
The One Where the Monkey Gets Away - S1-E19

Continuity mistake: When Ross comes back to Monica and Rachel's apartment and Rachel tells him she has lost Marcel, he takes off his overcoat and lays it over the back of the sofa and then sits by it. As the scene continues, the sofa is still visible in some shots and the black coat is crumpled up on the sofa cushion. (00:11:25)

The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad - S6-E21

Continuity mistake: When Monica and Chandler enter the apartment arguing about what time they were supposed to meet, Monica has her handbag strap over her right shoulder, and then takes it off. When the shot switches to Phoebe claiming to know what time they said they would meet, the handbag strap is back over Monica's right shoulder, and then she takes it off again. (00:16:40)

The One With The 'Cuffs - S4-E3

Continuity mistake: Joey's encounter with the encyclopedia salesman is riddled with errors. First, when the salesman is talking about Van Gogh and saying "He painted that," he points to a page that is all text; later, Joey is reading about vomit, and it is at a pont much further on in the book than when the salesman read about vulcanized rubber (which it shouldn't be, given the encyclopedia is alphabetized); finally, when Joey buys the "V" volume, as he opens it he has a $50 bill in his hand, and when the shot changes to show the salesman he is somehow folding and pocketing it without having taken it from Joey. (00:13:00)

Kathy: So, what did you do today?
Chandler: Well, I had an appointment to get my hair cut...
Kathy: Oh, it looks great!
Chandler: ...and then it got cancelled.

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The One With The Jellyfish - S4-E1

Question: When Ross and Rachel are fighting, Chandler hides behind the door and bursts out saying, "I knew it!" When Rachel says, "It's not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy, and it is a big deal!" is this just a Chandler moment or is there another joke I have missed?

Answer: The statements that she's contradicting (that it is common, it happens to every guy, and it's not a big deal), are the things that a woman commonly says to a man who is suffering from erectile difficulty, typically to assuage his bruised ego. However, most men do not believe that these statements are true, as evidenced by Chandler's outburst. He's so caught up in the proof that women are lying about it that he gives himself away.

Rooster of Doom

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