
The One With Five Steaks and an Eggplant - S2-E5

Plot hole: Chandler has always loaned Joey money for various things (rent, acting classes, Christmas gifts, etc), so he shouldn't be surprised to learn that Joey doesn't have money for fancy dinners or birthday celebrations. Plus, Joey never seems to have a problem taking money/handouts from Chandler - why now? Also, Chandler explains that they're buying Ross a cake ($20), but why doesn't Monica (the chef and his sister) just make him one? (00:07:50)


The One Where Nana Dies Twice - S1-E8

Other mistake: When Ross is helping choose a dress and shoes for Nana to wear, he is behind the chest of drawers in the cupboard. He looks in a shoebox and finds lots of pink sweet'n low packets, then pulls down another box and lots of packets fall down on him. However, it is obvious that someone is above him showering the packets down, as they are coming from directly above him, not from on top of the door. (00:12:35)

The One With The Bullies - S2-E21

Continuity mistake: When the bullies are about to fight with Chandler and Ross, they decide to put all watches and keys into a hat. He takes the hat off and places it down and everyone puts the watches and keys in. The shot changes to a further out view and the bully has a different hat on his head while another hat is still placed where he put it. When there is a closer view of him, there is once again no hat on his head. (00:19:30)

Show generally

Continuity mistake: In the early episodes there is a wooden post in front of the door at Monica's apartment. Remember when Monica and Rachel were looking after Ben and Monica bangs his head - Monica shouts "Monica bang" and runs into it. The post doesn't appear in later series. This was due to the post being an obstacle to shoot around.

Kathy: So, what did you do today?
Chandler: Well, I had an appointment to get my hair cut...
Kathy: Oh, it looks great!
Chandler: ...and then it got cancelled.

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Trivia: The Magna-doodle on the door in the boys apartment has a different picture on it every episode. There is usually some tenuous connection between the picture and the plot of the episode.

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The One With The Dirty Girl - S4-E6

Question: When Joey asks why he can't give Kathy the pen, Chandler says, "Because she's not eleven. And it's not the seventh night of Chanukah." What is Chandler talking about when he says, "It's not the seventh night of Chanukah?"

Answer: Usually by the seventh night of Hanukkah you don't know what to get the other person, and you will probably resort to getting the other person something insignificant. Chandler is basically saying that the pen is a stupid gift.

Answer: Chanukah is a Jewish celebration that occurs around the same time as the Christian Christmas. The celebration lasts for eight days and it is customary to give a small gift on each of the eight days. There is no special gift required and the line about it being "the seventh night" of Chanukah is just Chandler's sarcasm.


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