The Brady Bunch

The Brady Bunch (1969)

32 mistakes in season 3

(17 votes)

Sergeant Emma - S3-E20

Audio problem: At the end of the show when Alice is blowing the whistle, the whole family comes to the top of the stairs. Mike says "Alice, it's 6 o'clock in the morning" Watch his mouth. It looks as though he curses and the (curse) word was dubbed out.

The Brady Bunch mistake picture

The Personality Kid - S3-E6

Continuity mistake: When Peter comes down to answer the phone, he's wearing a blue shirt. When he hangs up the phone, his shirt color changes to a light red/pink color. Then back to blue again.

The Brady Bunch mistake picture

Juliet is the Sun - S3-E7

Continuity mistake: At the start of the episode, in the exterior shot when Jan and Peter rush through the patio door Jan doesn't have a ribbon in her hair, but in the interior shot suddenly there's a long red yarn ribbon in Jan's hair.

Super Grover

The Brady Bunch mistake picture

The Personality Kid - S3-E6

Deliberate mistake: During Peter's party, when the girls start to gather around Peter to try and convince him that he's not dull, there's a closeup of Peter that's a flipped shot. Additionally, when everyone runs out for the fire drill, Peter's striped tie is tied very differently - it goes from grey/gold at the top to burgundy at the top.

Super Grover

The Fender Benders - S3-E23

Character mistake: In the courtroom, Cindy and Bobby are repeating their fight over spilling ice cream and Cindy says "You spilled ice cream on my dress" but at the start of the episode when coming home from the store, Cindy is wearing pants, not a dress.

The Private Ear - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: When Greg and Marcia are taping the fake message for Peter, Greg says, "Bang, he buckles down and brings home an A." But when Peter listens to the message a minute later (16:15), Greg's statement is now "Bang, he brings home an A." (00:14:50)

Jeff Swanson

Getting Davy Jones - S3-E12

Plot hole: At the end of the episode, the younger kids are singing the song "Girl" that Davy Jones did a little earlier in the show. The problem is that the song was just recorded and hasn't been released yet, they couldn't possibly know the song. Davy gives Marcia an LP, but it is on the same day the song was recorded, it couldn't be on there either.

Click - S3-E11

Continuity mistake: In the photo of the football reception, the enlarged photo is not from the original. The receiver's legs are in a different position. (00:22:35 - 00:23:20)


The Fender Benders - S3-E23

Continuity mistake: In the courtroom, as Carol is giving the judge her side of the story, she's looking in the direction of Mr. Duggan the whole time while saying "otherwise he wouldn't have hit me." Then the camera changes angles and instantly Carol is turning from facing the judge back towards Mr. Duggan.

The Fender Benders - S3-E23

Continuity mistake: At the start of the episode there's a wide shot of the house exterior as the Brady's station wagon is pulling into their driveway, and the wagon has wooden side paneling, but in the next closeup the paneling is gone. Plus the fact that the rear-end damage doesn't exist in the first wide shot, which is the point of this episode.

Super Grover

Grand Canyon or Bust - S3-E2

Other mistake: Just after Bobby and Cindy get lost, there are shots showing Mike and Carol calling for them. A couple of minutes later the same shots are shown again, but this time they're flipped. (00:22:00)

Jeff Swanson

Ghost Town, U.S.A. - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: When Zaccariah steals the last piece of fried chicken off the plate, the plate is left completely clean, yet when Alice goes to get the piece a few seconds later, there's a sizable grease stain on the plate. (00:14:05)

Jeff Swanson

Jan's Aunt Jenny - S3-E17

Continuity mistake: The kids are in a circle on the living room floor. They're spaced well apart from each other in some shots but right next to each other in others; in particular Greg and Marcia, and Bobby and Cindy. (00:19:00)

Jeff Swanson

Jan's Aunt Jenny - S3-E17

Other mistake: When Jan finds the picture of her Aunt Jenny, we see a close-up of the picture with her hand holding it. She then passes it to Carol - and the same shot of the picture with the hand is shown again. (00:02:10)

Jeff Swanson

Dough Re Mi - S3-E16

Continuity mistake: During the recording of "Time To Change", Jan's hands are always together when she's shown. But in the shots showing just the boys, look at the right side of the screen and you can see fingers (which have to be Jan's since she's standing beside Peter) moving as if they're drumming on something.

