
Continuity mistake: When Young Shriek blows Young Detective Mulligan's eardrum (just one for some reason), he grabs his own ear clutching his fingers around it. In the next shot his hand is turned around in a different way. (00:02:45)


Stupidity: Shriek is being taken to a new facility for superbeings, after a medical exam established that her sonic powers that she has been using since she was a kid are too strong to keep her at the correction house. So "naturally" for this transport she is not gagged, sedated, not even bound, and there's just one guy with her, not even wearing earplugs. It couldn't possibly be any more comically unsafe.


9th Dec 2021

Growing Up

Other mistake: Despite the fact that by design the events that progress the story of the various characters happen years apart (months at best), everyone refers to dialogue you had a long time before as "the other day."


9th Dec 2021

Welcome to Free Will

Factual error: The first day at Rosa's, there's a magazine on the kitchen counter containing some news about the Welcome sign being vandalized. The date is "Monday, June 10 2020." June 10th was a Wednesday.


Stupidity: The whole movie happens for unbelievably convoluted causes. Despite their friendship and the simple fact that he still runs an occult shop (showing that he's not exactly insensitive to the past), Ray in years never spent a single moment to check on Egon's whereabouts, which he knew, or listen to him. The city has Shandor's name all over and any cursory investigation would have unveiled the connection. Assuming of course that Egon turned into such a lunatic he couldn't do the namedropping himself.


Plot hole: The whole premise of the movie is that history would write off the existence of the Ghostbusters after the events of the first movie. In that movie there was prolonged large scale destruction in the heart of a city with millions of inhabitants. It's simply impossible that people would forget or dismiss it. And that's if we do not even begin to assume that the second one happened, even if the director said it did; nothing in his movie shows that, and for a good reason (Statue of Liberty, anyone?).


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Suggested correction: There's nothing in the movie to indicate that people in general have "forgotten" or "dismissed" the existence of the Ghostbusters, nor is that the "whole premise" of the movie. The fact the teacher is a fanboy and that the characters literally watch old news-clips and commercials for the Ghostbusters kind of goes against this. People simply just stopped talking about them because they did their jobs too well and went out of business 30 years prior... they were no longer relevant. I mean, if you want a real-world-analogue, just look at 9/11. It was a massive, generation-defining event, and yet outside of brief memorials once a year (which honestly, fewer and fewer people seem to pay attention to every year), people basically don't talk about it at all anymore. The only characters in the movie that don't believe in ghosts/the Ghostbusters at first are the kids. And their mother has been purposely sheltering them because she hates their grandfather-a Ghostbuster. So it makes sense they wouldn't necessarily know about them.


9/11 was a different kind of event; it didn't have 4 easy to remember heroes who already were on magazines covers all over the world and while it certainly dropped off the radar in many ways, some consequences in the long term have been permanent and it is in the history books. Here the world had proof that there are other dimensions, the dead, etc, and years later the Ghostbusters are relegated to a few youtube videos with a few thousand views (that with Peter supposedly teaching advertising and promotion, even). I didn't mention the kids, although the movie itself knows it's absurd that Podcast does not know anything about it and there's a joke about it. I understand if someone makes a point about the movie taking an ample creative license for the sake of not having to deal with 'realistic' implications of its comedic prequels since it wouldn't service the kind of story it wants to tell here, but I am surprised you say that the Ghostbusters here are not forgotten or dismissed. Somehow they are so fringe that not even the conspiracy theory guy knows about them, and the teacher knows because they are a childhood memory.


Like Ray tells a young Jason Reitman in Ghostbusters II, "Well some people have trouble believing in the paranormal." The public would have even less of a reason to believe in or think about the Ghostbusters since there were no Ghost sightings in thirty years. Not to mention the fact that men walked on the moon six times between 1969 and 1972 and astronauts were viewed as heroes, but we haven't visited the moon in fifty years, and astronauts are no longer regarded as heroes.

We keep conducting research in the field sending people in space when and where necessary and people are well aware that astronauts exist, even if they declined in popularity. It's not random obscure knowledge you can get only if you are looking specifically for it on some Youtube channel that a science nut and a conspiration theorist never heard of before. And we are again comparing something that does not have the same impact it would have to learn that dead people still walk (so to speak) the Earth. BTW, I am not sure (but I could be wrong here and please correct me) that the movie says that there have been 'no' ghost sightings at all; Ray said that they received less calls, not enough to pay their bills, not that ghosts disappeared entirely. It's just that in the Ghostbusters universe, people are kinda jaded about everything, which worked when the movies were comedies and you could say it was obvious paradox and satire that they would save the planet and still get sued once they weren't relevant anymore.


Continuity mistake: Callie finds the 'secret' (even if it's in plain sight, really) basement with Egon's stuff following the instrument she found in Phoebe's room. She has the tool with her, she does not have it with her when she is possessed, but it is back at the house when everyone else is home.


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Suggested correction: Most likely, Egon's ghost returned the PKE Meter to the house, knowing how important it would be to help fight Zuul.

Continuity mistake: Phoebe and her mother are by the door of the farmhouse, waiting for the pursuing demons to appear. The shoulder strap of Callie's dress is lowered in most shots, but goes back up suddenly (and only) in an intermediate shot.


