
The One With Joey's New Girlfriend - S4-E5

Continuity mistake: In the bar, Kathy is trying to set Chandler up with one of her friends. When the camera is facing Chandler, we see Kathy's hand rubbing Joey's back, but when it cuts to a front shot of Joey and Kathy, her arm is down in front of her. Then without having had enough time to move, her elbow is up on the table and she is holding hands with Joey. (00:16:10)

The One With The Truth About London - S7-E16

Other mistake: Right at the very end, when Joey is in the fat-suit and picks up a piece of food and says "How you doin'?" he doesn't put it in his mouth, he just lifts it to his lips, stops, and tries to stay still. If this had been a freeze on the part of the director then fair enough, but it isn't as he and particularly Monica are still moving. It just looks rather corny and amateur, as though they are waiting for the "cut" to be called. (00:28:00)

David Mercier

Friends mistake picture

The One With The 'Cuffs - S4-E3

Continuity mistake: The handcuffs that Joanna uses on Chandler have a single metal bar connected via pivot to a double bar with the lock area. When Joanna first cuffs Chandler, the double bars on both sides face up at his wrists, but when Chandler's on the phone and when Rachel unlocks his right cuff, the handcuffs are going round his wrist the opposite way with the single bars facing up - quite impossible. Then the same thing occurs when Rachel handcuffs Chandler to the filing cabinet.

Super Grover

The One With Chandler In A Box - S4-E8

Monica: Fine, judge all you want to, but [to Ross.] married a lesbian, [to Rachel.] left a man at the altar, [to Phoebe.] fell in love with a gay ice dancer, [to Joey.] threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire, [to Chandler.] LIVE IN A BOX!

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Trivia: The Magna-doodle on the door in the boys apartment has a different picture on it every episode. There is usually some tenuous connection between the picture and the plot of the episode.

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The One With The Jellyfish - S4-E1

Question: When Ross and Rachel are fighting, Chandler hides behind the door and bursts out saying, "I knew it!" When Rachel says, "It's not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy, and it is a big deal!" is this just a Chandler moment or is there another joke I have missed?

Answer: The statements that she's contradicting (that it is common, it happens to every guy, and it's not a big deal), are the things that a woman commonly says to a man who is suffering from erectile difficulty, typically to assuage his bruised ego. However, most men do not believe that these statements are true, as evidenced by Chandler's outburst. He's so caught up in the proof that women are lying about it that he gives himself away.

Rooster of Doom

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