
The One With Joey's Bag - S5-E13

Continuity mistake: When Phoebe is in the coffee house talking to her father and pretending to be the executor of her grandmother's will, after she says "lipstick and a daughter, big day for you" she folds her papers in half, but in the next shot they are unfolded and she then folds them again. (00:15:15)

The One After Ross Says Rachel - S5-E1

Continuity mistake: Monica and Chandler are piling their dinner plates with food while arranging to meet for a second quickie. Chandler's plate is stacked with various items when he agrees to meet Monica in the cellar, but when he tosses his plate back onto the table to rush off without eating anything, the plate is nearly empty. (00:04:45)

Friends mistake picture

The One with the Dozen Lasagnas - S1-E12

Continuity mistake: When Rachel is talking with Phoebe about Paolo,. she unrolls some kitchen paper and uses it as a tissue. Initially she's holding two torn halves attached to the roll, then when saying "He's a pig" it goes to a whole sheet not attached to any others, then when she sits down it's a whole sheet attached to the roll again. Plus when Phoebe sits too, in some shots the paper is on the table, in others it's not. (00:15:20)

Friends mistake picture

The One with the Ick Factor - S1-E22

Continuity mistake: When Monica takes off her belt and throws it onto the couch, it lands on Rachel's arm. Throughout the scene, between shots of Rachel and Monica talking, the belt constantly disappears, reappears and changes position without Rachel ever touching it. (00:05:25)

Friends mistake picture

The One Where Emma Cries - S9-E2

Continuity mistake: When Rachel wakes up Emma during a nap, against Phoebe's advice, there is a shot of Emma in the cot. She is wearing a plain pink hat, but in the next shot, when Rachel lifts her out of the cot, she is wearing a white hat with what looks like little flowers on it. (00:05:55)

The One That Could Have Been, part 2 - S6-E16

Continuity mistake: Rachel is talking to Joey in his apartment after waking up the next morning, looking messy and rumpled. As she talks, her bra strap slips down her arm. In one shot (as she says "I'm a horrible person"), the strap is all the way down her arm and then in the next shot it is tucked under her shirt. (00:10:00)

The One With The Blind Dates - S9-E14

Continuity mistake: When Phoebe says that they should not tell Ross that the date is cancelled so that he gets stood up, Joey says, "I hear that's bad" - implying that he has never been stood up so doesn't know how it feels. However, in TOW Two Parts (Part II), Ursula stands Joey up, and he takes it pretty bad. (00:06:40)

Kathy: So, what did you do today?
Chandler: Well, I had an appointment to get my hair cut...
Kathy: Oh, it looks great!
Chandler: ...and then it got cancelled.

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The One With The Dirty Girl - S4-E6

Question: When Joey asks why he can't give Kathy the pen, Chandler says, "Because she's not eleven. And it's not the seventh night of Chanukah." What is Chandler talking about when he says, "It's not the seventh night of Chanukah?"

Answer: Usually by the seventh night of Hanukkah you don't know what to get the other person, and you will probably resort to getting the other person something insignificant. Chandler is basically saying that the pen is a stupid gift.

Answer: Chanukah is a Jewish celebration that occurs around the same time as the Christian Christmas. The celebration lasts for eight days and it is customary to give a small gift on each of the eight days. There is no special gift required and the line about it being "the seventh night" of Chanukah is just Chandler's sarcasm.


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