Friends mistake picture

The One With the Male Nanny - S9-E6

Continuity mistake: Towards the end, during a scene at Ross and Rachel's, Sandy picks up two puppets and puts them on each hand. He starts pulling the blue one onto his left hand, but when the angle changes there's a yellow one on his left hand, and a blue one on his right. It cuts to Ross, then when we go back to Sandy they've changed hands again. (00:24:30)

The One With Phoebe's Rats - S9-E12

Continuity mistake: In the one with Phoebe's rat babies, it is very obvious that the box has nothing in it. Also when she is in her apartment explaining about giving up the triplets she had for her brother she puts the box down on the table, yet when it cuts to Mike's face and Phoebe's realisation that she hadn't told him that before, the box is back on her lap. (00:14:05)


Friends mistake picture

The One Where No One Proposes - S9-E1

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Rachel believes Joey has proposed to her at the hospital after having Emma. Ross is talking to Rachel about her saying yes to Joey's proposal. The nurse brings Emma in to breast feed. When the nurse leaves, she closes the door. However, when they shoot back to Joey a couple of times before he leaves the room, the door is open. (00:19:45)

The One With The Stain - S8-E7

Plot hole: When Monica falls off the chair you can see that she is wearing a white bra because you can see some of the cup and the strap (when she says "you're not getting it". Towards the end of the episode (still the same day) we find out that Monica is meant to have the same bra on as their new cleaner, Brenda. The bra she is meant to have on is 'pink with the lacy cup'. Rachel notices that Monica is wearing that bra and she shows Monica. What happened to the white bra she had on a few scenes before? (00:11:15 - 00:19:10)

The One In Barbados, part 2 - S9-E24

Character mistake: When Monica and Mike are playing table tennis, Monica puts her hand on the table and looses the point. Mike then does the same thing. Surely Monica, of all people would notice that as it would have given her the point. We also see her looking at Mike at the time. (00:33:40 - 00:39:25)


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Suggested correction: Not really a mistake to not notice it, especially when it may be what a character like Monica would notice. She is being extremely competitive and frustrated because Mike just denied her a point, so it's fair to say human nature plays a part here.

Friends mistake picture

The One With Ross' New Girlfriend - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: At the beginning when Rachel falls and starts bleeding, you can see that the wound is somewhere up above her forehead because the blood is running from the wound up there. However, throughout the rest of the episode she has a bandaid going horizontally across her forehead, nowhere near where the apparent wound was. (00:01:20)

Friends mistake picture

The One After 'I do' - S8-E1

Revealing mistake: In the one after Monica and Chandler get married, Chandler says he can't dance because his shoes are slippery. If you look closely, he managed to slip so much by standing on the bottom of Monica's dress, not because of the shoes. (00:06:00)

The One Where Ross Finds Out - S2-E7

Other mistake: When Rachel leave her message on Ross' answering machine she mentioned the name Michael after 17 seconds and "I'm over you" after 25 seconds. When Ross listen to the tape he asks "Who is Michael ?" after 8 seconds. Rachel flips the phone out of his hand after 18 seconds so he couldn't have heard her "I'm over you." (00:10:35 - 00:12:50)

Friends mistake picture

The One With The Rumor - S8-E9

Continuity mistake: The gang confronts Ross over his affair with a fifty-year old librarian when he was younger. If you watch the mirror behind him (in one of the girls' rooms), it changes angles every time the camera cuts between Ross and the rest of the gang. (00:17:40)

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Suggested correction: She did say something along the lines of "if they had lost."

This episode was on TBS this afternoon, I watched the scene multiple times, Monica does in fact say "If WE had lost...", this is a valid mistake.


Kathy: So, what did you do today?
Chandler: Well, I had an appointment to get my hair cut...
Kathy: Oh, it looks great!
Chandler: ...and then it got cancelled.

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The One With the Sharks - S9-E4

Question: What's the name of the "scary painting" that Joey saw in the apartment of the girl he thought he'd slept with before? The strange and creepy painting (black and white, with an amorphous body and a chair). I really, really want to know who is the artist. Not Gladys - that's Phoebe's painting that comes out of the frame.

David Cañedo Mesinas

Answer: The painting doesn't have a name, and if it does it is never mentioned in this episode.

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