
The Hong Kong Kowloon Treasure Murder Case File 1 - S1-E1

Plot hole: The plot of the four-parter is complete nonsense even for a kid show. It is tied together by unbelievable pure coincidences; Miyuki is the perfect doppelganger of a missing model, Kindaichi randomly bumps into a high school mate who just happened to be in HK as well (!), and they both equally randomly (so they think) bump into the model who was just chilling on a park bench (so much for disappearing!), he befriends the son of the victim from 20 years before.


25th Dec 2021

Godmothered (2020)

Continuity mistake: Jane Curtin is teaching to a rather seasoned class. One of those old hags says sarcastically "Because we really never do anything." As she says it, notice Eleanor turning towards her momentarily. She then turns completely, facing the opposite way, but at the cut she is repeating the turn from the beginning. Moreover, Moira's mouth closes after she says "Enough!" but the following shot on Curtin shows her still jaw-dropped. (00:04:05)


24th Dec 2021

Snowglobe (2007)

Continuity mistake: Anxious to gift-wrap more pork, Angela scuttles by her uncle and tries to take over. He replies "Brown paper and tape", and she desists. This short exchange consists of three cuts where Christina Milian's hand goes up, is down but off the counter, and then down on the counter. (00:00:45)


Continuity mistake: Jake is opening Ian's locker, with Ian inside. He asks the third number of the combination; depending on the shot, he's holding the lock with both hands, or he has one hand on the door itself. (00:03:10)


24th Dec 2021

Diabolik (2021)

Plot hole: Diabolik blinks in Morse code to his accomplice the location of one of his hidden stashes. He says it's in 'the third brick to the left' and the street name, but no address or other reference. She (who previously knew nothing about the location) finds it immediately. It's worth noting that the movie is a faithful adaptation of a couple issues of the comic, but this bit of subplot is a fresh addition and the original hiding spot in the 1963 issue was a plausible one (cave behind a specific waterfall).


Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the movie, the real estate agent greets the McKenzies, lovers of all things open. The potential clients hold the papers in a completely different way at the cut ("I was just telling the Breckins that..." etc). (00:01:15)


24th Dec 2021

Black Nativity (2013)

Continuity mistake: First evening at the Grandparents' house in Harlem. Langston says that it's like a museum of "black people." Forest Whitaker has both hands on the book, but before the cut they are distant, after the cut they are joined. (00:22:00)


24th Dec 2021

Black Nativity (2013)

Continuity mistake: Having just reached New York, Langston tries to reach by public phone Reverend Cornell Cobbs. The receiver is in his right hand, until there's a cut to the reverse angle and the phone switches to his left hand. (00:12:30)


Plot hole: It is of course possible that Eddie Brock heard nothing at all about the biggest news in the whole city and State if he did not turn the TV, check the phone or computer for about 24 hours. But there has been a manhunt for Kasady for that long of a time and nobody including the police checked on the one man Kasady is trying to kill, and who was chilling at home all along. Also, obviously the "breaking news" moment is not breaking nor news. (00:40:25)


Other mistake: Venom and Eddie are having a domestic dispute. Items rain off the window in front of a homeless person. The other passers-by change between shots. Not only that; in the second shot there's one extra who turns around acting startled by the man's shout. Does not really make sense; heavy objects just crashed down a few feet from him, anyone would have been startled by that first and foremost. Wrong reaction time/ direction of the extras. (00:32:45)


Plot hole: Venom has a photographic memory; he reproduces Kasady's sketch, an outline that matches perfectly a result (already on screen) of the google image-y search page for Rodeo Beach, California. Sure, it's a movie, but this plot device straight from Rise of Skywalker means that Kasady also had to have a photographic memory and that someone took a photo exactly from that one precise spot that happens to be also the exact one that showed up in "WebFindit." A couple of coincidences too many. (00:11:10)


Factual error: When we see Young Shriek struggling with Young Detective Mulligan, the gunshot explodes when the weapon is pointed up and at distance from her face. Obviously a direct shot to her eye socket would have killed her, but she is blind in that eye and has a scar in two distinct parts of the socket. It's hard to imagine how a wound with that pattern could have occurred even thinking of the bullet ricocheting off the top of the trunk or something. (00:02:55)


Plot hole: Otto Octavius in this movie instantly recognizes the Green Goblin as Norman Osborn, a fact that was never public at least as long as Ock lived. On the other hand, he does not react to Lizard being revealed as Curt Connors, who was a colleague of his in 'his' universe but never a freaky mutated dinosaur like in the 'other' universe.


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Suggested correction: Green goblin died and his identity would've been public after his death.

Wrong. Peter placed Norman's corpse on his bed and was discovered by Harry. It's not like he left Norman's body in the building ruins to be discovered by the authorities. Harry himself didn't even know his father was the Green Goblin until the very end of Spider-Man 2. Even Norman's dying wish to Peter was to not tell Harry the truth about him.


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