28th Nov 2021

Ghostbusters (1984)

Continuity mistake: The silly bureaucrats cut power to the containment grid, which is about to blow up. Everyone runs away from the building; there are two main camera angles on the exterior, but they are obviously not in continuity - in the closer angle, natural light shines on the street to the right, while in the wider/higher angle that side of the building is in the shade. (01:07:50)


25th Nov 2021

Ghostbusters (1984)

Factual error: Walter Peck in his slimy handshake introduces himself; "I represent the Environmental Protection Agency, the third district." The EPA has no 'districts' (NY's in Region 2). (00:46:15)


16th Nov 2021

Eternals (2021)

Other mistake: In 5000 BC, Eternals communicate between themselves using contemporary English. That's only expected in a movie, and they speak with natives using their own language, which some of them struggle to learn, nothing strange. Problem is, several Eternals speak English with a very noticeable accent (Scottish, Mexican, Indian) that predates any time when those cultures/nationalities existed. Lauren Ridloff's Makkari being mute speaks with ASL; American sign language, created in the early XIX century.


16th Nov 2021

Eternals (2021)

Other mistake: Throughout the movie, the timeframe of Ikaris and Sersi's relationship seems to constantly change; their first kiss is in 575 BC, but Phastus in 2020 asks her how could she stand him for 5000 years. Sprite tells Dane that they broke up 100 years before, but he leaves her because he can't stand to keep secret from her the mission. Which is a problem, since he mentioned that Ajak told him that when they left Babylon, so around 500 BC.


16th Nov 2021

Eternals (2021)

Stupidity: Arishem's plan with the Deviants hardly makes any sense; he sent out biological beasts that he can't control, to kill off the natural predators of every planet. Forgetting the fact that obviously it didn't work (but the movie does not say that) because Earth has always had predators, that's a terrible plan to begin with, since any ecosystem needs predators or the other animals will grow uncontrollably.


16th Nov 2021

Eternals (2021)

Plot hole: Deviants were created to get rid of dangerous local predators allowing intelligent life to thrive on the planets Arishem 'seeded'. He then created the Eternals to get rid of the Deviants once he realised they eat the species they should have protected. Problem is, it is stated that the Eternals go through their extermination routine multiple times. But the 'mistake' can't be happening all over again in a cycle, and Deviants would ruin a planet if left unattended.


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Suggested correction: Arisham made them both part of the cycle to get the planet to be filled with intelligent life. So he always introduces Deviants before Eternals. It's a good way for him to tell the Eternals they are there to protect the intelligent life against the Deviants without knowing their true purpose. To keep them busy.


He refers to the introduction of Eternals as something he did "to correct my mistake." By that definition, he keeps making the same mistake over and over. If he just told them that they have to protect humanity and help their progress, he would obtain the same purpose. After all, for 500 years without Deviants the Eternals stayed put and passive as instructed and didn't create any particular trouble -if they did, they are a limited number he can easily pluck them out of the planet much more easily than a non-specified amount of ever-evolving beasts that he admits are out of his control and can grow much more powerful if they manage to kill Eternals.


He is lying. They are not a mistake, and they are not beyond his control. That's one of the main reasons why they go against Arishem in the first place, because everything is a lie, even after learning their true purpose. The Deviants are there to give the Eternals purpose, helping the intelligent life on the planet flourish, in the most natural way, for reasons we can only guess. The Deviant is upset too, learning the truth that they are only put on the planet for the Eternals to kill.


To make sense of this part of the movie you are discarding everything the movie says labeling it as a lie and creating an alternative lore.


15th Nov 2021

Eternals (2021)

Stupidity: In the scene around Tenochtitlan, the Eternals have a device that allow them to locate the Deviants - they know for sure that they have exterminated every breathing one. In the rest of the movie this technology is never brought up again. It also makes it really odd that it took them 6,500 years to kill the Deviants, apparently never actively hunting them.


15th Nov 2021

Eternals (2021)

Other mistake: When Arishem shows his plan to Sersi, the Celestial emerging from Earth is a huge being that completely breaks the planet apart. In the movie finale, the Celestial's hand and head have popped out, but he's much smaller - thankfully, because if he truly had limbs the size of continents, the planet would have exploded before anyone could do anything about it. At that size (again, judging from lack of permanent damage from his half-birth) it's hard to imagine why his birth is supposedly doomsday.


15th Nov 2021

Eternals (2021)

Other mistake: Ajak uses her power to close wounds on other Eternals and when a creature heals itself everyone thinks it is Ajak's power, indicating she is the only one capable of such a feat. However, in the rest of the movie some Eternals pick up significant injuries, but even without 'the healer' are fine.


15th Nov 2021

Eternals (2021)

Continuity mistake: When Gilgamesh hammers the Deviant into the gates of Babylon, dealing the last strike after the dramatic pose, the shadows cast by the statues don't go much further away than their pedestal. In the following long shot the 5 Eternals have a massive area of shade behind them that extends very far away from the city walls. (00:21:30)


15th Nov 2021

Eternals (2021)

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