
The One with the Monkey - S1-E10

Visible crew/equipment: After Max tells Phoebe that he and David got the grant and are leaving for Minsk on January 1st, when Phoebe goes to see David, just as she knocks on the door a boom mic can be seen moving at the top of the screen, before it cuts to David's closeup. (00:12:15)


The One With The Free Porn - S4-E17

Factual error: We know that Phoebe is three months pregnant, because it's the day after the party where she told Joey that she was three months along. But the ultrasound shows three little lumps that in no way resemble a three-month fetus. An actual three-month fetus is the size of a jellybean.

The One With Phoebe's Cookies - S7-E3

Character mistake: When Phoebe brings in her frozen cookie and Monica tastes it to try to determine the ingredients, she says "I definitely taste nutmeg." She then goes on to brag about how that's the difference between a professional and a layman. Except that later when she finds the actual recipe, it's from the Nestle Toll House bag - and that contains no nutmeg.

The One With The Ball - S5-E21

Factual error: There is no way that a cop and a masseuse could have afforded an apartment in Brooklyn Heights, even in the '90s. (Brooklyn Heights was unaffordable in the '80s.) "Rent control" doesn't explain it either, as a vacant apartment - which is what they are looking for - would be raised to "market rate" if a rent-stabilized tenant moved out. This can't be written off as a character mistake: Gary is not naive or uninformed, and his accent makes clear that he is a New Yorker.

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Suggested correction: The shot is continuous. There is no continuity mistake.

The One with the Blackout - S1-E7

Other mistake: Phoebe says she was last to know Monica had a crush on Joey when he moved in and Joey acts as though he never knew this. However, when we see him moving in a later episode, he knows Monica has a crush on him, and he is under the impression that Monica wants sex and so strips off in the living room while Monica is preparing some drinks for the pair. (00:13:10)


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Suggested correction: I may understand the situation but please do correct me if I'm wrong. Basically in the flashback episode they saw each other in the hallway and smiled at each other. They would've both got the impression that the other one liked them. However, after the lemonade incident he would have then got the impression that he was wrong and Monica didn't actually like him. Finally, Joey heard that she did like him and got a bit confused and a bit happy at the same time.

The One With Chandler In A Box - S4-E8

Monica: Fine, judge all you want to, but [to Ross.] married a lesbian, [to Rachel.] left a man at the altar, [to Phoebe.] fell in love with a gay ice dancer, [to Joey.] threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire, [to Chandler.] LIVE IN A BOX!

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Trivia: Matthew Perry's wit is so legendary that the scriptwriters have often incorporated his gags into the show.

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The One With The Dirty Girl - S4-E6

Question: When Joey asks why he can't give Kathy the pen, Chandler says, "Because she's not eleven. And it's not the seventh night of Chanukah." What is Chandler talking about when he says, "It's not the seventh night of Chanukah?"

Answer: Usually by the seventh night of Hanukkah you don't know what to get the other person, and you will probably resort to getting the other person something insignificant. Chandler is basically saying that the pen is a stupid gift.

Answer: Chanukah is a Jewish celebration that occurs around the same time as the Christian Christmas. The celebration lasts for eight days and it is customary to give a small gift on each of the eight days. There is no special gift required and the line about it being "the seventh night" of Chanukah is just Chandler's sarcasm.


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