Friends mistake picture

The One with Mrs. Bing - S1-E11

Continuity mistake: In the final scene Rachel passes out copies of her draft for her book. She gives out all her copies and asks for their opinion. However, near the end of the scene after waving her arms around empty handed a copy of her script magically appears in her hands. (00:21:10 - 00:21:45)

The One With The Halloween Party - S8-E6

Continuity mistake: When Rachel returns from running after the boy that she told to "shut up", you see Joey picking up a piece of food, sniffing it and making a face and then putting it back on the tray. However in the next shot, without moving, Joey is munching on something - he didn't have anything in his hand before. (00:19:55)

Friends mistake picture

Show generally

Continuity mistake: Ross always had an end apartment. At some point in Season 8, his apartment became a middle apartment. In earlier season, when Joey had mistaken Ross' for the hot girl's apartment, it showed the apt as an end apt. In TOW Joey tells Rachel, when Joey asked Rachel to have dinner at Ross' apt, it showed another hallway where Joey came from which is supposed to be the wall/ Ross' kitchen.


The One With Phoebe's Birthday Dinner - S9-E5

Continuity mistake: Rachel is telling Ross why she doesn't want to go to the dinner, and she says "the first sign is I don't want to, and...I'm not going'. While she says this, her left hand is completely empty, but then in the next shot the camera goes back to Ross and she is now holding the baby monitor in that hand. It then moves around in different shots afterwards. (00:06:10)

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Suggested correction: She comes in with that baby monitor and it never leaves the sight of camera.

Kathy: So, what did you do today?
Chandler: Well, I had an appointment to get my hair cut...
Kathy: Oh, it looks great!
Chandler: ...and then it got cancelled.

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Trivia: Matthew Perry's wit is so legendary that the scriptwriters have often incorporated his gags into the show.

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The One With the Sharks - S9-E4

Question: What's the name of the "scary painting" that Joey saw in the apartment of the girl he thought he'd slept with before? The strange and creepy painting (black and white, with an amorphous body and a chair). I really, really want to know who is the artist. Not Gladys - that's Phoebe's painting that comes out of the frame.

David Cañedo Mesinas

Answer: The painting doesn't have a name, and if it does it is never mentioned in this episode.

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