Jeff Swanson

Getting Davy Jones - S3-E12

Audio problem: When Greg and Peter were in the family room helping Marcia write a letter to Davy Jones, Peter suggests telling him that he won a $10 million sweepstake. Then as they walk into the kitchen, you hear Greg saying "A $10 million sweepstake" and Peter says "$20 million?" It is clear that he wasn't really talking, because the sound of his voice is very distant, although they were only in the next room.

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Out of This World - S5-E16

Trivia: Barry Williams has a Band-Aid on his lip in this episode because he was in a car accident a few days before filming and needed stitches in his lip. (00:05:00)

Jeff Swanson

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Vote for Brady - S1-E11

Question: There's a scene in this episode I haven't seen in over 30 years (edited out in more recent years) where the 4 kids upstairs are arguing (boys vs girls) and the kids continuously stamp their feet on the floor and then Alice is shown downstairs watching her cake in the oven. Periodically with all the stomping from upstairs, the cake gets flatter until very flat the end of the scene. Question is does anyone remember this scene and why does the cake in the oven get flatter every time a kid stomps from upstairs?

Answer: I think I remember that episode - but, more importantly, my mother always told me (and my siblings) to stop jumping/ stomping, running in the kitchen, and opening the oven door when a cake was baking... because these could make the cake fall. I believed my mother... and I, as a child, also caused a few "fallen cakes" because I didn't quite always listen (right away, anyway). I'm sure Alice's fallen cake episode was exaggerated, but cakes really CAN fall from stomps and opening the oven door too soon. Usually, it has something to do with the baking powder and how the air bubbles change during the baking process. Doing something that might cause the oven and cake inside to move/shake can suddenly change the air bubbles inside the cake and cause a collapse. I don't know all factors that have to occur for a cake to fall (collapse in the middle), but I've seen fallen cakes during my adulthood and... well... caused at least a few myself. Regarding Alice's cake falling each time one of the Brady kids stomped upstairs, I'm not sure if a series of falls could occur. IF it is possible, I think there would have to be way too much baking powder in the batter or some other inaccurate combination of ingredients that alter the chemical process during baking.


Answer: Realistically, a cake would not deflate in that way. There are some desserts, like delicate, airy souffles, that can deflate during and after baking, and that must be served almost immediately from the oven. The scene, broadly played for humor, is merely meant to show the argument's growing intensity gauged against the rate of the deflating cake.


Answer: I haven't come across a scene like that, but maybe over time what you remember got mixed up with episodes of other shows, so this is just a suggested episode. "Try, Try Again." In the episode, Mike is preparing a gourmet meal for Saturday. Jan is practicing tap dancing in the kitchen and his soufflé that he had spent 3 days preparing is knocked to the floor. While it is true soufflés can "fall" (meaning deflate), it's because the cooking time was wrong (or opening the oven door too soon) or the structure of the egg whites is too weak. Noises don't make them collapse.


This was not from "Try, Try Again" (though I do remember that scene too). That was in a later season when the kids were older. The one I was talking about was during the first season when all the kids were young. I know the scene in question were the 4 youngest kids and the scene started by each the boys and girls arguing that Greg/Marcia (running for student body president) doesn't stand a chance against him/her to win (boys for Greg, girls for Marcia).

That's "Vote for Brady", s01e11. I watched it and for some reason Carol tells Mike to be careful, after he makes too much noise, indicating noise will ruin the cake. Alice does keep checking on the cake with the oven light every time the kids make too much noise. However, the cake is always fine, and in fact getting bigger. Then, realizing the cake is fine, Alice is relieved and leans against the counter, knocking over the cutting board. The cutting board crashes to the ground, which this time does cause the cake to flatten. It seems like an exaggerated prop, I've never see a cake rise like that, it looks like how a muffin might rise. Then it's somehow deflated, as if it was hollow, like a puffed pastry, or too raw. If it was too raw, it shouldn't flatten in the oven. But the look of the cake doesn't remind me of any puffed pasty, which is made from a dough, not a batter and the cake looks like a batter cake to me. So, it just deflates for irony or comedy of error reasons.


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