
Show generally

Audio problem: Any scenes outside Central Perk always sound as if they're on a set (which let's be honest, they are) - the sound is often muted and footsteps on the pavement have a very slight echo to them.

Jon Sandys

The One With The Home Study - S10-E7

Audio problem: While the adoption social worker, Laura, is interviewing Monica and Chandler, Monica mentions to her that she's welcome to look under any of the furniture where she won't find cigarettes or porn, and then it cuts to Laura's close-up as we hear her say, "Well, actually before we look around," but her mouth is not saying those words.

Super Grover

The One With Monica's Thunder - S7-E1

Audio problem: When Joey walks out of the bedroom dressed as a 19 year old, when Chandler says the line "Yes, on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the dumbest a person can look, you are definitely 19", you can see that the audio doesn't match the words. It looks as though Matthew Perry says "not 19" and they had to re-dub over post production with "19." Subtle, but it's there. (00:08:50)

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Suggested correction: Just watched it twice and seems to be fine... Can't see any issue.

Marc Henderson

The One With The Red Sweater - S8-E2

Audio problem: When Joey is proposing to Rachel and he tells Phoebe to give him the ring back, she says "No!" and pulls her hand away. When she pulls it away, she hits her chest and there's a thump sound that's clearly the sound of her clip on microphone being hit (it's way too audible to be just a thump on her chest). (00:17:50)


The One Where Rachel Has a Baby, part 2 - S8-E24

Audio problem: As the nurse comes back from wrapping the new baby, we hear her say "Here she is," yet her mouth doesn't move to the words she is apparently saying. Even though her mouth is only visible during the "she is", she's not saying the words. Then she mouths some sort of "oh", but nothing is heard. (00:09:00)

The One With Rachel's Crush - S4-E13

Audio problem: In the scene where Rachel walks into the guy's new apartment and they start talking about Joshua, it cuts to a shot of her in profile as she says "It's just so frustrating". Her mouth doesn't move as she says the words. (00:09:40)

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The One With Chandler In A Box - S4-E8

Monica: Fine, judge all you want to, but [to Ross.] married a lesbian, [to Rachel.] left a man at the altar, [to Phoebe.] fell in love with a gay ice dancer, [to Joey.] threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire, [to Chandler.] LIVE IN A BOX!

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Trivia: Matthew Perry's wit is so legendary that the scriptwriters have often incorporated his gags into the show.

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The One With The Dirty Girl - S4-E6

Question: When Joey asks why he can't give Kathy the pen, Chandler says, "Because she's not eleven. And it's not the seventh night of Chanukah." What is Chandler talking about when he says, "It's not the seventh night of Chanukah?"

Answer: Usually by the seventh night of Hanukkah you don't know what to get the other person, and you will probably resort to getting the other person something insignificant. Chandler is basically saying that the pen is a stupid gift.

Answer: Chanukah is a Jewish celebration that occurs around the same time as the Christian Christmas. The celebration lasts for eight days and it is customary to give a small gift on each of the eight days. There is no special gift required and the line about it being "the seventh night" of Chanukah is just Chandler's sarcasm.


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