriage fall apart?

Answer: There were no explanations offered. I think the movie was far better in leaving that question, and whether or not he married Flor, unanswered. The focus was on the child and her respect for her mother - not the other relationship.

Ceasefire - S1-E23

Question: General Clayton says that he confirmed the news of a ceasefire with "CINCOMPAC" (according to the subtitles). What the heck is CINCOMPAC?

Answer: It is actually Cencompac for Central Command of the Pacific. It is like the headquarters for all military activity in the Pacific Region (Japan, Korea, Okinawa, etc. The newer version of that is United States Pacific Command (USPACOM).


And the abbreviations were used mainly by the Navy. Especially CENCOMPAC.


Question: A few times in the movie, you can see Illinois license plates. Is Gotham supposed to be in Illinois?

Answer: It's not exactly known where Gotham is suppose to take place but the movie was filmed in Chicago, Illinois.


Answer: Actually in the DC universe, Gotham is meant to represent an over-the-top version of Chicago. Metropolis is the New York stand in.

Answer: Gotham is understood to be NYC on steroids and/or acid.


Answer: It is a mistake, Gotham City is canonically in New Jersey. It's a short distance from Metropolis.

Greg Dwyer

True of the comics, but the Christopher Nolan Batman films are their own self-contained universe.

Jon Sandys

Occam's Razor - S1-E3

Question: I apologize I guessed at the episode, it was the one which featured Brandon, the boy who had the pills mix up and had sex with his fiancée at the beginning. I'm a little confused as to the ending, what was the significance of the letters on the pills? Why did the two doctors make a big deal about it when Brandon told them about it? Why was House so pleased to find those two pills in the inventory? It seemed like a sudden end to me.

Answer: You have the right episode. The big deal at the end about the letters on the pills was to show that Brandon had the wrong pills all along. House was smiling because he was right.


Answer: Its the Season 5 episode "The Last Temptation of Homer". The quote is from the part when Homer is in the bar asking for advice about his attraction to a co-worker and gives the very unusual Jo-Jo Junior name as cover.


The One With Ross and Monica's Cousin - S7-E19

Question: I'm assuming in this episode that the problem with Joey is that he is circumcised and the role calls for an uncircumcised one. My question is, why don't they ever say the word in this episode? When Joey and Monica talk about it they skirt around it, would the censors really have such a problem with it?

Answer: It's a fairly standard humourous device to not actually name the thing you're talking about, especially when it relates to something a little risque. Also note that during the whole show, Joey tends to avoid talking about such intimate subjects with anyone but particularly the girls. Avoiding the word is just one way of reducing the embarrassment.


Question: Is there going to be a sequel to this movie? I checked IMDB and didn't find anything, I'm just trying to get more confirmation.

Sir William

Chosen answer: George A Romero the director of the film has mentioned he would like to do a sequel, sort of a part 2 to the first, here is a link where you can read it for yourself.


Question: When one of the characters shoots an arrow and then says, "We're from Georgia", what does he mean?

Answer: Will Scarlet says, "My whole name is Will Scarlet O'Hara. We're from Georgia." Scarlet O'Hara is a character from "Gone with the Wind" which is set in Georgia.


Question: What do the characters in this movie mean by 'hook up'?

Answer: Hooking up is to get together for sex or a relationship.

Grumpy Scot

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