
30th Jul 2022

The Nice Guys (2016)

Revealing mistake: Jackson is fighting with the older guy at the party. In their struggle, the gun fires once. Ryan Gosling turns around at the appropriate time, but half the extras react to the supposed noise a second late, some don't even do that. (00:48:00)


30th Jul 2022

The Nice Guys (2016)

Continuity mistake: March realises he's sitting next to Robert Downey Jr. with a fake beard and quite dead. Notice his necklace, worn above the tanktop. In the rest of the scene the chain is above or below the shirt, randomly. (00:44:30)


30th Jul 2022

The Nice Guys (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Chet tells March "make a left here", he's pointing with his left hand. In the next shot his left arm is in a different position and he's pointing with his right hand. Moments later when he points at the house he lowers his arm but he's again pointing in the next shot that shows it is burnt down, and again even more blatantly after a close-up where his arm is all the way down. (00:29:20)


30th Jul 2022

The Nice Guys (2016)

Continuity mistake: The two protagonists struck a deal to cooperate. Jackson is saying aloud the caption of a photo from a newspaper, holding it by the length while they walk in a longshot. At the cut he's holding the newspaper by the shorter side, and back to the longer side when they get back to the wider angle. (00:26:40)


28th Jul 2022

Death on the Nile (2022)

Continuity mistake: After greeting Poirot, Linnet scuttles away to go hug a member of her multiethnic family. She hugs him throwing her arm over his, but it is underneath Cousin Andrew Katchadourian's in the second shot. (00:23:20)


28th Jul 2022

Death on the Nile (2022)

Other mistake: Poirot saves his entire company except his captain - that's what it was stated, although it's unclear how that can be the case since the explosion was massive and left Poirot disfigured and had several other companions close. That's besides the point though, which is; the captain walked into a trip-wire across the bridge, but earlier shots showed the Germans (several of which were waiting on the same side the Belgians come from) retreating in haste, running exactly where the captain walked. The trap would work only if the Germans were waiting on the other side of the river. There was no chance for them to arm the trap during their hasty escape.


28th Jul 2022

The Nice Guys (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Haley asks "Why not go straight to the police", Amelia has just a bit of her hair in front of her left shoulder, a greater portion of it in the next shot. (01:14:55)


28th Jul 2022

The Intern (2015)

Factual error: The movie is set in 2015 as clearly stated. When Ben reads the newspaper waiting for Jules' first mail after their meeting, the newspaper he's holding shows the headline "NFL Revises Settlement, Making Open-Ended Pledge", which was from the New York Times of June 26, 2014, and when his co-workers helpfully cover his obviously portentous erection with the newspaper, they do it using a page from July 7, "The Fallacy of Balanced Literacy" (this one detail is helped by freeze-frame, since the page is upside-down). Moreover, when Jules joins Matt in the bedroom after she fell asleep herself with Paige, the TV in the room is playing Jimmy Fallon's show from March 5th, again of 2014. (00:20:05 - 00:38:40)


28th Jul 2022

The Intern (2015)

Continuity mistake: During the whole conversation between Anne Hathaway and Robert De Niro on the bed in San Francisco, De Niro's facial expressions change abruptly several times between shots. One moment he's looking at her doing an impression of himself squinting with the purse-mouthed underbite, and another moment he's just looking straight forward with his mouth open, in some transitions he turns towards her and then turns again, etc. (01:34:55)


28th Jul 2022

The Intern (2015)

Continuity mistake: After Ben called her in the hotel room with uncanny speed, Jules is outside the hotel. In the first shot with the camera behind her back, she's walking with a group of 2 women in robes and two guys in suits in front of her. The crowd chatter is in continuity between shots, and in the next one she's already way past them. (01:33:30)


27th Jul 2022

Dead in Bermuda

Character mistake: During the campfire scene at the end of Day 1, Illyana suggests drawing juice out of the fruits. Alejandro in his answer calls her "Illyanna" with 2 Ns.


Plot hole: Zeus reassures the vast audience of deities in Omnipotent City that the God Butcherer won't reach Eternity, an omnipotent being that will grant one wish to the first person ever to reach it. This knowledge is fairly trivial amongst deities. This introduces the obvious absurdity that nobody ever tried to make use of this power to undo Thanos' damage. Also, Zeus just happens to know the bad guy's plan out of the blue.


Continuity mistake: When Zeus "flick - flicks" the clothes back on Thor, the Zeusettes are watching in the background; the one to the far left is expressionless and with her hands down on the railing like the other three. In their close-up though, she is smiling wide and her hands are raised, only to make a pouty face and deflate a moment later.


Other mistake: In this movie Korg has two biological fathers (he calls them that way); his race appears to be formed by males that reproduce by holding hands in lava pits. However, the first time Thor met Korg in Thor: Ragnarok, his backstory was that he started a revolution that failed because just his "mum and her boyfriend" showed up.


Upvote valid corrections to help move entries into the corrections section.

Suggested correction: It is possible among the Kronans, that one of the males is still called mum and use female pronouns. It's also possible that despite the fact 2 males can breed, it does not exclude females from existing.

Suggested correction: I see no reason why Korg couldn't have had a mother figure in his life, and not necessarily being of the same race. Technically speaking, he never specifically stated that his mom is who conceived or gave birth to him. I have no doubt that the writers didn't plan this, but it also doesn't create a contradiction.


24th Jul 2022

X-Ray (1981)

Factual error: Right after the opening credits, captions say "Susan's house - 1961." And right afterwards, the model train runs by two cigar boxes, one of Dunhill n.25 (seemingly one of the later designs of the box) and the other of "Joya de Nicaragua", a brand founded in 1968. (00:01:25)


22nd Jul 2022

The Nice Guys (2016)

Continuity mistake: When the older dude tells the protagonists "They can't talk to you, man, they're dead", his pen points down in the wide shot, up in the close-up. (00:28:10)


22nd Jul 2022

The Nice Guys (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Mrs. Glenn shouts at March for cussing, she points at him with her left hand. Next shot and she's pointing with the right. (01:31:10)


22nd Jul 2022

The Nice Guys (2016)

Continuity mistake: When March says "Tally! Oh my God, you look incredible", he opens his arms, which are still firmly down his sides in the next shot. (01:34:55)


22nd Jul 2022

Super Robot Wars V

Super Robot Wars V mistake picture

Other mistake: The profile of commander Okita misses a space when his education is mentioned ("Healso holds a doctorate").


22nd Jul 2022

Death on the Nile (2022)

Continuity mistake: During the marketplace scene in Aswan, Poirot sits down with Jackie to try to talk her out of her stalking routine. She lets him at her table and sets the sunglasses by the handbag. The glasses are angled towards the bag, but when she mentions her father in another shot the glasses are placed the opposite way. (00:29:55)


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