
The One With The Fertility Test - S9-E21

Continuity mistake: When Rachel takes her gift certificate to the massage parlour to claim her free massage, she hands it to the receptionist and we can see that it has been torn up into eight pieces and taped back together. Yet when Phoebe tears up the gift certificate in a previous scene, we see her tear it into only four pieces before handing it back to Rachel. (00:05:00 - 00:08:20)

The One With Monica's Thunder - S7-E1

Continuity mistake: The beginning to series 7 takes place right after series 6 ended, basically Chandler has only just proposed to Monica. Yet Monica's hair is visibly different; at the end of series 6 she had no fringe and a center parting, now she has a fringe. Also Chandler, is visibly thinner, with a gaunt face due to losing 20 lbs in between the two series. Rachel also has had a hair cut, her long extensions have been removed and she is back to her usual hair length.


Show generally

Audio problem: Any scenes outside Central Perk always sound as if they're on a set (which let's be honest, they are) - the sound is often muted and footsteps on the pavement have a very slight echo to them.

Jon Sandys

The One With The Halloween Party - S8-E6

Continuity mistake: When Phoebe is talking to Ursula's fiance Eric, he is wiping sweat off his face with a napkin. He puts the napkin to his eye and then in the next shot it changes to the other eye without him having enough time to change it. This happens again when at one point he's wiping his eye and then suddenly his forehead. (00:07:45)

Friends mistake picture

The One With The Bullies - S2-E21

Visible crew/equipment: When Phoebe goes to visit her father, there is a little dog outside. Phoebe gets back in the car and the dog jumps up the side of it. When he finally gets part way through the window, the top of the dog-handler's head is visible through the car window. (00:07:00)

Friends mistake picture

The One Where the Monkey Gets Away - S1-E19

Continuity mistake: After Marcel has escaped from the basement, he is eating a banana as a pair of arms reach out to grab him. These arms are supposed to belong to Mr Heckles, their weird neighbour, however the arms belong to someone young, large and hair free. (00:16:10)

The One With The Flashback - S3-E6

Continuity mistake: When Ross and Phoebe are in the bar and get on the pool table to start kissing, Ross moves the pool balls out of the way, but two remain. As Phoebe lies down, the 9 ball is next to her left shoulder. The shot cuts closer and it is the 13 ball, then cuts back and it's the 9 ball again. (00:19:40)

Leah Schaeffer

The One With Frank Jr. - S3-E5

Other mistake: Chandler tries to open the door that leads to his room, but Joey has sawed the door in half so only the upper half opens, and Chandler then falls over the bottom half. He has to hit it with some force to fall over it, but it doesn't budge an inch. (00:00:50)


Friends mistake picture

The One With The Prom Video - S2-E14

Visible crew/equipment: During the prom video, Monica, Rachel, and Monica's date Roy are standing in the living room. When Roy leaves the room saying, "I'm gonna kick Chip's ass," the camera follows him out, but as it's turning the boom mic operator is visible. He's kneeling on the floor sliding the mic toward the girls. (00:20:45)

The One Where They All Turn Thirty - S7-E14

Continuity mistake: Rachel is said to be the youngest in the group as they reminisce about their 30th birthdays, however this episode reveals that almost all of the characters ages have been inconsistent throughout the series. In Season 1, Joey is said to be 25. In Season 2, he says he is 28. In S7 E1, he says he is 31. In Season 1, Monica is said to be 26. In Season 7, she should therefore be at least 32. Rachel graduated high school with Monica, so she should also be about 32 in S7, not just turning 30. She would have been 26 in S1. But, in Season 4, she refers to herself as a "28-year-old cheerleader". Based on Season 1, Joey should actually be the youngest member of the group, not Rachel.


The One Where Monica and Richard Are Just Friends - S3-E13

Factual error: Joey refers to several of his favorite parts of The Shining in 'code', including "all blank and no blank makes blank a blank blank, " which obviously refers to the "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" scene from the movie. However, that scene (and the one where Danny sees the two "blanks" in the hallway) is not found in the book; only in the movie. (00:13:55)

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Suggested correction: I know they're talking about the book, but doesn't it actually make sense for Joey to be referencing the movie, even though the conversation is about the book? Considering the character, I don't think that's off at all. He's read the book, but he's obviously seen the movie, too.

Later in that scene, Ross references The Shining as a book Joey loves that stars Jack Nicholson. Therefore, it's safe to assume that Joey has seen the movie and the audience could infer that he may confuse the two often enough for Ross to reference it that way. This might just be another Joey mistake (which he has many) vs a factual error of the show.

The One With Chandler In A Box - S4-E8

Monica: Fine, judge all you want to, but [to Ross.] married a lesbian, [to Rachel.] left a man at the altar, [to Phoebe.] fell in love with a gay ice dancer, [to Joey.] threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire, [to Chandler.] LIVE IN A BOX!

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The One With the Sharks - S9-E4

Question: What's the name of the "scary painting" that Joey saw in the apartment of the girl he thought he'd slept with before? The strange and creepy painting (black and white, with an amorphous body and a chair). I really, really want to know who is the artist. Not Gladys - that's Phoebe's painting that comes out of the frame.

David Cañedo Mesinas

Answer: The painting doesn't have a name, and if it does it is never mentioned in this episode.

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