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Suggested correction: He switches the glass from right to left, so, unfortunately you're wrong.

The mistake is valid. While we do see him switching his glass between hands during the scene, when he says he's glad everyone's Thanksgiving sucked, he raises his glass in his right hand. In the next shot it's switched to his left and lowered a bit. Since this happens between shots (and he's not off camera), it means no time elapsed, so there's no time for him to switch hands again (in the submitted pictures, the bottom picture is the first shot and the top picture is the 2nd shot).


The One With The Routine - S6-E10

Continuity mistake: When the Snippy Guy is pointing out couples to go on the platforms next, he points to one couple with his left hand, while holding a clipboard in his right hand. In the very next shot he points to the next couple, but this time with his right hand while holding the clipboard in his left. (00:11:15)

The One After 'I do' - S8-E1

Plot hole: Chandler and Ross are surprised to notice that Joey has very small feet. It's well beyond suspension of disbelief to think that at the least Chandler (who, apart from being his best friend, has been his roommate for 8 years) has never noticed the size of Joey's feet before. (00:11:20)

Show generally

Other mistake: In 'The One with the Ick Factor' (Season One) Monica states that she is 26 years old. This episode takes place in 1994/95. However there are numerous other episodes such as 'The One With All The Thanksgivings' that show Monica and Rachel (who are the same age and in the same class) still being in High School in 1988. In 'The One Where The Stripper Cries' the two have to sneak into a college party in 1987 as they are still high school age. They should be at least 19 or 20 in 1987/88.

The One With The Jam - S3-E3

Continuity mistake: When Phoebe is talking to her stalker for the first time, at one point, he tips the flowers to the side when Phoebe says, 'Well, this is awkward,' and he puts his left hand on the end of the stems. In the next shot he is holding them with both hands. (00:02:55)

Jennifer 1

The One With Joey's New Brain - S7-E15

Other mistake: In the scene where Phoebe and Rachel are talking in Phoebe's apartment and Tom is waiting at the door, after Phoebe says "you are such a good friend", we hear someone say Tom, meaning its Tom's turn to talk. Extended episode only. (00:20:55)

The One With The Kips - S5-E5

Continuity mistake: When the group is in the coffee house discussing Kip there is a bag on the table in front of Monica. When Rachel enters she places her bag on top of the bag already sitting there. Toward the end of this scene Rachel's bag then disappears and only the original bag is now sitting there. (00:13:10)

The One With Barry & Mindy's Wedding - S2-E24

Audio problem: When Rachel asks Barry and Mindy why people keep telling her to 'get well soon' and Barry says his parents told everyone she has syphilis, and in the next shot it shows Rachel trying to take this information in, Barry seems to still be talking, but no sound is coming out of his mouth. (00:09:25)

The One With Chandler In A Box - S4-E8

Monica: Fine, judge all you want to, but [to Ross.] married a lesbian, [to Rachel.] left a man at the altar, [to Phoebe.] fell in love with a gay ice dancer, [to Joey.] threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire, [to Chandler.] LIVE IN A BOX!

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Trivia: The Magna-doodle on the door in the boys apartment has a different picture on it every episode. There is usually some tenuous connection between the picture and the plot of the episode.

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The One With The Jellyfish - S4-E1

Question: When Ross and Rachel are fighting, Chandler hides behind the door and bursts out saying, "I knew it!" When Rachel says, "It's not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy, and it is a big deal!" is this just a Chandler moment or is there another joke I have missed?

Answer: The statements that she's contradicting (that it is common, it happens to every guy, and it's not a big deal), are the things that a woman commonly says to a man who is suffering from erectile difficulty, typically to assuage his bruised ego. However, most men do not believe that these statements are true, as evidenced by Chandler's outburst. He's so caught up in the proof that women are lying about it that he gives himself away.

Rooster of Doom

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