
13th May 2022

The Tiger Mask (2013)

Continuity mistake: When Naoto witnesses White Tiger putting Yellow Tiger against the ropes, his left hand is on the third bar of the door. Cut to White Tiger gloating, and Naoto is gripping the second bar. Similarly, when later Jo finishes Dan off breaking his leg, sometimes between Naoto's hands there are 4 bars or 5 even if his hands move always up and down the same bars. (00:46:25)


13th May 2022

The Tiger Mask (2013)

Revealing mistake: During Black Mask's fight against Salamander, he dodges the enemy's fire and then sweeps him off his feet. But Salamander's fall is blocked in midair by obvious wirework to give Tiger a chance to punch him in midair. (00:32:00)


13th May 2022

The Tiger Mask (2013)

Revealing mistake: When the kids are fighting and one of them puts the other in a Boston Crab hold, a third kid, the main character, breaks up the fight by, well, embarrassing to say, poking the assailant in the butthole with two fingers. Jo rolls away and keeps screaming indicating that he got hurt not just in his pride, but you could easily see that no such action was actually perpetrated. (00:19:15)


13th May 2022

The Tiger Mask (2013)

Revealing mistake: The female head trainer of the Tiger's Den puts a blindfold on and with a kick KOs the trainee that was sparring with the children. In the close-up of the kick you can see it is miles away from connecting. (00:17:05)


Continuity mistake: After the Abebo murders, tempers run high at the meeting of the clan. The sinister Sakoda accuses the one raising objections to be a wimp, and the guy slams his fists on the table. The president of the meeting says "stop it"; Sonny Chiba is leaning forward with both hands, but in the next shot he has one hand in front and one in the back. (00:20:00)


The Death March of Young Kindaichi File 2 - S2-E2

Plot hole: It's unreasonable, nor is explained in the denouement at the end of this arc, how did the murderer, who stayed behind everyone else on purpose, get to Shinomiya who was ahead of everyone, went inside the cave before everyone else and didn't have a reason to hide, cooperate with him or anything of the sort.


The Death March of Young Kindaichi File 2 - S2-E2

Other mistake: When Kindaichi rushes to Longtao's rescue, he is not carrying the flashlight with him. He's in a deep cave bunker with no light at all (plot point mere moments earlier), he should be blind as a bat. In the following episode he even searches for clues in the cave, again without the light.


The Death March of Young Kindaichi File 2 - S2-E2

Other mistake: The two survivors from 18 years prior approach the building with nothing on their person, then suddenly Matsuoka has a flashlight, which he gives to Shinomiya as he goes inside alone. Kindaichi and Longtao arrive, completely unprepared to any dungeon crawling, and the three of them go in with yet another flashlight. (00:13:50)


The Death March of Young Kindaichi File 2 - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: When Kindaichi falls from the cart, the boxes around him are placed in a way that it's not just incongruous continuity-wise from shot to shot, but is also nonsensical; in one shot for instance he has a box through each leg, but since Longtao smuggled him out inside them, both legs had to be inside the same box; the cardboard was surrounding him. (00:12:30)


13th May 2022

The Nice Guys (2016)

13th May 2022

The Nice Guys (2016)

Continuity mistake: The younger gangster (credited as 'Blueface' for what happens later in the scene) is sitting on his heels and asks a first time "Where is Amelia?" He stands, and in the next shot he's standing, again, and he even has both hands on the floor, which he hadn't in the first shot. (00:18:30)


13th May 2022

The Nice Guys (2016)

Continuity mistake: A bad guy hiding in Jackson's apartment points a gun at his head when Jackson, carrying a case of Yoo-hoo, is distracted by his accomplice. In close-up the older guy takes his glasses off, but in the next wider shot he's wearing them. (00:16:25)


13th May 2022

The Nice Guys (2016)

Other mistake: Misty's car at the beginning of the movie crashes into the house presumably breaking through the perimeter wall, certainly does smash through interior walls and furniture, but in the living room it still has every single light, including the side ones, completely whole and undamaged.


Continuity mistake: Joanne's dad hits Tuba up with the baseball bat after he tried to fix his zipper; between shots Sammo Hung's hand is in a different position, as you can tell by the writing on the bat that suddenly in the second shot is in view and not covered by the hand anymore, and even further uncovered in the next. (01:29:15)


Continuity mistake: Jeong-lee Hwang is fighting Tuba in front of a metal cage. He sends him against several boxes of fruit, and you can see Sammo Hung reeling against a brown box of apples. Out of nowhere, in the next shot a box of oranges appeared on top of it. (01:20:40)


Other mistake: Tuba is back home after Rambo completely ruined the dinner at his fiancée's. During the scene, the clock on the wall has all hands still, including the seconds. (01:11:00)


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