
Friends (1994)

12 mistakes in The One At The Beach

(114 votes)

The One At The Beach - S3-E25

Visible crew/equipment: During the scene when Phoebe breaks into the other Phoebe's house and gets caught, the older Phoebe was telling the younger one that the man in the photo is not Frank Buffay, but is Chuck Mangioni. Right after that, as Phoebe 2 walks towards the camera, you can see that the door behind her moves open, and there is a visible shadow of someone who walks by that doorway. (00:19:00)

Zyen Hoo

The One At The Beach - S3-E25

Visible crew/equipment: When Bonnie first arrives at the beach house, when she enters the door look at the top of the screen above the left door and you will see a microphone dip into the shot for a second before the camera changes. (00:10:55)

The One At The Beach - S3-E25

Factual error: When the gang all see the beach house for the first time, it's covered in a layer of sand, which is supposedly left over from a recent flood. Well, if there really had been a flood, there would have been mold on the walls and debris or junk from the outside, and the sand wouldn't have been nice and clean and dry; it would have been moldy. And there would've been a pattern, likely on the walls, of where the water rose up to and where it receded. Not only that, but how did it get in? All of the doors and windows are intact. (00:04:40)

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Suggested correction: The crack comes and goes as he breathes.

The One At The Beach - S3-E25

Factual error: When Bonnie shaves her head, Rachel is supposed to have given her the razors (according to Bonnie.) Nope - the kind of razors needed to do that kind of close shave are a very particular kind, and Rachel isn't going to have them unless she also shaves her own head. It also wouldn't make any sense for Bonnie to have used her own razors; she's not going to carry them around with her unless she's planning to use them.

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Suggested correction: Considering Bonnie always used to shave her head, it's not beyond the bounds of possibility that she just kept a razor on her in case she wanted to do it again. She's an impulsive type of person, after all.

So, if she had razors on her, why would Rachel have to give her razors?


The One With Chandler In A Box - S4-E8

Monica: Fine, judge all you want to, but [to Ross.] married a lesbian, [to Rachel.] left a man at the altar, [to Phoebe.] fell in love with a gay ice dancer, [to Joey.] threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire, [to Chandler.] LIVE IN A BOX!

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Trivia: The Magna-doodle on the door in the boys apartment has a different picture on it every episode. There is usually some tenuous connection between the picture and the plot of the episode.

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The One With The Jellyfish - S4-E1

Question: When Ross and Rachel are fighting, Chandler hides behind the door and bursts out saying, "I knew it!" When Rachel says, "It's not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy, and it is a big deal!" is this just a Chandler moment or is there another joke I have missed?

Answer: The statements that she's contradicting (that it is common, it happens to every guy, and it's not a big deal), are the things that a woman commonly says to a man who is suffering from erectile difficulty, typically to assuage his bruised ego. However, most men do not believe that these statements are true, as evidenced by Chandler's outburst. He's so caught up in the proof that women are lying about it that he gives himself away.

Rooster of Doom

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