
The One Where Paul's The Man - S6-E22

Continuity mistake: In the opening scene in Central Perk when Paul (Elizabeth's dad) takes Ross to one side to talk to him you can see the girl in the blue top enters the door twice: first the shot after Paul says "I'm funny like that" and then again after Ross says "I realise it upsets you".

Friends mistake picture

The One with the Thumb - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: When Rachel says, 'One can never be too Alan, ' we see the stick pom-poms that Ross is holding are up facing Monica, but in the next shot the pom-poms are facing the floor, but after Chandler says 'I personally could have a gallon of Alan' in Monica's closeup we see the stick pom-poms are up again facing Monica. (00:11:30)


The One Where Eddie Moves In - S2-E17

Continuity mistake: In the previous episode, Joey tells Chandler that the bathroom in his new apartment has mirrors on both sides of the toilet. But in this episode, when we see the toilet from the side while Joey gives the gang a tour, it is clear that the wall is devoid of mirrors.

Friends mistake picture

The One with Mrs. Bing - S1-E11

Continuity mistake: While everyone's at the restaurant Rachel dips a tortilla chip into guacamole and gets some on her hand. When Paolo takes a bite from the chip he also eats the guacamole off Rachel's hand while she's still holding the rest of the tortilla chip, but in the next closeup Rachel's hand is empty, then in the next shot the remaining tortilla chip reappears in Rachel's hand. (00:06:45)

The One With Rachel's Assistant - S7-E4

Continuity mistake: Ross has always said that Carol was his first (and only, until Julie) sexual partner, but in the episode where they tell each others secrets Chandler says Ross slept with the cleaner when they were at college. Some people say that Ross had kept it a secret, and that's why it had never come out before, but considering that he categorically states several times over series one and two how he'd only EVER been with Carol, getting quite upset at times, that explanation just doesn't ring true.

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Suggested correction: Chandler has been shown in later episodes to simply watch the Thanksgiving Day game to avoid having to help out. It's likely that he actually wasn't enjoying the game but was just watching it to avoid helping.


The One With Ross's Teeth - S6-E8

Monica: What happened to your teeth?
Ross: I whitened them.
Chandler: Really?
Ross: Yeah, what... What do you think?
Monica: Well, uh, I think I shouldn't look directly at them.
Ross: Come on, seriously.
Monica: Ross, they're really, really, really white!
Chandler: Yeah, what was wrong with your old... Human teeth?
Ross: Well, I did leave the gel on a little longer than it said to.
Monica: How much longer?
Ross: Uh, uh... A day.
Monica: Ross, you know that tonight is your date with Hillary?
Ross: I know! That's why I did it! Come on, are they really that bad?
Chandler: No. No, no, no, you'll be fine. Hilary's blind, right?
Monica: She will be after tonight.

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The One With the Sharks - S9-E4

Question: What's the name of the "scary painting" that Joey saw in the apartment of the girl he thought he'd slept with before? The strange and creepy painting (black and white, with an amorphous body and a chair). I really, really want to know who is the artist. Not Gladys - that's Phoebe's painting that comes out of the frame.

David Cañedo Mesinas

Answer: The painting doesn't have a name, and if it does it is never mentioned in this episode.

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