Friends mistake picture

The One Where The Stripper Cries - S10-E11

Continuity mistake: When Ross and Chandler are talking about who broke which pact in college (the girls they agreed not to date) they are standing at the drinks table. Chandler is holding a drink in his left hand and his right hand is in his pants pocket. The shot then changes to face Ross, Chandler does not remove his hand from his pocket, but in the next shot facing him his drink is in his right hand. He then places it on the table. (00:18:20)


Friends mistake picture

The One With The Cake - S10-E4

Continuity mistake: When Monica's mum and dad are leaving the party, they are standing next to each other while her dad explains why he can not drive anymore. Her mum has both hands in front of her holding on to her purse, in the next shot one arm is around Monica. (00:13:50)


The One With The Embryos - S4-E12

Character mistake: When they are about to start the game, Ross declares that "the first team to answer the most questions wins." This is a nonsensical statement. By that logic, the first team to answer a question correctly would be the winner. It should be either the team that has correctly answered the most questions at the end of the game wins, or the first team to correctly answer an X number of questions.


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Suggested correction: While it's a weird way for him to say it, he starts by saying "each team will answer ten questions", so no, the first team to answer a question wouldn't win.


Yes, he qualified that it was a 10-question game, and we as the audience understand going in how the winner is decided. It's just the way he declared how the winner would be decided didn't make sense. It would be like watching an NBA game, and before tipoff, the crew chief tells both teams that the first team to score the most baskets wins. We know what the rules of an NBA game are, but the referee makes a nonsensical statement all the same.


Except there's so many variations of how a team can win a game; best 3 out of 5, win by 2, or a game can even end in a tie. Since this isn't a professional sport where all the players know how a game ends, Ross is basically saying after 10 rounds, if there is a tie, it will go to sudden death with the team with the first correct answer winning, just not in so many words.


The One with the Blackout - S1-E7

Other mistake: Ross says that he was at Disneyland with Carol and got caught hooking up on Small World and asked to "never to return to the Magic Kingdom." Disneyland is in California and the Magic Kingdom is part of Disney World in Florida. (00:06:10)

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Suggested correction: The crack comes and goes as he breathes.

The One With The Embryos - S4-E12

Other mistake: Phoebe takes a positive pregnancy test right after she gets implanted with the embryos. There's no test in the world that can tell that fast if someone is pregnant - even the best tests take at least a week after conception.

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Suggested correction: Phoebe explains before she takes the first pregnancy test that her body's "always been a little faster than Western medicine". It's a deliberate joke.

A deliberate joke it may be, but we all know Phoebe believes a lot of silly things, and this is one of them. It really didn't make sense for her to get a positive result that fast.

The One With Phoebe's Rats - S9-E12

Continuity mistake: When Monica goes to Rachel's office and invites Gavin to Rachel's birthday party Rachel gets up and goes to the door exclaiming "why did you invite him, I hate that guy." She has nothing in her hand when she gets up from her desk; but at the very end of the scene when she tells Monica to be quiet, she's got a pen in her hand for one shot. (00:12:45)

The One With Phoebe's Wedding - S10-E12

Revealing mistake: Just before we see everyone setting the wedding up outside, there is a sweep shot of the city with snow falling. It's very obvious that this snow is added digitally and it's very badly done. There is no snow on any of the buildings, and there is no snow hitting the surface of the water. (00:20:50)

David Mercier

Friends mistake picture

The One With Ross's Tan - S10-E3

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Joey and Rachel are sitting on the couch in their apartment after they decide their relationship is hopeless Rachel puts her head on Joey's shoulder. Her hair is on her face but when she lifts her head up in the very next shot her hair is now behind her right ear which she couldn't have done because her hands never left her lap. (00:22:00)

Friends mistake picture

The One Where The Stripper Cries - S10-E11

Continuity mistake: When the girls and Mr Goodbody are talking about paying him the three hundred dollars, the top buttons of his shirt are ripped open. Half way though the scene this changes to only one button being open and his shirt looking neat and pressed, as if he had not started his strip yet. (00:13:25)


Kathy: So, what did you do today?
Chandler: Well, I had an appointment to get my hair cut...
Kathy: Oh, it looks great!
Chandler: ...and then it got cancelled.

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The One With the Sharks - S9-E4

Question: What's the name of the "scary painting" that Joey saw in the apartment of the girl he thought he'd slept with before? The strange and creepy painting (black and white, with an amorphous body and a chair). I really, really want to know who is the artist. Not Gladys - that's Phoebe's painting that comes out of the frame.

David Cañedo Mesinas

Answer: The painting doesn't have a name, and if it does it is never mentioned in this episode.

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